- spikeinterface.core.load_extractor(file_or_folder_or_dict, base_folder=None) BaseExtractor ¶
- class spikeinterface.core.BaseRecording(sampling_frequency: float, channel_ids: list, dtype)¶
Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment
- add_recording_segment(recording_segment)¶
Adds a recording segment.
- Parameters:
- recording_segmentBaseRecordingSegment
The recording segment to add
- binary_compatible_with(dtype=None, time_axis=None, file_paths_length=None, file_offset=None, file_suffix=None, file_paths_lenght=None)¶
Check is the recording is binary compatible with some constrain on
- frame_slice(start_frame: int | None, end_frame: int | None) BaseRecording ¶
Returns a new recording with sliced frames. Note that this operation is not in place.
- Parameters:
- start_frameint, optional
The start frame, if not provided it is set to 0
- end_frameint, optional
The end frame, it not provided it is set to the total number of samples
- Returns:
- BaseRecording
A new recording object with only samples between start_frame and end_frame
- get_binary_description()¶
When rec.is_binary_compatible() is True this returns a dictionary describing the binary format.
- get_channel_locations(channel_ids: list | np.ndarray | tuple | None = None, axes: xy' | 'yz' | 'xz' | 'xyz = 'xy') np.ndarray ¶
Get the physical locations of specified channels.
- Parameters:
- channel_idsarray-like, optional
The IDs of the channels for which to retrieve locations. If None, retrieves locations for all available channels. Default is None.
- axes“xy” | “yz” | “xz” | “xyz”, default: “xy”
The spatial axes to return, specified as a string (e.g., “xy”, “xyz”). Default is “xy”.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray
A 2D or 3D array of shape (n_channels, n_dimensions) containing the locations of the channels. The number of dimensions depends on the axes argument (e.g., 2 for “xy”, 3 for “xyz”).
- get_duration(segment_index=None) float ¶
Returns the duration in seconds.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The sample index to retrieve the duration for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, default: None With single segment recording returns the duration of the single segment
- Returns:
- float
The duration in seconds
- get_memory_size(segment_index=None) int ¶
Returns the memory size of segment_index in bytes.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The index of the segment for which the memory size should be calculated. For multi-segment objects, it is required, default: None With single segment recording returns the memory size of the single segment
- Returns:
- int
The memory size of the specified segment in bytes.
- get_num_frames(segment_index: int | None = None) int ¶
Returns the number of samples for a segment.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index to retrieve the number of samples for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, default: None With single segment recording returns the number of samples in the segment
- Returns:
- int
The number of samples
- get_num_samples(segment_index: int | None = None) int ¶
Returns the number of samples for a segment.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index to retrieve the number of samples for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, default: None With single segment recording returns the number of samples in the segment
- Returns:
- int
The number of samples
- get_num_segments() int ¶
Returns the number of segments.
- Returns:
- int
Number of segments in the recording
- get_time_info(segment_index=None) dict ¶
Retrieves the timing attributes for a given segment index. As with other recorders this method only needs a segment index in the case of multi-segment recordings.
- Returns:
- dict
A dictionary containing the following key-value pairs:
“sampling_frequency” : The sampling frequency of the RecordingSegment.
“t_start” : The start time of the RecordingSegment.
“time_vector” : The time vector of the RecordingSegment.
The keys are always present, but the values may be None.
- get_times(segment_index=None) ndarray ¶
Get time vector for a recording segment.
If the segment has a time_vector, then it is returned. Otherwise a time_vector is constructed on the fly with sampling frequency. If t_start is defined and the time vector is constructed on the fly, the first time will be t_start. Otherwise it will start from 0.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index (required for multi-segment)
- Returns:
- np.array
The 1d times array
- get_total_duration() float ¶
Returns the total duration in seconds
- Returns:
- float
The duration in seconds
- get_total_memory_size() int ¶
Returns the sum in bytes of all the memory sizes of the segments.
- Returns:
- int
The total memory size in bytes for all segments.
- get_total_samples() int ¶
Returns the sum of the number of samples in each segment.
- Returns:
- int
The total number of samples
- get_traces(segment_index: int | None = None, start_frame: int | None = None, end_frame: int | None = None, channel_ids: list | np.array | tuple | None = None, order: 'C' | 'F' | None = None, return_scaled: bool = False, cast_unsigned: bool = False) np.ndarray ¶
Returns traces from recording.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint | None, default: None
The segment index to get traces from. If recording is multi-segment, it is required, default: None
- start_frameint | None, default: None
The start frame. If None, 0 is used, default: None
- end_frameint | None, default: None
The end frame. If None, the number of samples in the segment is used, default: None
- channel_idslist | np.array | tuple | None, default: None
The channel ids. If None, all channels are used, default: None
- order“C” | “F” | None, default: None
The order of the traces (“C” | “F”). If None, traces are returned as they are
- return_scaledbool, default: False
If True and the recording has scaling (gain_to_uV and offset_to_uV properties), traces are scaled to uV
- cast_unsignedbool, default: False
If True and the traces are unsigned, they are cast to integer and centered (an offset of (2**nbits) is subtracted)
- Returns:
- np.array
The traces (num_samples, num_channels)
- Raises:
- ValueError
If return_scaled is True, but recording does not have scaled traces
- has_scaled_traces() bool ¶
Checks if the recording has scaled traces
- Returns:
- bool
True if the recording has scaled traces, False otherwise
- has_time_vector(segment_index=None)¶
Check if the segment of the recording has a time vector.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index (required for multi-segment)
- Returns:
- bool
True if the recording has time vectors, False otherwise
- is_binary_compatible() bool ¶
Checks if the recording is “binary” compatible. To be used before calling rec.get_binary_description()
- Returns:
- bool
True if the underlying recording is binary
- rename_channels(new_channel_ids: list | np.array | tuple) BaseRecording ¶
Returns a new recording object with renamed channel ids.
Note that this method does not modify the current recording and instead returns a new recording object.
- Parameters:
- new_channel_idslist or np.array or tuple
The new channel ids. They are mapped positionally to the old channel ids.
- reset_times()¶
Reset time information in-memory for all segments that have a time vector. If the timestamps come from a file, the files won’t be modified. but only the in-memory attributes of the recording objects are deleted. Also t_start is set to None and the segment’s sampling frequency is set to the recording’s sampling frequency.
- sample_index_to_time(sample_ind, segment_index=None)¶
Transform sample index into time in seconds
- select_channels(channel_ids: list | np.array | tuple) BaseRecording ¶
Returns a new recording object with a subset of channels.
Note that this method does not modify the current recording and instead returns a new recording object.
- Parameters:
- channel_idslist or np.array or tuple
The channel ids to select.
- set_times(times, segment_index=None, with_warning=True)¶
Set times for a recording segment.
- Parameters:
- times1d np.array
The time vector
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index (required for multi-segment)
- with_warningbool, default: True
If True, a warning is printed
- shift_times(shift: int | float, segment_index: int | None = None) None ¶
Shift all times by a scalar value.
- Parameters:
- shiftint | float
The shift to apply. If positive, times will be increased by shift. e.g. shifting by 1 will be like the recording started 1 second later. If negative, the start time will be decreased i.e. as if the recording started earlier.
- segment_indexint | None
The segment on which to shift the times. If None, all segments will be shifted.
- time_slice(start_time: float | None, end_time: float) BaseRecording ¶
Returns a new recording with sliced time. Note that this operation is not in place.
- Parameters:
- start_timefloat, optional
The start time in seconds. If not provided it is set to 0.
- end_timefloat, optional
The end time in seconds. If not provided it is set to the total duration.
- Returns:
- BaseRecording
A new recording object with only samples between start_time and end_time
- class spikeinterface.core.BaseSorting(sampling_frequency: float, unit_ids: List)¶
Abstract class representing several segment several units and relative spiketrains.
- count_num_spikes_per_unit(outputs='dict')¶
For each unit : get number of spikes across segments.
- Parameters:
- outputs“dict” | “array”, default: “dict”
Control the type of the returned object : a dict (keys are unit_ids) or an numpy array.
- Returns:
- dict or numpy.array
Dict : Dictionary with unit_ids as key and number of spikes as values Numpy array : array of size len(unit_ids) in the same order as unit_ids.
- count_total_num_spikes() int ¶
Get total number of spikes in the sorting.
This is the sum of all spikes in all segments across all units.
- Returns:
- total_num_spikesint
The total number of spike
- get_all_spike_trains(outputs='unit_id')¶
Return all spike trains concatenated. This is deprecated and will be removed in spikeinterface 0.102 use sorting.to_spike_vector() instead
- get_num_samples(segment_index=None) int ¶
Returns the number of samples of the associated recording for a segment.
- Parameters:
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index to retrieve the number of samples for. For multi-segment objects, it is required
- Returns:
- int
The number of samples
- get_times(segment_index=None)¶
Get time vector for a registered recording segment.
- If a recording is registered:
if the segment has a time_vector, then it is returned
if not, a time_vector is constructed on the fly with sampling frequency
If there is no registered recording it returns None
- get_total_duration() float ¶
Returns the total duration in s of the associated recording.
- Returns:
- float
The duration in seconds
- get_total_samples() int ¶
Returns the total number of samples of the associated recording.
- Returns:
- int
The total number of samples
- has_time_vector(segment_index=None) bool ¶
Check if the segment of the registered recording has a time vector.
- precompute_spike_trains(from_spike_vector=None)¶
Pre-computes and caches all spike trains for this sorting
- Parameters:
- from_spike_vectorNone | bool, default: None
If None, then it is automatic depending on whether the spike vector is cached. If True, will compute it from the spike vector. If False, will call get_unit_spike_train for each segment for each unit.
- register_recording(recording, check_spike_frames=True)¶
Register a recording to the sorting.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
Recording with the same number of segments as current sorting. Assigned to self._recording.
- check_spike_framesbool, default: True
If True, assert for each segment that all spikes are within the recording’s range.
- remove_empty_units()¶
Returns a new sorting object which contains only units with at least one spike. For multi-segments, a unit is considered empty if it contains no spikes in all segments.
- Returns:
- BaseSorting
Sorting object with non-empty units
- remove_units(remove_unit_ids) BaseSorting ¶
Returns a new sorting object with contains only a selected subset of units.
- Parameters:
- remove_unit_idsnumpy.array or list
List of unit ids to remove
- Returns:
- BaseSorting
Sorting without the removed units
- rename_units(new_unit_ids: ndarray | list) BaseSorting ¶
Returns a new sorting object with renamed units.
- Parameters:
- new_unit_idsnumpy.array or list
List of new names for unit ids. They should map positionally to the existing unit ids.
- Returns:
- BaseSorting
Sorting object with renamed units
- select_units(unit_ids, renamed_unit_ids=None) BaseSorting ¶
Returns a new sorting object which contains only a selected subset of units.
- Parameters:
- unit_idsnumpy.array or list
List of unit ids to keep
- renamed_unit_idsnumpy.array or list, default: None
If given, the kept unit ids are renamed
- Returns:
- BaseSorting
Sorting object with selected units
- to_multiprocessing(n_jobs)¶
When necessary turn sorting object into: * NumpySorting when n_jobs=1 * SharedMemorySorting when n_jobs>1
If the sorting is already NumpySorting, SharedMemorySorting or NumpyFolderSorting then this return the sortign itself, no transformation so.
- Parameters:
- n_jobsint
The number of jobs.
- Returns
- ——-
- sharable_sorting:
A sorting that can be used for multiprocessing.
- to_numpy_sorting(propagate_cache=True)¶
Turn any sorting in a NumpySorting. useful to have it in memory with a unique vector representation.
- Parameters:
- propagate_cachebool
Propagate the cache of indivudual spike trains.
Turn any sorting in a SharedMemorySorting. Usefull to have it in memory with a unique vector representation and sharable across processes.
- to_spike_vector(concatenated=True, extremum_channel_inds=None, use_cache=True) ndarray | list[ndarray] ¶
Construct a unique structured numpy vector concatenating all spikes with several fields: sample_index, unit_index, segment_index.
- Parameters:
- concatenatedbool, default: True
With concatenated=True the output is one numpy “spike vector” with spikes from all segments. With concatenated=False the output is a list “spike vector” by segment.
- extremum_channel_indsNone or dict, default: None
If a dictionnary of unit_id to channel_ind is given then an extra field “channel_index”. This can be convinient for computing spikes postion after sorter. This dict can be computed with get_template_extremum_channel(we, outputs=”index”)
- use_cachebool, default: True
When True the spikes vector is cached as an attribute of the object (_cached_spike_vector). This caching only occurs when extremum_channel_inds=None.
- Returns:
- spikesnp.array
Structured numpy array (“sample_index”, “unit_index”, “segment_index”) with all spikes Or (“sample_index”, “unit_index”, “segment_index”, “channel_index”) if extremum_channel_inds is given
- class spikeinterface.core.BaseSnippets(sampling_frequency: float, nbefore: int | None, snippet_len: int, channel_ids: list, dtype)¶
Abstract class representing several multichannel snippets.
- select_channels(channel_ids: list | np.array | tuple) BaseSnippets ¶
Returns a new object with sliced channels.
- Parameters:
- channel_idsnp.array or list
The list of channels to keep
- Returns:
- BaseRecordingSnippets
The object with sliced channels
- class spikeinterface.core.BaseEvent(channel_ids, structured_dtype)¶
Abstract class representing events.
- Parameters:
- channel_idslist or np.array
The channel ids
- structured_dtypedtype or dict
The dtype of the events. If dict, each key is the channel_id and values must be the dtype of the channel (also structured). If dtype, each channel is assigned the same dtype. In case of structured dtypes, the “time” or “timestamp” field name must be present.
- get_event_times(channel_id: int | str | None = None, segment_index: int | None = None, start_time: float | None = None, end_time: float | None = None)¶
Return events timestamps of a channel in seconds.
- Parameters:
- channel_idint | str | None, default: None
The event channel id
- segment_indexint | None, default: None
The segment index, required for multi-segment objects
- start_timefloat | None, default: None
The start time in seconds
- end_timefloat | None, default: None
The end time in seconds
- Returns:
- np.array
1d array of timestamps for the event channel
- get_events(channel_id: int | str | None = None, segment_index: int | None = None, start_time: float | None = None, end_time: float | None = None)¶
Return events of a channel in its native structured type.
- Parameters:
- channel_idint | str | None, default: None
The event channel id
- segment_indexint | None, default: None
The segment index, required for multi-segment objects
- start_timefloat | None, default: None
The start time in seconds
- end_timefloat | None, default: None
The end time in seconds
- Returns:
- np.array
Structured np.array of dtype get_dtype(channel_id)
- class spikeinterface.core.SortingAnalyzer(sorting=None, recording=None, rec_attributes=None, format=None, sparsity=None, return_scaled=True, backend_options=None)¶
Class to make a pair of Recording-Sorting which will be used used for all post postprocessing, visualization and quality metric computation.
This internally maintains a list of computed ResultExtention (waveform, pca, unit position, spike position, …).
This can live in memory and/or can be be persistent to disk in 2 internal formats (folder/json/npz or zarr). A SortingAnalyzer can be transfer to another format using save_as()
This handle unit sparsity that can be propagated to ResultExtention.
This handle spike sampling that can be propagated to ResultExtention : works on only a subset of spikes.
This internally saves a copy of the Sorting and extracts main recording attributes (without traces) so the SortingAnalyzer object can be reloaded even if references to the original sorting and/or to the original recording are lost.
SortingAnalyzer() should not never be used directly for creating: use instead create_sorting_analyzer(sorting, resording, …) or eventually SortingAnalyzer.create(…)
- compute(input, save=True, extension_params=None, verbose=False, **kwargs) AnalyzerExtension | None ¶
Compute one extension or several extensiosn. Internally calls compute_one_extension() or compute_several_extensions() depending on the input type.
- Parameters:
- inputstr or dict or list
The extensions to compute, which can be passed as: * a string: compute one extension. Additional parameters can be passed as key word arguments. * a dict: compute several extensions. The keys are the extension names and the values are dictionaries with the extension parameters. * a list: compute several extensions. The list contains the extension names. Additional parameters can be passed with the extension_params argument.
- savebool, default: True
If True the extension is saved to disk (only if sorting analyzer format is not “memory”)
- extension_paramsdict or None, default: None
If input is a list, this parameter can be used to specify parameters for each extension. The extension_params keys must be included in the input list.
- **kwargs:
All other kwargs are transmitted to extension.set_params() (if input is a string) or job_kwargs
- Returns:
- extensionSortingAnalyzerExtension | None
The extension instance if input is a string, None otherwise.
This function accepts the following possible signatures for flexibility:
Compute one extension, with parameters: >>> analyzer.compute(“waveforms”, ms_before=1.5, ms_after=2.5)
Compute two extensions with a list as input and with default parameters: >>> analyzer.compute([“random_spikes”, “waveforms”])
Compute two extensions with dict as input, one dict per extension >>> analyzer.compute({“random_spikes”:{}, “waveforms”:{“ms_before”:1.5, “ms_after”, “2.5”}})
Compute two extensions with an input list specifying custom parameters for one (the other will use default parameters): >>> analyzer.compute([“random_spikes”, “waveforms”],extension_params={“waveforms”:{“ms_before”:1.5, “ms_after”: “2.5”}})
- compute_one_extension(extension_name, save=True, verbose=False, **kwargs) AnalyzerExtension ¶
Compute one extension.
Important note: when computing again an extension, all extensions that depend on it will be automatically and silently deleted to keep a coherent data.
- Parameters:
- extension_namestr
The name of the extension. For instance “waveforms”, “templates”, …
- savebool, default: True
It the extension can be saved then it is saved. If not then the extension will only live in memory as long as the object is deleted. save=False is convenient to try some parameters without changing an already saved extension.
- **kwargs:
All other kwargs are transmitted to extension.set_params() or job_kwargs
- Returns:
- result_extensionAnalyzerExtension
Return the extension instance
>>> Note that the return is the instance extension. >>> extension = sorting_analyzer.compute("waveforms", **some_params) >>> extension = sorting_analyzer.compute_one_extension("waveforms", **some_params) >>> wfs = extension.data["waveforms"] >>> # Note this can be be done in the old way style BUT the return is not the same it return directly data >>> wfs = compute_waveforms(sorting_analyzer, **some_params)
- compute_several_extensions(extensions, save=True, verbose=False, **job_kwargs)¶
Compute several extensions
Important note: when computing again an extension, all extensions that depend on it will be automatically and silently deleted to keep a coherent data.
- Parameters:
- extensionsdict
Keys are extension_names and values are params.
- savebool, default: True
It the extension can be saved then it is saved. If not then the extension will only live in memory as long as the object is deleted. save=False is convenient to try some parameters without changing an already saved extension.
- Returns:
- No return
>>> sorting_analyzer.compute({"waveforms": {"ms_before": 1.2}, "templates" : {"operators": ["average", "std", ]} }) >>> sorting_analyzer.compute_several_extensions({"waveforms": {"ms_before": 1.2}, "templates" : {"operators": ["average", "std"]}})
- copy()¶
Create a a copy of SortingAnalyzer with format “memory”.
- delete_extension(extension_name) None ¶
Delete the extension from the dict and also in the persistent zarr or folder.
- get_computable_extensions()¶
Get all extensions that can be computed by the analyzer.
- get_default_extension_params(extension_name: str) dict ¶
Get the default params for an extension.
- Parameters:
- extension_namestr
The extension name
- Returns:
- default_paramsdict
The default parameters for the extension
- get_extension(extension_name: str)¶
Get a AnalyzerExtension. If not loaded then load is automatic.
Return None if the extension is not computed yet (this avoids the use of has_extension() and then get it)
- get_loaded_extension_names()¶
Return the loaded or already computed extensions names.
- get_saved_extension_names()¶
Get extension names saved in folder or zarr that can be loaded. This do not load data, this only explores the directory.
- get_sorting_provenance()¶
Get the original sorting if possible otherwise return None
- has_extension(extension_name: str) bool ¶
Check if the extension exists in memory (dict) or in the folder or in zarr.
- classmethod load(folder, recording=None, load_extensions=True, format='auto', backend_options=None)¶
Load folder or zarr. The recording can be given if the recording location has changed. Otherwise the recording is loaded when possible.
- load_all_saved_extension()¶
Load all saved extensions in memory.
- load_extension(extension_name: str)¶
Load an extension from a folder or zarr into the ResultSorting.extensions dict.
- Parameters:
- extension_namestr
The extension name.
- Returns:
- ext_instanace:
The loaded instance of the extension
- merge_units(merge_unit_groups, new_unit_ids=None, censor_ms=None, merging_mode='soft', sparsity_overlap=0.75, new_id_strategy='append', return_new_unit_ids=False, format='memory', folder=None, verbose=False, **job_kwargs) SortingAnalyzer ¶
This method is equivalent to `save_as()`but with a list of merges that have to be achieved. Merges units by creating a new SortingAnalyzer object with the appropriate merges
Extensions are also updated to display the merged unit_ids.
- Parameters:
- merge_unit_groupslist/tuple of lists/tuples
A list of lists for every merge group. Each element needs to have at least two elements (two units to merge), but it can also have more (merge multiple units at once).
- new_unit_idsNone | list, default: None
A new unit_ids for merged units. If given, it needs to have the same length as merge_unit_groups. If None, merged units will have the first unit_id of every lists of merges
- censor_msNone | float, default: None
When merging units, any spikes violating this refractory period will be discarded. If None all units are kept
- merging_mode[“soft”, “hard”], default: “soft”
How merges are performed. If the merge_mode is “soft” , merges will be approximated, with no reloading of the waveforms. This will lead to approximations. If merge_mode is “hard”, recomputations are accurately performed, reloading waveforms if needed
- sparsity_overlapfloat, default 0.75
The percentage of overlap that units should share in order to accept merges. If this criteria is not achieved, soft merging will not be possible and an error will be raised
- new_id_strategy“append” | “take_first”, default: “append”
- The strategy that should be used, if new_unit_ids is None, to create new unit_ids.
“append” : new_units_ids will be added at the end of max(sorting.unit_ids)
“take_first” : new_unit_ids will be the first unit_id of every list of merges
- return_new_unit_idsbool, default False
Alse return new_unit_ids which are the ids of the new units.
- folderPath | None, default: None
The new folder where the analyzer with merged units is copied for format “binary_folder” or “zarr”
- format“memory” | “binary_folder” | “zarr”, default: “memory”
The format of SortingAnalyzer
- verbosebool, default: False
Whether to display calculations (such as sparsity estimation)
- Returns:
- analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The newly create SortingAnalyzer with the selected units
- remove_units(remove_unit_ids, format='memory', folder=None) SortingAnalyzer ¶
This method is equivalent to save_as() but with removal of a subset of units. Filters units by creating a new sorting analyzer object in a new folder.
Extensions are also updated to remove the unit ids.
- Parameters:
- remove_unit_idslist or array
The unit ids to remove in the new SortingAnalyzer object.
- format“memory” | “binary_folder” | “zarr” , default: “memory”
The format of the returned SortingAnalyzer.
- folderPath or None, default: None
The new folder where the analyzer without removed units is copied if format is “binary_folder” or “zarr”
- Returns:
- analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The newly create sorting_analyzer with the selected units
- save_as(format='memory', folder=None, backend_options=None) SortingAnalyzer ¶
Save SortingAnalyzer object into another format. Uselful for memory to zarr or memory to binary.
Note that the recording provenance or sorting provenance can be lost.
Mainly propagates the copied sorting and recording properties.
- Parameters:
- folderstr | Path | None, default: None
The output folder if format is “zarr” or “binary_folder”
- format“memory” | “binary_folder” | “zarr”, default: “memory”
The new backend format to use
- backend_optionsdict | None, default: None
Keyword arguments for the backend specified by format. It can contain the: - storage_options: dict | None (fsspec storage options) - saving_options: dict | None (additional saving options for creating and saving datasets,
e.g. compression/filters for zarr)
- select_units(unit_ids, format='memory', folder=None) SortingAnalyzer ¶
This method is equivalent to save_as() but with a subset of units. Filters units by creating a new sorting analyzer object in a new folder.
Extensions are also updated to filter the selected unit ids.
- Parameters:
- unit_idslist or array
The unit ids to keep in the new SortingAnalyzer object
- format“memory” | “binary_folder” | “zarr” , default: “memory”
The format of the returned SortingAnalyzer.
- folderPath | None, deafult: None
The new folder where the analyzer with selected units is copied if format is “binary_folder” or “zarr”
- Returns:
- analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The newly create sorting_analyzer with the selected units
- set_temporary_recording(recording: BaseRecording, check_dtype: bool = True)¶
Sets a temporary recording object. This function can be useful to temporarily set a “cached” recording object that is not saved in the SortingAnalyzer object to speed up computations. Upon reloading, the SortingAnalyzer object will try to reload the recording from the original location in a lazy way.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording object to set as temporary recording.
- check_dtypebool, default: True
If True, check that the dtype of the temporary recording is the same as the original recording.
- spikeinterface.core.create_sorting_analyzer(sorting, recording, format='memory', folder=None, sparse=True, sparsity=None, return_scaled=True, overwrite=False, backend_options=None, **sparsity_kwargs) SortingAnalyzer ¶
Create a SortingAnalyzer by pairing a Sorting and the corresponding Recording.
This object will handle a list of AnalyzerExtension for all the post processing steps like: waveforms, templates, unit locations, spike locations, quality metrics …
This object will be also use used for plotting purpose.
- Parameters:
- sortingSorting
The sorting object
- recordingRecording
The recording object
- folderstr or Path or None, default: None
The folder where analyzer is cached
- format“memory | “binary_folder” | “zarr”, default: “memory”
The mode to store analyzer. If “folder”, the analyzer is stored on disk in the specified folder. The “folder” argument must be specified in case of mode “folder”. If “memory” is used, the analyzer is stored in RAM. Use this option carefully!
- sparsebool, default: True
If True, then a sparsity mask is computed using the estimate_sparsity() function using a few spikes to get an estimate of dense templates to create a ChannelSparsity object. Then, the sparsity will be propagated to all ResultExtention that handle sparsity (like wavforms, pca, …) You can control estimate_sparsity() : all extra arguments are propagated to it (included job_kwargs)
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
The sparsity used to compute exensions. If this is given, sparse is ignored.
- return_scaledbool, default: True
All extensions that play with traces will use this global return_scaled : “waveforms”, “noise_levels”, “templates”. This prevent return_scaled being differents from different extensions and having wrong snr for instance.
- overwrite: bool, default: False
If True, overwrite the folder if it already exists.
- backend_optionsdict | None, default: None
Keyword arguments for the backend specified by format. It can contain the: - storage_options: dict | None (fsspec storage options) - saving_options: dict | None (additional saving options for creating and saving datasets,
e.g. compression/filters for zarr)
- sparsity_kwargskeyword arguments
- Returns:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer object
By default creating a SortingAnalyzer can be slow because the sparsity is estimated by default. In some situation, sparsity is not needed, so to make it fast creation, you need to turn sparsity off (or give external sparsity) like this.
>>> import spikeinterface as si
>>> # Create dense analyzer and save to disk with binary_folder format. >>> sorting_analyzer = si.create_sorting_analyzer(sorting, recording, format="binary_folder", folder="/path/to_my/result")
>>> # Can be reload >>> sorting_analyzer = si.load_sorting_analyzer(folder="/path/to_my/result")
>>> # Can run extension >>> sorting_analyzer = si.compute("unit_locations", ...)
>>> # Can be copy to another format (extensions are propagated) >>> sorting_analyzer2 = sorting_analyzer.save_as(format="memory") >>> sorting_analyzer3 = sorting_analyzer.save_as(format="zarr", folder="/path/to_my/result.zarr")
>>> # Can make a copy with a subset of units (extensions are propagated for the unit subset) >>> sorting_analyzer4 = sorting_analyzer.select_units(unit_ids=sorting.units_ids[:5], format="memory") >>> sorting_analyzer5 = sorting_analyzer.select_units(unit_ids=sorting.units_ids[:5], format="binary_folder", folder="/result_5units")
- spikeinterface.core.load_sorting_analyzer(folder, load_extensions=True, format='auto', backend_options=None) SortingAnalyzer ¶
Load a SortingAnalyzer object from disk.
- Parameters:
- folderstr or Path
The folder / zarr folder where the analyzer is stored. If the folder is a remote path stored in the cloud, the backend_options can be used to specify credentials. If the remote path is not accessible, and backend_options is not provided, the function will try to load the object in anonymous mode (anon=True), which enables to load data from open buckets.
- load_extensionsbool, default: True
Load all extensions or not.
- format“auto” | “binary_folder” | “zarr”
The format of the folder.
- backend_optionsdict | None, default: None
The backend options for the backend. The dictionary can contain the following keys: - storage_options: dict | None (fsspec storage options) - saving_options: dict | None (additional saving options for creating and saving datasets)
- Returns:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The loaded SortingAnalyzer
- spikeinterface.core.compute_sparsity(templates_or_sorting_analyzer: Templates | SortingAnalyzer, noise_levels: np.ndarray | None = None, method: radius' | 'best_channels' | 'snr' | 'amplitude' | 'energy' | 'by_property' | 'ptp = 'radius', peak_sign: neg' | 'pos' | 'both = 'neg', num_channels: int | None = 5, radius_um: float | None = 100.0, threshold: float | None = 5, by_property: str | None = None, amplitude_mode: extremum' | 'at_index' | 'peak_to_peak = 'extremum') ChannelSparsity ¶
Compute channel sparsity from a SortingAnalyzer for each template with several methods.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object. Some methods accept both objects (“best_channels”, “radius”, ) Other methods require only SortingAnalyzer because internally the recording is needed.
- methodstr
- “best_channels”N best channels with the largest amplitude. Use the “num_channels” argument to specify the
number of channels.
“radius” : radius around the best channel. Use the “radius_um” argument to specify the radius in um.
- “snr”threshold based on template signal-to-noise ratio. Use the “threshold” argument
to specify the SNR threshold (in units of noise levels) and the “amplitude_mode” argument to specify the mode to compute the amplitude of the templates.
- “amplitude”threshold based on the amplitude values on every channels. Use the “threshold” argument
to specify the ptp threshold (in units of amplitude) and the “amplitude_mode” argument to specify the mode to compute the amplitude of the templates.
- “energy”threshold based on the expected energy that should be present on the channels,
given their noise levels. Use the “threshold” argument to specify the energy threshold (in units of noise levels)
- “by_property”sparsity is given by a property of the recording and sorting (e.g. “group”).
In this case the sparsity for each unit is given by the channels that have the same property value as the unit. Use the “by_property” argument to specify the property name.
“ptp: : deprecated, use the ‘snr’ method with the ‘peak_to_peak’ amplitude mode instead.
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to compute best channels.
- num_channelsint
Number of channels for “best_channels” method.
- radius_umfloat
Radius in um for “radius” method.
- thresholdfloat
Threshold for “snr”, “energy” (in units of noise levels) and “ptp” methods (in units of amplitude). For the “snr” method, the template amplitude mode is controlled by the “amplitude_mode” argument.
- amplitude_mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”
Mode to compute the amplitude of the templates for the “snr”, “amplitude”, and “best_channels” methods.
- by_propertyobject
Property name for “by_property” method.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity
- spikeinterface.core.estimate_sparsity(sorting: BaseSorting, recording: BaseRecording, num_spikes_for_sparsity: int = 100, ms_before: float = 1.0, ms_after: float = 2.5, method: radius' | 'best_channels' | 'amplitude' | 'snr' | 'by_property' | 'ptp = 'radius', peak_sign: neg' | 'pos' | 'both = 'neg', radius_um: float = 100.0, num_channels: int = 5, threshold: float | None = 5, amplitude_mode: extremum' | 'peak_to_peak = 'extremum', by_property: str | None = None, noise_levels: np.ndarray | list | None = None, **job_kwargs)¶
Estimate the sparsity without needing a SortingAnalyzer or Templates object. In case the sparsity method needs templates, they are computed on-the-fly. For the “snr” method, noise_levels must passed with the noise_levels argument. These can be computed with the get_noise_levels() function.
- Contrary to the previous implementation:
all units are computed in one read of recording
it doesn’t require a folder
it doesn’t consume too much memory
it uses internally the estimate_templates_with_accumulator() which is fast and parallel
Note that the “energy” method is not supported because it requires a SortingAnalyzer object.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The sorting
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording
- num_spikes_for_sparsityint, default: 100
How many spikes per units to compute the sparsity
- ms_beforefloat, default: 1.0
Cut out in ms before spike time
- ms_afterfloat, default: 2.5
Cut out in ms after spike time
- noise_levelsnp.array | None, default: None
Noise levels required for the “snr” and “energy” methods. You can use the get_noise_levels() function to compute them.
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity
- class spikeinterface.core.ChannelSparsity(mask, unit_ids, channel_ids)¶
Handle channel sparsity for a set of units. That is, for every unit, it indicates which channels are used to represent the waveform and the rest of the non-represented channels are assumed to be zero.
Internally, sparsity is stored as a boolean mask.
The ChannelSparsity object can also provide other sparsity representations:
ChannelSparsity.unit_id_to_channel_ids : unit_id to channel_ids
ChannelSparsity.unit_id_to_channel_indices : unit_id channel_inds
By default it is constructed with a boolean array:
>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity(mask, unit_ids, channel_ids)
But can be also constructed from a dictionary:
>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_unit_id_to_channel_ids(unit_id_to_channel_ids, unit_ids, channel_ids)
- Parameters:
- masknp.array of bool
The sparsity mask (num_units, num_channels)
- unit_idslist or array
Unit ids vector or list
- channel_idslist or array
Channel ids vector or list
The class can also be used to construct/estimate the sparsity from a SortingAnalyzer or a Templates with several methods:
Using the N best channels (largest template amplitude):
>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_best_channels(sorting_analyzer, num_channels, peak_sign="neg")
Using a neighborhood by radius:
>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_radius(sorting_analyzer, radius_um, peak_sign="neg")
Using a SNR threshold: >>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_snr(sorting_analyzer, threshold, peak_sign=”neg”)
Using a template energy threshold: >>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_energy(sorting_analyzer, threshold)
Using a recording/sorting property (e.g. “group”):
>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_property(sorting_analyzer, by_property="group")
- classmethod create_dense(sorting_analyzer)¶
Create a sparsity object with all selected channel for all units.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The full sparsity.
- densify_waveforms(waveforms: ndarray, unit_id: str | int) ndarray ¶
Densify sparse waveforms that were sparisified according to a unit’s channel sparsity.
Given a unit_id its sparsified waveform, this method places the waveform back into its original form within a dense array.
- Parameters:
- waveformsnp.array
The sparsified waveforms array of shape (num_waveforms, num_samples, num_active_channels) or a single sparse waveform (template) with shape (num_samples, num_active_channels).
- unit_idstr
The unit_id that was used to sparsify the waveform.
- Returns:
- densified_waveformsnp.array
The densified waveforms array of shape (num_waveforms, num_samples, num_channels) or a single dense waveform (template) with shape (num_samples, num_channels).
- classmethod from_amplitude(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, threshold, amplitude_mode='extremum', peak_sign='neg')¶
Construct sparsity from a threshold based on template amplitude. The amplitude is computed with the specified amplitude mode and it is assumed that the amplitude is in uV. The input Templates or SortingAnalyzer object must have scaled templates.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object.
- thresholdfloat
Threshold for “amplitude” method (in uV).
- amplitude_mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”, default: “extremum”
Mode to compute the amplitude of the templates.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity.
- classmethod from_best_channels(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, num_channels, peak_sign='neg', amplitude_mode='extremum')¶
Construct sparsity from N best channels with the largest amplitude. Use the “num_channels” argument to specify the number of channels.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object.
- num_channelsint
Number of channels for “best_channels” method.
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to compute best channels.
- amplitude_mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”, default: “extremum”
Mode to compute the amplitude of the templates.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity
- classmethod from_energy(sorting_analyzer, threshold)¶
Construct sparsity from a threshold based on per channel energy ratio. Use the “threshold” argument to specify the SNR threshold. This method requires the “waveforms” and “noise_levels” extensions to be computed.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object.
- thresholdfloat
Threshold for “energy” method (in units of noise levels).
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity.
- classmethod from_property(sorting, recording, by_property)¶
Construct sparsity witha property of the recording and sorting(e.g. “group”). Use the “by_property” argument to specify the property name.
- Parameters:
- sortingSorting
A Sorting object.
- recordingRecording
A Recording object.
- by_propertyobject
Property name for “by_property” method. Both the recording and sorting must have this property set.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity.
- classmethod from_ptp(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, threshold, noise_levels=None)¶
Construct sparsity from a thresholds based on template peak-to-peak values. Use the “threshold” argument to specify the peak-to-peak threshold.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object.
- thresholdfloat
Threshold for “ptp” method (in units of amplitude).
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity.
- classmethod from_radius(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, radius_um, peak_sign='neg')¶
Construct sparsity from a radius around the best channel. Use the “radius_um” argument to specify the radius in um.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object.
- radius_umfloat
Radius in um for “radius” method.
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to compute best channels.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity.
- classmethod from_snr(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, threshold, amplitude_mode='extremum', peak_sign='neg', noise_levels=None)¶
Construct sparsity from a thresholds based on template signal-to-noise ratio. Use the “threshold” argument to specify the SNR threshold.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object.
- thresholdfloat
Threshold for “snr” method (in units of noise levels).
- noise_levelsnp.array | None, default: None
Noise levels required for the “snr” method. You can use the get_noise_levels() function to compute them. If the input is a SortingAnalyzer, the noise levels are automatically retrieved if the noise_levels extension is present.
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to compute amplitudes.
- amplitude_mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”, default: “extremum”
Mode to compute the amplitude of the templates for the “snr” method.
- Returns:
- sparsityChannelSparsity
The estimated sparsity.
- classmethod from_unit_id_to_channel_ids(unit_id_to_channel_ids, unit_ids, channel_ids)¶
Create a sparsity object from dict unit_id to channel_ids.
- sparsify_waveforms(waveforms: ndarray, unit_id: str | int) ndarray ¶
Sparsify the waveforms according to a unit_id corresponding sparsity.
Given a unit_id, this method selects only the active channels for that unit and removes the rest.
- Parameters:
- waveformsnp.array
Dense waveforms with shape (num_waveforms, num_samples, num_channels) or a single dense waveform (template) with shape (num_samples, num_channels).
- unit_idstr
The unit_id for which to sparsify the waveform.
- Returns:
- sparsified_waveformsnp.array
Sparse waveforms with shape (num_waveforms, num_samples, num_active_channels) or a single sparsified waveform (template) with shape (num_samples, num_active_channels).
- to_dict()¶
Return a serializable dict.
- class spikeinterface.core.BinaryRecordingExtractor(file_paths, sampling_frequency, dtype, num_channels=None, t_starts=None, channel_ids=None, time_axis=0, file_offset=0, gain_to_uV=None, offset_to_uV=None, is_filtered=None, num_chan=None)¶
RecordingExtractor for a binary format
- Parameters:
- file_pathsstr or Path or list
Path to the binary file
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency
- num_channelsint
Number of channels
- num_chanint [deprecated, use num_channels instead, will be removed as early as v0.100.0]
Number of channels
- dtypestr or dtype
The dtype of the binary file
- time_axisint, default: 0
The axis of the time dimension
- t_startsNone or list of float, default: None
Times in seconds of the first sample for each segment
- channel_idslist, default: None
A list of channel ids
- file_offsetint, default: 0
Number of bytes in the file to offset by during memmap instantiation.
- gain_to_uVfloat or array-like, default: None
The gain to apply to the traces
- offset_to_uVfloat or array-like, default: None
The offset to apply to the traces
- is_filteredbool or None, default: None
If True, the recording is assumed to be filtered. If None, is_filtered is not set.
- Returns:
- recordingBinaryRecordingExtractor
The recording Extractor
When both num_channels and num_chan are provided, num_channels is used and num_chan is ignored.
- class spikeinterface.core.ZarrRecordingExtractor(folder_path: Path | str, storage_options: dict | None = None)¶
RecordingExtractor for a zarr format
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the zarr root folder. This can be a local path or a remote path (s3:// or gcs://). If the path is a remote path, the storage_options can be provided to specify credentials. If the remote path is not accessible and backend_options is not provided, the function will try to load the object in anonymous mode (anon=True), which enables to load data from open buckets.
- storage_optionsdict or None
Storage options for zarr store. E.g., if “s3://” or “gcs://” they can provide authentication methods, etc.
- Returns:
- recordingZarrRecordingExtractor
The recording Extractor
- class spikeinterface.core.BinaryFolderRecording(folder_path)¶
BinaryFolderRecording is an internal format used in spikeinterface. It is a BinaryRecordingExtractor + metadata contained in a folder.
It is created with the function: recording.save(format=”binary”, folder=”/myfolder”)
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
- Returns:
- recordingBinaryFolderRecording
The recording
- class spikeinterface.core.NpzFolderSorting(folder_path)¶
NpzFolderSorting is the old internal format used in spikeinterface (<=0.98.0)
This a folder that contains:
“sorting_cached.npz” file in the NpzSortingExtractor format
“npz.json” which the json description of NpzSortingExtractor
a metadata folder for units properties.
It is created with the function: sorting.save(folder=”/myfolder”, format=”npz_folder”)
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
- Returns:
- sortingNpzFolderSorting
The sorting
- class spikeinterface.core.NpyFolderSnippets(folder_path)¶
NpyFolderSnippets is an internal format used in spikeinterface. It is a NpySnippetsExtractor + metadata contained in a folder.
It is created with the function: snippets.save(format=”npy”, folder=”/myfolder”)
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
The path to the folder
- Returns:
- snippetsNpyFolderSnippets
The snippets
- class spikeinterface.core.NumpyRecording(traces_list, sampling_frequency, t_starts=None, channel_ids=None)¶
In memory recording. Contrary to previous version this class does not handle npy files.
- Parameters:
- traces_listlist of array or array (if mono segment)
The traces to instantiate a mono or multisegment Recording
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency in Hz
- t_startsNone or list of float
Times in seconds of the first sample for each segment
- channel_idslist
An optional list of channel_ids. If None, linear channels are assumed
- class spikeinterface.core.NumpySorting(spikes, sampling_frequency, unit_ids)¶
In memory sorting object. The internal representation is always done with a long “spike vector”.
- But we have convenient class methods to instantiate from:
other sorting object: NumpySorting.from_sorting()
from time+labels: NumpySorting.from_times_labels()
from dict of list: NumpySorting.from_unit_dict()
from neo: NumpySorting.from_neo_spiketrain_list()
- Parameters:
- spikesnumpy.array
A numpy vector, the one given by Sorting.to_spike_vector().
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency in Hz
- channel_idslist
A list of unit_ids.
- class spikeinterface.core.NumpySnippets(snippets_list, spikesframes_list, sampling_frequency, nbefore=None, channel_ids=None)¶
In memory recording. Contrary to previous version this class does not handle npy files.
- Parameters:
- snippets_listlist of array or array (if mono segment)
The snippets to instantiate a mono or multisegment basesnippet
- spikesframes_listlist of array or array (if mono segment)
Frame of each snippet
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency in Hz
- channel_idslist
An optional list of channel_ids. If None, linear channels are assumed
- class spikeinterface.core.AppendSegmentRecording(recording_list, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)¶
Takes as input a list of parent recordings each with multiple segments and returns a single multi-segment recording that “appends” all segments from all parent recordings.
For instance, given one recording with 2 segments and one recording with 3 segments, this class will give one recording with 5 segments
- Parameters:
- recording_listlist of BaseRecording
A list of recordings
- sampling_frequency_max_difffloat, default: 0
Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across recordings
- class spikeinterface.core.ConcatenateSegmentRecording(recording_list, ignore_times=True, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)¶
Return a recording that “concatenates” all segments from all parent recordings into one recording with a single segment. The operation is lazy.
For instance, given one recording with 2 segments and one recording with 3 segments, this class will give one recording with one large segment made by concatenating the 5 segments.
Time information is lost upon concatenation. By default ignore_times is True. If it is False, you get an error unless:
all segments DO NOT have times, AND
all segment have t_start=None
- Parameters:
- recording_listlist of BaseRecording
A list of recordings
- ignore_times: bool, default: True
If True, time information (t_start, time_vector) is ignored when concatenating recordings
- sampling_frequency_max_difffloat, default: 0
Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across recordings
- class spikeinterface.core.SelectSegmentRecording(recording: BaseRecording, segment_indices: int | list[int])¶
Return a new recording with a subset of segments from a multi-segment recording.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The multi-segment recording
- segment_indicesint | list[int]
The segment indices to select
- class spikeinterface.core.AppendSegmentSorting(sorting_list, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)¶
Return a sorting that “append” all segments from all sorting into one sorting multi segment.
- Parameters:
- sorting_listlist of BaseSorting
A list of sortings
- sampling_frequency_max_difffloat, default: 0
Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across sortings
- class spikeinterface.core.SplitSegmentSorting(parent_sorting: BaseSorting, recording_or_recording_list=None)¶
Splits a sorting with a single segment to multiple segments based on the given list of recordings (must be in order)
- Parameters:
- parent_sortingBaseSorting
Sorting with a single segment (e.g. from sorting concatenated recording)
- recording_or_recording_listlist of recordings, ConcatenateSegmentRecording, or None, default: None
If list of recordings, uses the lengths of those recordings to split the sorting into smaller segments If ConcatenateSegmentRecording, uses the associated list of recordings to split the sorting into smaller segments If None, looks for the recording associated with the sorting
- class spikeinterface.core.SelectSegmentSorting(sorting: BaseSorting, segment_indices: int | list[int])¶
Return a new sorting with a single segment from a multi-segment sorting.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The multi-segment sorting
- segment_indicesint | list[int]
The segment indices to select
- spikeinterface.core.download_dataset(repo: str = 'https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data', remote_path: str = 'mearec/mearec_test_10s.h5', local_folder: Path | None = None, update_if_exists: bool = False) Path ¶
Function to download dataset from a remote repository using a combination of datalad and pooch.
Pooch is designed to download single files from a remote repository. Because our datasets in gin sometimes point just to a folder, we still use datalad to download a list of all the files in the folder and then use pooch to download them one by one.
- Parameters:
- repostr, default: “https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data”
The repository to download the dataset from
- remote_pathstr, default: “mearec/mearec_test_10s.h5”
A specific subdirectory in the repository to download (e.g. Mearec, SpikeGLX, etc)
- local_folderstr, optional
The destination folder / directory to download the dataset to. if None, then the path “get_global_dataset_folder()” / f{repo_name} is used (see spikeinterface.core.globals)
- update_if_existsbool, default: False
Forces re-download of the dataset if it already exists, default: False
- Returns:
- Path
The local path to the downloaded dataset
The reason we use pooch is because have had problems with datalad not being able to download data on windows machines. Especially in the CI.
See https://handbook.datalad.org/en/latest/intro/windows.html
- spikeinterface.core.write_binary_recording(recording: BaseRecording, file_paths: list[Path | str] | Path | str, dtype: np.typing.DTypeLike = None, add_file_extension: bool = True, byte_offset: int = 0, auto_cast_uint: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, **job_kwargs)¶
Save the trace of a recording extractor in several binary .dat format.
- Note :
time_axis is always 0 (contrary to previous version. to get time_axis=1 (which is a bad idea) use write_binary_recording_file_handle()
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor object to be saved in .dat format
- file_pathstr or list[str]
The path to the file.
- dtypedtype or None, default: None
Type of the saved data
- add_file_extension, bool, default: True
If True, and the file path does not end in “raw”, “bin”, or “dat” then “raw” is added as an extension.
- byte_offsetint, default: 0
Offset in bytes for the binary file (e.g. to write a header). This is useful in case you want to append data to an existing file where you wrote a header or other data before.
- auto_cast_uintbool, default: True
If True, unsigned integers are automatically cast to int if the specified dtype is signed .. deprecated:: 0.103, use the unsigned_to_signed function instead.
- verbosebool
This is the verbosity of the ChunkRecordingExecutor
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- spikeinterface.core.set_global_tmp_folder(folder)¶
Set the global path temporary folder.
- spikeinterface.core.set_global_dataset_folder(folder)¶
Set the global dataset folder.
- spikeinterface.core.set_global_job_kwargs(**job_kwargs)¶
Set the global job kwargs.
- Parameters:
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunks(recording, return_scaled=False, concatenated=True, **random_slices_kwargs)¶
Extract random chunks across segments.
Internally, it uses get_random_recording_slices() and retrieves the traces chunk as a list or a concatenated unique array.
Please read get_random_recording_slices() for more details on parameters.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording to get random chunks from
- return_scaledbool, default: False
If True, returned chunks are scaled to uV
- num_chunks_per_segmentint, default: 20
Number of chunks per segment
- concatenatedbool, default: True
If True chunk are concatenated along time axis
- **random_slices_kwargsdict
Options transmited to get_random_recording_slices(), please read documentation from this function for more details.
- Returns:
- chunk_listnp.array | list of np.array
Array of concatenate chunks per segment
- spikeinterface.core.get_channel_distances(recording)¶
Distance between channel pairs
- spikeinterface.core.get_closest_channels(recording, channel_ids=None, num_channels=None)¶
Get closest channels + distances
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to get closest channels
- channel_idslist
List of channels ids to compute there near neighborhood
- num_channelsint, default: None
Maximum number of neighborhood channels to return
- Returns:
- closest_channels_indsarray (2d)
Closest channel indices in ascending order for each channel id given in input
- distsarray (2d)
Distance in ascending order for each channel id given in input
- spikeinterface.core.get_noise_levels(recording: BaseRecording, return_scaled: bool = True, method: Literal['mad', 'std'] = 'mad', force_recompute: bool = False, random_slices_kwargs: dict = {}, **kwargs) np.ndarray ¶
Estimate noise for each channel using MAD methods. You can use standard deviation with method=”std”
Internally it samples some chunk across segment. And then, it uses the MAD estimator (more robust than STD) or the STD on each chunk. Finally the average of all MAD/STD values is performed.
The result is cached in a property of the recording, so that the next call on the same recording will use the cached result unless force_recompute=True.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording extractor to get noise levels
- return_scaledbool
If True, returned noise levels are scaled to uV
- method“mad” | “std”, default: “mad”
The method to use to estimate noise levels
- force_recomputebool
If True, noise levels are recomputed even if they are already stored in the recording extractor
- random_slices_kwargsdict
Options transmited to get_random_recording_slices(), please read documentation from this function for more details.
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- Returns:
- noise_levelsarray
Noise levels for each channel
- spikeinterface.core.get_chunk_with_margin(rec_segment, start_frame, end_frame, channel_indices, margin, add_zeros=False, add_reflect_padding=False, window_on_margin=False, dtype=None)¶
Helper to get chunk with margin
The margin is extracted from the recording when possible. If at the edge of the recording, no margin is used unless one of add_zeros or add_reflect_padding is True. In the first case zero padding is used, in the second case np.pad is called with mod=”reflect”.
- spikeinterface.core.order_channels_by_depth(recording, channel_ids=None, dimensions=('x', 'y'), flip=False)¶
Order channels by depth, by first ordering the x-axis, and then the y-axis.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The input recording
- channel_idslist/array or None
If given, a subset of channels to order locations for
- dimensionsstr, tuple, or list, default: (‘x’, ‘y’)
If str, it needs to be ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’. If tuple or list, it sorts the locations in two dimensions using lexsort. This approach is recommended since there is less ambiguity
- flipbool, default: False
If flip is False then the order is bottom first (starting from tip of the probe). If flip is True then the order is upper first.
- Returns:
- order_fnp.array
Array with sorted indices
- order_rnp.array
Array with indices to revert sorting
- spikeinterface.core.get_template_amplitudes(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, peak_sign: neg' | 'pos' | 'both = 'neg', mode: extremum' | 'at_index' | 'peak_to_peak = 'extremum', return_scaled: bool = True, abs_value: bool = True)¶
Get amplitude per channel for each unit.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to find extremum channels
- mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”, default: “at_index”
Where the amplitude is computed * “extremum” : take the peak value (max or min depending on peak_sign) * “at_index” : take value at nbefore index * “peak_to_peak” : take the peak-to-peak amplitude
- return_scaledbool, default True
The amplitude is scaled or not.
- abs_valuebool = True
Whether the extremum amplitude should be returned as an absolute value or not
- Returns:
- peak_valuesdict
Dictionary with unit ids as keys and template amplitudes as values
- spikeinterface.core.get_template_extremum_channel(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, peak_sign: neg' | 'pos' | 'both = 'neg', mode: extremum' | 'at_index' | 'peak_to_peak = 'extremum', outputs: id' | 'index = 'id')¶
Compute the channel with the extremum peak for each unit.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to find extremum channels
- mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”, default: “at_index”
Where the amplitude is computed * “extremum” : take the peak value (max or min depending on peak_sign) * “at_index” : take value at nbefore index * “peak_to_peak” : take the peak-to-peak amplitude
- outputs“id” | “index”, default: “id”
“id” : channel id
“index” : channel index
- Returns:
- extremum_channelsdict
Dictionary with unit ids as keys and extremum channels (id or index based on “outputs”) as values
- spikeinterface.core.get_template_extremum_channel_peak_shift(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, peak_sign: neg' | 'pos' | 'both = 'neg')¶
In some situations spike sorters could return a spike index with a small shift related to the waveform peak. This function estimates and return these alignment shifts for the mean template. This function is internally used by compute_spike_amplitudes() to accurately retrieve the spike amplitudes.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to find extremum channels
- Returns:
- shiftsdict
Dictionary with unit ids as keys and shifts as values
- spikeinterface.core.get_template_extremum_amplitude(templates_or_sorting_analyzer, peak_sign: neg' | 'pos' | 'both = 'neg', mode: extremum' | 'at_index' | 'peak_to_peak = 'at_index', abs_value: bool = True)¶
Computes amplitudes on the best channel.
- Parameters:
- templates_or_sorting_analyzerTemplates | SortingAnalyzer
A Templates or a SortingAnalyzer object
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”
Sign of the template to find extremum channels
- mode“extremum” | “at_index” | “peak_to_peak”, default: “at_index”
Where the amplitude is computed * “extremum”: take the peak value (max or min depending on peak_sign) * “at_index”: take value at nbefore index * “peak_to_peak”: take the peak-to-peak amplitude
- abs_valuebool = True
Whether the extremum amplitude should be returned as an absolute value or not
- Returns:
- amplitudesdict
Dictionary with unit ids as keys and amplitudes as values
- spikeinterface.core.append_recordings(recording_list, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)¶
Takes as input a list of parent recordings each with multiple segments and returns a single multi-segment recording that “appends” all segments from all parent recordings.
For instance, given one recording with 2 segments and one recording with 3 segments, this class will give one recording with 5 segments
- Parameters:
- recording_listlist of BaseRecording
A list of recordings
- sampling_frequency_max_difffloat, default: 0
Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across recordings
- spikeinterface.core.concatenate_recordings(recording_list, ignore_times=True, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)¶
Return a recording that “concatenates” all segments from all parent recordings into one recording with a single segment. The operation is lazy.
For instance, given one recording with 2 segments and one recording with 3 segments, this class will give one recording with one large segment made by concatenating the 5 segments.
Time information is lost upon concatenation. By default ignore_times is True. If it is False, you get an error unless:
all segments DO NOT have times, AND
all segment have t_start=None
- Parameters:
- recording_listlist of BaseRecording
A list of recordings
- ignore_times: bool, default: True
If True, time information (t_start, time_vector) is ignored when concatenating recordings
- sampling_frequency_max_difffloat, default: 0
Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across recordings
- spikeinterface.core.split_recording(recording: BaseRecording)¶
Return a list of mono-segment recordings from a multi-segment recording.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The multi-segment recording
- Returns:
- recording_list
A list of mono-segment recordings
- spikeinterface.core.select_segment_recording(recording: BaseRecording, segment_indices: int | list[int])¶
Return a new recording with a subset of segments from a multi-segment recording.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The multi-segment recording
- segment_indicesint | list[int]
The segment indices to select
- spikeinterface.core.append_sortings(sorting_list, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)¶
Return a sorting that “append” all segments from all sorting into one sorting multi segment.
- Parameters:
- sorting_listlist of BaseSorting
A list of sortings
- sampling_frequency_max_difffloat, default: 0
Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across sortings
- spikeinterface.core.split_sorting(parent_sorting: BaseSorting, recording_or_recording_list=None)¶
Splits a sorting with a single segment to multiple segments based on the given list of recordings (must be in order)
- Parameters:
- parent_sortingBaseSorting
Sorting with a single segment (e.g. from sorting concatenated recording)
- recording_or_recording_listlist of recordings, ConcatenateSegmentRecording, or None, default: None
If list of recordings, uses the lengths of those recordings to split the sorting into smaller segments If ConcatenateSegmentRecording, uses the associated list of recordings to split the sorting into smaller segments If None, looks for the recording associated with the sorting
- spikeinterface.core.select_segment_sorting(sorting: BaseSorting, segment_indices: int | list[int])¶
Return a new sorting with a single segment from a multi-segment sorting.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The multi-segment sorting
- segment_indicesint | list[int]
The segment indices to select
- spikeinterface.core.read_binary(file_paths, sampling_frequency, dtype, num_channels=None, t_starts=None, channel_ids=None, time_axis=0, file_offset=0, gain_to_uV=None, offset_to_uV=None, is_filtered=None, num_chan=None)¶
RecordingExtractor for a binary format
- Parameters:
- file_pathsstr or Path or list
Path to the binary file
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency
- num_channelsint
Number of channels
- num_chanint [deprecated, use num_channels instead, will be removed as early as v0.100.0]
Number of channels
- dtypestr or dtype
The dtype of the binary file
- time_axisint, default: 0
The axis of the time dimension
- t_startsNone or list of float, default: None
Times in seconds of the first sample for each segment
- channel_idslist, default: None
A list of channel ids
- file_offsetint, default: 0
Number of bytes in the file to offset by during memmap instantiation.
- gain_to_uVfloat or array-like, default: None
The gain to apply to the traces
- offset_to_uVfloat or array-like, default: None
The offset to apply to the traces
- is_filteredbool or None, default: None
If True, the recording is assumed to be filtered. If None, is_filtered is not set.
- Returns:
- recordingBinaryRecordingExtractor
The recording Extractor
When both num_channels and num_chan are provided, num_channels is used and num_chan is ignored.
- spikeinterface.core.read_zarr(folder_path: str | Path, storage_options: dict | None = None) ZarrRecordingExtractor | ZarrSortingExtractor ¶
Read recording or sorting from a zarr format
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the zarr root file
- storage_optionsdict or None
Storage options for zarr store. E.g., if “s3://” or “gcs://” they can provide authentication methods, etc.
- Returns:
- extractorZarrExtractor
The loaded extractor
- spikeinterface.core.apply_merges_to_sorting(sorting, merge_unit_groups, new_unit_ids=None, censor_ms=None, return_extra=False, new_id_strategy='append')¶
Apply a resolved representation of the merges to a sorting object.
This function is not lazy and creates a new NumpySorting with a compact spike_vector as fast as possible.
If censor_ms is not None, duplicated spikes violating the censor_ms refractory period are removed.
Optionally, the boolean mask of kept spikes is returned.
- Parameters:
- sortingSorting
The Sorting object to apply merges.
- merge_unit_groupslist/tuple of lists/tuples
A list of lists for every merge group. Each element needs to have at least two elements (two units to merge), but it can also have more (merge multiple units at once).
- new_unit_idslist | None, default: None
A new unit_ids for merged units. If given, it needs to have the same length as merge_unit_groups. If None, merged units will have the first unit_id of every lists of merges.
- censor_ms: float | None, default: None
When applying the merges, should be discard consecutive spikes violating a given refractory per
- return_extrabool, default: False
If True, also return also a boolean mask of kept spikes and new_unit_ids.
- new_id_strategy“append” | “take_first”, default: “append”
The strategy that should be used, if new_unit_ids is None, to create new unit_ids.
“append” : new_units_ids will be added at the end of max(sorging.unit_ids)
“take_first” : new_unit_ids will be the first unit_id of every list of merges
- Returns:
- sortingThe new Sorting object
The newly create sorting with the merged units
- keep_masknumpy.array
A boolean mask, if censor_ms is not None, telling which spike from the original spike vector has been kept, given the refractory period violations (None if censor_ms is None)
- spikeinterface.core.spike_vector_to_spike_trains(spike_vector: list[array], unit_ids: array) dict[dict[str, array]] ¶
Computes all spike trains for all units/segments from a spike vector list.
Internally calls numba if numba is installed.
- Parameters:
- spike_vector: list[np.ndarray]
List of spike vectors optained with sorting.to_spike_vector(concatenated=False)
- unit_ids: np.array
Unit ids
- Returns:
- spike_trains: dict[dict]:
A dict containing, for each segment, the spike trains of all units (as a dict: unit_id –> spike_train).
- spikeinterface.core.random_spikes_selection(sorting: BaseSorting, num_samples: int | None = None, method: str = 'uniform', max_spikes_per_unit: int = 500, margin_size: int | None = None, seed: int | None = None)¶
This replaces select_random_spikes_uniformly(). Random spikes selection of spike across per units. Can optionally avoid spikes on segment borders if margin_size is not None.
- Parameters:
- sorting: BaseSorting
The sorting object
- num_samples: list of int
The number of samples per segment. Can be retrieved from recording with num_samples = [recording.get_num_samples(seg_index) for seg_index in range(recording.get_num_segments())]
- method: “uniform” | “all”, default: “uniform”
The method to use. Only “uniform” is implemented for now
- max_spikes_per_unit: int, default: 500
The number of spikes per units
- margin_size: None | int, default: None
A margin on each border of segments to avoid border spikes
- seed: None | int, default: None
A seed for random generator
- Returns:
- random_spikes_indices: np.array
Selected spike indices coresponding to the sorting spike vector.
- class spikeinterface.core.ChunkRecordingExecutor(recording, func, init_func, init_args, verbose=False, progress_bar=False, handle_returns=False, gather_func=None, n_jobs=1, total_memory=None, chunk_size=None, chunk_memory=None, chunk_duration=None, mp_context=None, job_name='', max_threads_per_process=1)¶
Core class for parallel processing to run a “function” over chunks on a recording.
- It supports running a function:
in loop with chunk processing (low RAM usage)
at once if chunk_size is None (high RAM usage)
in parallel with ProcessPoolExecutor (higher speed)
The initializer (“init_func”) allows to set a global context to avoid heavy serialization (for examples, see implementation in core.waveform_tools).
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording to be processed
- funcfunction
Function that runs on each chunk
- init_funcfunction
Initializer function to set the global context (accessible by “func”)
- init_argstuple
Arguments for init_func
- verbosebool
If True, output is verbose
- job_namestr, default: “”
Job name
- handle_returnsbool, default: False
If True, the function can return values
- gather_funcNone or callable, default: None
Optional function that is called in the main thread and retrieves the results of each worker. This function can be used instead of handle_returns to implement custom storage on-the-fly.
- n_jobsint, default: 1
Number of jobs to be used. Use -1 to use as many jobs as number of cores
- total_memorystr, default: None
Total memory (RAM) to use (e.g. “1G”, “500M”)
- chunk_memorystr, default: None
Memory per chunk (RAM) to use (e.g. “1G”, “500M”)
- chunk_sizeint or None, default: None
Size of each chunk in number of samples. If “total_memory” or “chunk_memory” are used, it is ignored.
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
“fork” or “spawn”. If None, the context is taken by the recording.get_preferred_mp_context(). “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems.
- max_threads_per_processint or None, default: None
Limit the number of thread per process using threadpoolctl modules. This used only when n_jobs>1 If None, no limits.
- progress_barbool, default: False
If True, a progress bar is printed to monitor the progress of the process
- Returns:
- reslist
If “handle_returns” is True, the results for each chunk process
Back-compatibility with WaveformExtractor
(version < 0.101.0)¶
- spikeinterface.core.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder=None, mode='folder', precompute_template=('average',), ms_before=1.0, ms_after=2.0, max_spikes_per_unit=500, overwrite=None, return_scaled=True, dtype=None, sparse=True, sparsity=None, sparsity_temp_folder=None, num_spikes_for_sparsity=100, unit_batch_size=None, allow_unfiltered=None, use_relative_path=None, seed=None, load_if_exists=None, **kwargs)¶
This mock the extract_waveforms() in version <= 0.100 to not break old codes but using the SortingAnalyzer (version >0.100) internally.
This return a MockWaveformExtractor object that mock the old WaveformExtractor
- spikeinterface.core.load_waveforms(folder, with_recording: bool = True, sorting: BaseSorting | None = None, output='MockWaveformExtractor') MockWaveformExtractor | SortingAnalyzer ¶
This read an old WaveformsExtactor folder (folder or zarr) and convert it into a SortingAnalyzer or MockWaveformExtractor.
It also mimic the old load_waveforms by opening a Sortingresult folder and return a MockWaveformExtractor. This later behavior is usefull to no break old code like this in versio >=0.101
>>> # In this example we is a MockWaveformExtractor that behave the same as before >>> we = extract_waveforms(..., folder="/my_we") >>> we = load_waveforms("/my_we") >>> templates = we.get_all_templates()
- Parameters:
- folder: str | Path
The folder to the waveform extractor (binary or zarr)
- with_recording: bool
For back-compatibility, ignored
- sorting: BaseSorting | None, default: None
The sorting object to instantiate with the Waveforms
- output: “MockWaveformExtractor” | “SortingAnalyzer”, default: “MockWaveformExtractor”
The output format
- Returns:
- waveforms_or_analyzer: MockWaveformExtractor | SortingAnalyzer
The returned MockWaveformExtractor or SortingAnalyzer
- spikeinterface.core.load_sorting_analyzer_or_waveforms(folder, sorting=None)¶
Load a SortingAnalyzer from either a newly saved SortingAnalyzer folder or an old WaveformExtractor folder.
- Parameters:
- folder: str | Path
The folder to the sorting analyzer or waveform extractor
- sorting: BaseSorting | None, default: None
The sorting object to instantiate with the SortingAnalyzer (only used for old WaveformExtractor)
- Returns:
- sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer
The returned SortingAnalyzer.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_alphaomega(folder_path, lsx_files=None, stream_id='RAW', stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading from AlphaRS and AlphaLab SnR boards.
Based on
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path-like
The folder path to the AlphaOmega recordings.
- lsx_fileslist of strings or None, default: None
A list of files that refers to mpx files to load.
- stream_id{“RAW”, “LFP”, “SPK”, “ACC”, “AI”, “UD”}, default: “RAW”
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_alphaomega >>> recording = read_alphaomega(folder_path="alphaomega_folder")
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_alphaomega_event(folder_path)¶
Class for reading events from AlphaOmega MPX file format
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path-like
The folder path to the AlphaOmega events.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_axona(file_path: str | Path, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading Axona RAW format.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_axona >>> recording = read_axona(file_path=r'my_data.set')
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_biocam(file_path, mea_pitch=None, electrode_width=None, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading data from a Biocam file from 3Brain.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- mea_pitchfloat, default: None
The inter-electrode distance (pitch) between electrodes.
- electrode_widthfloat, default: None
Width of the electrodes in um.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_binary(file_paths, sampling_frequency, dtype, num_channels=None, t_starts=None, channel_ids=None, time_axis=0, file_offset=0, gain_to_uV=None, offset_to_uV=None, is_filtered=None, num_chan=None)¶
RecordingExtractor for a binary format
- Parameters:
- file_pathsstr or Path or list
Path to the binary file
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency
- num_channelsint
Number of channels
- num_chanint [deprecated, use num_channels instead, will be removed as early as v0.100.0]
Number of channels
- dtypestr or dtype
The dtype of the binary file
- time_axisint, default: 0
The axis of the time dimension
- t_startsNone or list of float, default: None
Times in seconds of the first sample for each segment
- channel_idslist, default: None
A list of channel ids
- file_offsetint, default: 0
Number of bytes in the file to offset by during memmap instantiation.
- gain_to_uVfloat or array-like, default: None
The gain to apply to the traces
- offset_to_uVfloat or array-like, default: None
The offset to apply to the traces
- is_filteredbool or None, default: None
If True, the recording is assumed to be filtered. If None, is_filtered is not set.
- Returns:
- recordingBinaryRecordingExtractor
The recording Extractor
When both num_channels and num_chan are provided, num_channels is used and num_chan is ignored.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_blackrock(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading BlackRock data.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_ced(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading smr/smrw CED file.
Based on
/ sonpyAlternative to read_spike2 which does not handle smrx
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to the smr or smrx file.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_ced >>> recording = read_ced(file_path=r'my_data.smr')
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_intan(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations=False, use_names_as_ids=False, ignore_integrity_checks: bool = False)¶
Class for reading data from a intan board. Supports rhd and rhs format.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- ignore_integrity_checksbool, default: False.
If True, data that violates integrity assumptions will be loaded. At the moment the only integrity check we perform is that timestamps are continuous. Setting this to True will ignore this check and set the attribute discontinuous_timestamps to True in the underlying neo object.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
In Intan the ids provided by NeoRawIO are the hardware channel ids while the names are custom names given by the user
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_intan # intan amplifier data is stored in stream_id = '0' >>> recording = read_intan(file_path=r'my_data.rhd', stream_id='0') # intan has multi-file formats as well, but in this case our path should point to the header file 'info.rhd' >>> recording = read_intan(file_path=r'info.rhd', stream_id='0')
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_maxwell(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, block_index=None, all_annotations=False, rec_name=None, install_maxwell_plugin=False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading data from Maxwell device. It handles MaxOne (old and new format) and MaxTwo.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to the maxwell h5 file.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load. For MaxTwo when there are several wells at the same time you need to specify stream_id=’well000’ or ‘well0001’, etc.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- rec_namestr, default: None
When the file contains several recordings you need to specify the one you want to extract. (rec_name=’rec0000’).
- install_maxwell_pluginbool, default: False
If True, install the maxwell plugin for neo.
- block_indexint, default: None
If there are several blocks (experiments), specify the block index you want to load
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_mearec(file_path)¶
Read a MEArec file.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to MEArec h5 file
- Returns:
- recordingMEArecRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor object
- sortingMEArecSortingExtractor
The sorting extractor object
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_mcsraw(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, block_index=None, all_annotations=False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading data from “Raw” Multi Channel System (MCS) format. This format is NOT the native MCS format (.mcd). This format is a raw format with an internal binary header exported by the “MC_DataTool binary conversion” with the option header selected.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- block_indexint, default: None
If there are several blocks, specify the block index you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_neuralynx(folder_path: str | Path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations=False, exclude_filename=None, strict_gap_mode=False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading neuralynx folder
Based on
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- exclude_filenamelist[str], default: None
List of filename to exclude from the loading. For example, use exclude_filename=[“events.nev”] to skip loading the event file.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- strict_gap_modebool, default: False
See neo documentation. Detect gaps using strict mode or not. * strict_gap_mode = True then a gap is consider when timstamp difference between two consecutive data packets is more than one sample interval. * strict_gap_mode = False then a gap has an increased tolerance. Some new systems with different clocks need this option otherwise, too many gaps are detected
Note that here the default is False contrary to neo.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_neuralynx_sorting(folder_path: str, sampling_frequency: float | None = None, stream_id: str | None = None, stream_name: str | None = None)¶
Class for reading spike data from a folder with neuralynx spiking data (i.e .nse and .ntt formats).
Based on
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- sampling_frequencyfloat
The sampling frequency for the spiking channels. When the signal data is available (.ncs) those files will be used to extract the frequency. Otherwise, the sampling frequency needs to be specified for this extractor.
- stream_idstr, default: None
Used to extract information about the sampling frequency and t_start from the analog signal if provided.
- stream_namestr, default: None
Used to extract information about the sampling frequency and t_start from the analog signal if provided.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_neuroexplorer(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading NEX (NeuroExplorer data format) files.
Based on
Importantly, at the moment, this recorder only extracts one channel of the recording. This is because the NeuroExplorerRawIO class does not support multi-channel recordings as in the NeuroExplorer format they might have different sampling rates.
Consider extracting all the channels and then concatenating them with the aggregate_channels function.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors.neoextractors.neuroexplorer import NeuroExplorerRecordingExtractor >>> from spikeinterface.core import aggregate_channels >>> >>> file_path="/the/path/to/your/nex/file.nex" >>> >>> streams = NeuroExplorerRecordingExtractor.get_streams(file_path=file_path) >>> stream_names = streams[0] >>> >>> your_signal_stream_names = "Here goes the logic to filter from stream names the ones that you know have the same sampling rate and you want to aggregate" >>> >>> recording_list = [NeuroExplorerRecordingExtractor(file_path=file_path, stream_name=stream_name) for stream_name in your_signal_stream_names] >>> recording = aggregate_channels(recording_list)
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load. For this neo reader streams are defined by their sampling frequency.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_neuroscope(file_path, stream_id=None, keep_mua_units=False, exclude_shanks=None, load_recording=True, load_sorting=False)¶
Read neuroscope recording and sorting. This function assumses that all .res and .clu files are in the same folder as the .xml file.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The xml file.
- stream_idstr or None
The stream id to load. If None, the first stream is loaded
- keep_mua_unitsbool, default: False
Optional. Whether or not to return sorted spikes from multi-unit activity
- exclude_shankslist
Optional. List of indices to ignore. The set of all possible indices is chosen by default, extracted as the final integer of all the .res. % i and .clu. % i pairs.
- load_recordingbool, default: True
If True, the recording is loaded
- load_sortingbool, default: False
If True, the sorting is loaded
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_nix(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, block_index=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading Nix file
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- block_indexint, default: None
If there are several blocks, specify the block index you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_openephys(folder_path, **kwargs)¶
Read “legacy” or “binary” Open Ephys formats
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to openephys folder
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load
- block_indexint, default: None
If there are several blocks (experiments), specify the block index you want to load
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotation from neo
- load_sync_channelbool, default: False
If False (default) and a SYNC channel is present (e.g. Neuropixels), this is not loaded. If True, the SYNC channel is loaded and can be accessed in the analog signals. For open ephsy binary format only
- load_sync_timestampsbool, default: False
If True, the synchronized_timestamps are loaded and set as times to the recording. If False (default), only the t_start and sampling rate are set, and timestamps are assumed to be uniform and linearly increasing. For open ephsy binary format only
- experiment_namesstr, list, or None, default: None
If multiple experiments are available, this argument allows users to select one or more experiments. If None, all experiements are loaded as blocks. E.g. experiment_names=”experiment2”, experiment_names=[“experiment1”, “experiment2”] For open ephsy binary format only
- ignore_timestamps_errorsbool, default: False
Ignore the discontinuous timestamps errors in neo For open ephsy legacy format only
- Returns:
- recordingOpenEphysLegacyRecordingExtractor or OpenEphysBinaryExtractor
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_openephys_event(folder_path, block_index=None)¶
Read Open Ephys events from “binary” format.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to openephys folder
- block_indexint, default: None
If there are several blocks (experiments), specify the block index you want to load.
- Returns:
- eventOpenEphysBinaryEventExtractor
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_plexon(file_path: str | Path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = True)¶
Class for reading plexon plx files.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr | Path
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: True
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- Example for wideband signals:
names: [“WB01”, “WB02”, “WB03”, “WB04”] ids: [“0” , “1”, “2”, “3”]
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_plexon >>> recording = read_plexon(file_path=r'my_data.plx')
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_plexon_sorting(file_path)¶
Class for reading plexon spiking data (.plx files).
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_plexon2(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, use_names_as_ids=True, all_annotations=False, reading_attempts: int = 25)¶
Class for reading plexon pl2 files.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr | Path
The file path of the plexon2 file. It should have the .pl2 extension.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: True
If True, the names of the signals are used as channel ids. If False, the channel ids are a combination of the source id and the channel index.
- Example for wideband signals:
names: [“WB01”, “WB02”, “WB03”, “WB04”] ids: [“source3.1” , “source3.2”, “source3.3”, “source3.4”]
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- reading_attemptsint, default: 25
Number of attempts to read the file before raising an error This opening process is somewhat unreliable and might fail occasionally. Adjust this higher if you encounter problems in opening the file.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_plexon2 >>> recording = read_plexon2(file_path=r'my_data.pl2')
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_plexon2_sorting(file_path, sampling_frequency=None)¶
Class for reading plexon spiking data from .pl2 files.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- sampling_frequencyfloat, default: None
The sampling frequency of the sorting (required for multiple streams with different sampling frequencies).
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_spike2(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations=False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading spike2 smr files. smrx are not supported with this, prefer CedRecordingExtractor instead.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_spikegadgets(file_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading rec files from spikegadgets.
Based on
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr
The file path to load the recordings from.
- stream_idstr or None, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr or None, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_spikegadgets >>> recording = read_spikegadgets(file_path=r'my_data.rec')
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_spikeglx(folder_path, load_sync_channel=False, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading data saved by SpikeGLX software. See https://billkarsh.github.io/SpikeGLX/
Based on
Contrary to older verions, this reader is folder-based. If the folder contains several streams (e.g., “imec0.ap”, “nidq” ,”imec0.lf”), then the stream has to be specified with “stream_id” or “stream_name”.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr
The folder path to load the recordings from.
- load_sync_channelbool default: False
Whether or not to load the last channel in the stream, which is typically used for synchronization. If True, then the probe is not loaded.
- stream_idstr or None, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load. For example, “imec0.ap”, “nidq”, or “imec0.lf”.
- stream_namestr or None, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
>>> from spikeinterface.extractors import read_spikeglx >>> recording = read_spikeglx(folder_path=r'path_to_folder_with_data', load_sync_channel=False) # we can load the sync channel, but then the probe is not loaded >>> recording = read_spikeglx(folder_path=r'pat_to_folder_with_data', load_sync_channel=True)
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_tdt(folder_path, stream_id=None, stream_name=None, block_index=None, all_annotations: bool = False, use_names_as_ids: bool = False)¶
Class for reading TDT folder.
Based on
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr
The folder path to the tdt folder.
- stream_idstr or None, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream id you want to load.
- stream_namestr or None, default: None
If there are several streams, specify the stream name you want to load.
- all_annotationsbool, default: False
Load exhaustively all annotations from neo.
- use_names_as_idsbool, default: False
Determines the format of the channel IDs used by the extractor. If set to True, the channel IDs will be the names from NeoRawIO. If set to False, the channel IDs will be the ids provided by NeoRawIO.
- block_indexint, default: None
If there are several blocks (experiments), specify the block index you want to load
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_zarr(folder_path: str | Path, storage_options: dict | None = None) ZarrRecordingExtractor | ZarrSortingExtractor ¶
Read recording or sorting from a zarr format
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the zarr root file
- storage_optionsdict or None
Storage options for zarr store. E.g., if “s3://” or “gcs://” they can provide authentication methods, etc.
- Returns:
- extractorZarrExtractor
The loaded extractor
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_alf_sorting(folder_path, sampling_frequency=30000)¶
Load ALF format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the ALF folder.
- sampling_frequencyint, default: 30000
The sampling frequency.
- Returns:
- extractorALFSortingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_bids(folder_path)¶
Load a BIDS folder of data into extractor objects.
The following files are considered:
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the BIDS folder.
- Returns:
- extractorslist of extractors
The loaded data, with attached Probes.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_cbin_ibl(folder_path=None, load_sync_channel=False, stream_name='ap', cbin_file_path=None, cbin_file=None)¶
Load IBL data as an extractor object.
IBL have a custom format - compressed binary with spikeglx meta.
The format is like spikeglx (have a meta file) but contains:
“cbin” file (instead of “bin”)
“ch” file used by mtscomp for compression info
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to ibl folder.
- load_sync_channelbool, default: False
Load or not the last channel (sync). If not then the probe is loaded.
- stream_name{“ap”, “lp”}, default: “ap”.
Whether to load AP or LFP band, one of “ap” or “lp”.
- cbin_file_pathstr, Path or None, default None
The cbin file of the recording. If None, searches in folder_path for file.
- cbin_filestr or None, default None
(deprecated) The cbin file of the recording. If None, searches in folder_path for file.
- Returns:
- recordingCompressedBinaryIblExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_combinato(folder_path, sampling_frequency=None, user='simple', det_sign='both', keep_good_only=True)¶
Load Combinato format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the Combinato folder.
- sampling_frequencyint, default: 30000
The sampling frequency.
- userstr, default: “simple”
The username that ran the sorting
- det_sign“both”, “pos”, “neg”, default: “both”
Which sign was used for detection.
- keep_good_onlybool, default: True
Whether to only keep good units.
- Returns:
- extractorCombinatoSortingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_ibl_recording(eid: str | None = None, pid: str | None = None, stream_name: str | None = None, load_sync_channel: bool = False, cache_folder: Path | str | None = None, remove_cached: bool = True, stream: bool = True, one: one.api.OneAlyx = None, stream_type: str | None = None)¶
Stream IBL data as an extractor object.
- Parameters:
- eidstr or None, default: None
The session ID to extract recordings for. In ONE, this is sometimes referred to as the “eid”. When doing a session lookup such as
>>> from one.api import ONE >>> one = ONE(base_url="https://openalyx.internationalbrainlab.org", password="international", silent=True) >>> sessions = one.alyx.rest("sessions", "list", tag="2022_Q2_IBL_et_al_RepeatedSite")
each returned value in sessions refers to it as the “id”.
- pidstr or None, default: None
Probe insertion UUID in Alyx. To retrieve the PID from a session (or eid), use the following code:
>>> from one.api import ONE >>> one = ONE(base_url="https://openalyx.internationalbrainlab.org", password="international", silent=True) >>> pids, _ = one.eid2pid("session_eid") >>> pid = pids[0]
Either eid or pid must be provided.
- stream_namestr
The name of the stream to load for the session. These can be retrieved from calling StreamingIblExtractor.get_stream_names(session=”<your session ID>”).
- load_sync_channelbool, default: false
Load or not the last channel (sync). If not then the probe is loaded.
- cache_folderstr or None, default: None
The location to temporarily store chunks of data during streaming. The default uses the folder designated by ONE.alyx._par.CACHE_DIR / “cache”, which is typically the designated “Downloads” folder on your operating system. As long as remove_cached is set to True, the only files that will persist in this folder are the metadata header files and the chunk of data being actively streamed and used in RAM.
- remove_cachedbool, default: True
Whether or not to remove streamed data from the cache immediately after it is read. If you expect to reuse fetched data many times, and have the disk space available, it is recommended to set this to False.
- streambool, default: True
Whether or not to stream the data.
- oneone.api.OneAlyx, default: None
An instance of the ONE API to use for data loading. If not provided, a default instance is created using the default parameters. If you need to use a specific instance, you can create it using the ONE API and pass it here.
- Returns:
- recordingIblStreamingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor which allows access to the traces.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_hdsort(file_path, keep_good_only=True)¶
Load HDSort format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to HDSort mat file.
- keep_good_onlybool, default: True
Whether to only keep good units.
- Returns:
- extractorHDSortSortingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_herdingspikes(file_path, load_unit_info=True)¶
Load HerdingSpikes format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to the ALF folder.
- load_unit_infobool, default: True
Whether to load the unit info from the file.
- Returns:
- extractorHerdingSpikesSortingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_kilosort(folder_path: Path | str, keep_good_only: bool = False, remove_empty_units: bool = True)¶
Load Kilosort format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the output Phy folder (containing the params.py).
- keep_good_onlybool, default: True
Whether to only keep good units. If True, only Kilosort-labeled ‘good’ units are returned.
- remove_empty_unitsbool, default: True
If True, empty units are removed from the sorting extractor.
- Returns:
- extractorKiloSortSortingExtractor
The loaded Sorting object.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_klusta(file_or_folder_path, exclude_cluster_groups=None)¶
Load Klusta format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_or_folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the ALF folder.
- exclude_cluster_groupslist or str, default: None
Cluster groups to exclude (e.g. “noise” or [“noise”, “mua”]).
- Returns:
- extractorKlustaSortingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_mcsh5(file_path, stream_id=0)¶
Load a MCS H5 file as a recording extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
The path to the MCS h5 file.
- stream_idint, default: 0
The stream ID to load.
- Returns:
- recordingMCSH5RecordingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_mda_recording(folder_path, raw_fname='raw.mda', params_fname='params.json', geom_fname='geom.csv')¶
Load MDA format data as a recording extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the MDA folder.
- raw_fnamestr, default: “raw.mda”
File name of raw file
- params_fnamestr, default: “params.json”
File name of params file
- geom_fnamestr, default: “geom.csv”
File name of geom file
- Returns:
- extractorMdaRecordingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_mda_sorting(file_path, sampling_frequency)¶
Load MDA format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to the MDA file.
- sampling_frequencyint
The sampling frequency.
- Returns:
- extractorMdaRecordingExtractor
The loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_nwb(file_path, load_recording=True, load_sorting=False, electrical_series_path=None)¶
Reads NWB file into SpikeInterface extractors.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to NWB file.
- load_recordingbool, default: True
If True, the recording object is loaded.
- load_sortingbool, default: False
If True, the recording object is loaded.
- electrical_series_pathstr or None, default: None
The name of the ElectricalSeries (if multiple ElectricalSeries are present)
- Returns:
- extractorsextractor or tuple
Single RecordingExtractor/SortingExtractor or tuple with both (depending on “load_recording”/”load_sorting”) arguments.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_phy(folder_path: Path | str, exclude_cluster_groups: list[str] | str | None = None, load_all_cluster_properties: bool = True)¶
Load Phy format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the output Phy folder (containing the params.py).
- exclude_cluster_groupslist or str, default: None
Cluster groups to exclude (e.g. “noise” or [“noise”, “mua”]).
- load_all_cluster_propertiesbool, default: True
If True, all cluster properties are loaded from the tsv/csv files.
- Returns:
- extractorPhySortingExtractor
The loaded Sorting object.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_shybrid_recording(file_path)¶
Load SHYBRID format data as a recording extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to the SHYBRID file.
- Returns:
- extractorSHYBRIDRecordingExtractor
Loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_shybrid_sorting(file_path, sampling_frequency, delimiter=',')¶
Load SHYBRID format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to the SHYBRID file.
- sampling_frequencyint
The sampling frequency.
- delimiterstr
The delimiter to use for loading the file.
- Returns:
- extractorSHYBRIDSortingExtractor
Loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_spykingcircus(folder_path)¶
Load SpykingCircus format data as a recording extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the SpykingCircus folder.
- Returns:
- extractorSpykingCircusSortingExtractor
Loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.toy_example(duration=10, num_channels=4, num_units=10, sampling_frequency=30000.0, num_segments=2, average_peak_amplitude=-100, upsample_factor=None, contact_spacing_um=40.0, num_columns=1, spike_times=None, spike_labels=None, firing_rate=3.0, seed=None)¶
Returns a generated dataset with “toy” units and spikes on top on white noise. This is useful to test api, algos, postprocessing and visualization without any downloading.
This a rewrite (with the lazy approach) of the old spikeinterface.extractor.toy_example() which itself was also a rewrite from the very old spikeextractor.toy_example() (from Jeremy Magland). In this new version, the recording is totally lazy and so it does not use disk space or memory. It internally uses NoiseGeneratorRecording + generate_templates + InjectTemplatesRecording.
For better control, you should use the generate_ground_truth_recording(), but provides better control over the parameters.
- Parameters:
- durationfloat or list[float], default: 10
Duration in seconds. If a list is provided, it will be the duration of each segment.
- num_channelsint, default: 4
Number of channels
- num_unitsint, default: 10
Number of units
- sampling_frequencyfloat, default: 30000
Sampling frequency
- num_segmentsint, default: 2
Number of segments.
- spike_timesnp.array or list[nparray] or None, default: None
Spike time in the recording
- spike_labelsnp.array or list[nparray] or None, default: None
Cluster label for each spike time (needs to specified both together).
- firing_ratefloat, default: 3.0
The firing rate for the units (in Hz)
- seedint or None, default: None
Seed for random initialization.
- upsample_factorNone or int, default: None
An upsampling factor, used only when templates are not provided.
- num_columnsint, default: 1
Number of columns in probe.
- average_peak_amplitudefloat, default: -100
Average peak amplitude of generated templates.
- contact_spacing_umfloat, default: 40.0
Spacing between probe contacts in micrometers.
- Returns:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The output recording extractor.
- sortingSortingExtractor
The output sorting extractor.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_tridesclous(folder_path, chan_grp=None)¶
Load Tridesclous format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the Tridesclous folder.
- chan_grplist or None, default: None
The channel group(s) to load.
- Returns:
- extractorTridesclousSortingExtractor
Loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_waveclus(file_path, keep_good_only=True)¶
Load WaveClus format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr or Path
Path to the WaveClus file.
- keep_good_onlybool, default: True
Whether to only keep good units.
- Returns:
- extractorWaveClusSortingExtractor
Loaded data.
- spikeinterface.extractors.read_yass(folder_path)¶
Load YASS format data as a sorting extractor.
- Parameters:
- folder_pathstr or Path
Path to the ALF folder.
- Returns:
- extractorYassSortingExtractor
Loaded data.
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.astype(recording, dtype=None, round: bool | None = None)¶
The spikeinterface analog of numpy.astype
Converts a recording to another dtype on the fly.
For recording with an unsigned dtype, please use the unsigned_to_signed preprocessing function.
- Parameters:
- dtypeNone | str | dtype, default: None
dtype of the output recording. If None, takes dtype from input recording.
- recordingRecording
The recording extractor to be converted.
- roundBool | None, default: None
If True, will round the values to the nearest integer using numpy.round. If None and dtype is an integer, will round floats to nearest integer.
- Returns:
- astype_recordingAstypeRecording
The converted recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.average_across_direction(parent_recording: BaseRecording, direction: str = 'y', dtype='float32')¶
Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.bandpass_filter(recording, freq_min=300.0, freq_max=6000.0, margin_ms=5.0, dtype=None, **filter_kwargs)¶
Bandpass filter of a recording
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording extractor to be re-referenced
- freq_minfloat
The highpass cutoff frequency in Hz
- freq_maxfloat
The lowpass cutoff frequency in Hz
- margin_msfloat
Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect
- dtypedtype or None
The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used
- **filter_kwargsdict
- Certain keyword arguments for scipy.signal filters:
- filter_orderorder
The order of the filter. Note as filtering is applied with scipy’s filtfilt functions (i.e. acausal, zero-phase) the effective order will be double the filter_order.
- filter_mode“sos” | “ba”, default: “sos”
Filter form of the filter coefficients: - second-order sections (“sos”) - numerator/denominator : (“ba”)
- ftypestr, default: “butter”
Filter type for scipy.signal.iirfilter e.g. “butter”, “cheby1”.
- Returns:
- filter_recordingBandpassFilterRecording
The bandpass-filtered recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.blank_staturation(recording, abs_threshold=None, quantile_threshold=None, direction='upper', fill_value=None, num_chunks_per_segment=50, chunk_size=500, seed=0)¶
Find and remove parts of the signal with extereme values. Some arrays may produce these when amplifiers enter saturation, typically for short periods of time. To remove these artefacts, values below or above a threshold are set to the median signal value. The threshold is either be estimated automatically, using the lower and upper 0.1 signal percentile with the largest deviation from the median, or specificed. Use this function with caution, as it may clip uncontaminated signals. A warning is printed if the data range suggests no artefacts.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be transformed Minimum value. If None, clipping is not performed on lower interval edge.
- abs_thresholdfloat or None, default: None
The absolute value for considering that the signal is saturating
- quantile_thresholdfloat or None, default: None
Tha value in [0, 1] used if abs_threshold is None to automatically set the abs_threshold given the data. Must be provided if abs_threshold is None
- direction“upper” | “lower” | “both”, default: “upper”
Only values higher than the detection threshold are set to fill_value (“higher”), or only values lower than the detection threshold (“lower”), or both (“both”)
- fill_valuefloat or None, default: None
The value to write instead of the saturating signal. If None, then the value is automatically computed as the median signal value
- num_chunks_per_segmentint, default: 50
The number of chunks per segments to consider to estimate the threshold/fill_values
- chunk_sizeint, default: 500
The chunk size to estimate the threshold/fill_values
- seedint, default: 0
The seed to select the random chunks
- Returns:
- rescaled_tracesBlankSaturationRecording
The filtered traces recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.center(recording, mode='median', dtype='float32', **random_chunk_kwargs)¶
Centers traces from the given recording extractor by removing the median/mean of each channel.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be centered
- mode“median” | “mean”, default: “median”
The method used to center the traces
- dtypestr or np.dtype, default: “float32”
The dtype of the output traces
- **random_chunk_kwargsKeyword arguments for spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk() function
- Returns:
- centered_tracesScaleRecording
The centered traces recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.clip(recording, a_min=None, a_max=None)¶
Limit the values of the data between a_min and a_max. Values exceeding the range will be set to the minimum or maximum, respectively.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be transformed
- a_minfloat or None, default: None
Minimum value. If None, clipping is not performed on lower interval edge.
- a_maxfloat or None, default: None
Maximum value. If None, clipping is not performed on upper interval edge.
- Returns:
- rescaled_tracesClipTracesRecording
The clipped traces recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.common_reference(recording: BaseRecording, reference: Literal['global', 'single', 'local'] = 'global', operator: Literal['median', 'average'] = 'median', groups: list | None = None, ref_channel_ids: list | str | int | None = None, local_radius: tuple[float, float] = (30.0, 55.0), dtype: str | np.dtype | None = None)¶
Re-references the recording extractor traces. That is, the value of the traces are shifted so the there is a new zero (reference).
The new reference can be estimated either by using a common median reference (CMR) or a common average reference (CAR).
- The new reference can be set three ways:
- “global”: the median/average of all channels is set as the new reference.
In this case, the ‘global’ median/average is subtracted from all channels.
- “single”: In the simplest case, a single channel from the recording is set as the new reference.
This channel is subtracted from all other channels. To use this option, the ref_channel_ids argument is used with a single channel id. Note that this option will zero out the reference channel. A collection of channels can also be used as the new reference. In this case, the median/average of the selected channels is subtracted from all other channels. To use this option, pass the group of channels as a list in ref_channel_ids.
- “local”: the median/average within an annulus is set as the new reference.
The parameters of the annulus are specified using the local_radius argument. With this option, both channels which are too close and channels which are too far are excluded from the median/average. Note that setting the local_radius to (0, exclude_radius) will yield a simple circular local region.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be re-referenced
- reference“global” | “single” | “local”, default: “global”
If “global” the reference is the average or median across all the channels. To select a subset of channels, you can use the ref_channel_ids parameter. If “single”, the reference is a single channel or a list of channels that need to be set with the ref_channel_ids. If “local”, the reference is the set of channels within an annulus that must be set with the local_radius parameter.
- operator“median” | “average”, default: “median”
- If “median”, a common median reference (CMR) is implemented (the median of
the selected channels is removed for each timestamp).
- If “average”, common average reference (CAR) is implemented (the mean of the selected channels is removed
for each timestamp).
- groupslist or None, default: None
List of lists containing the channel ids for splitting the reference. The CMR, CAR, or referencing with respect to single channels are applied group-wise. However, this is not applied for the local CAR. It is useful when dealing with different channel groups, e.g. multiple tetrodes.
- ref_channel_idslist | str | int | None, default: None
If “global” reference, a list of channels to be used as reference. If “single” reference, a list of one channel or a single channel id is expected. If “groups” is provided, then a list of channels to be applied to each group is expected.
- local_radiustuple(int, int), default: (30, 55)
Use in the local CAR implementation as the selecting annulus with the following format:
(exclude radius, include radius)
Where the exlude radius is the inner radius of the annulus and the include radius is the outer radius of the annulus. The exclude radius is used to exclude channels that are too close to the reference channel and the include radius delineates the outer boundary of the annulus whose role is to exclude channels that are too far away.
- dtypeNone or dtype, default: None
If None the parent dtype is kept.
- Returns:
- referenced_recordingCommonReferenceRecording
The re-referenced recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.correct_lsb(recording, num_chunks_per_segment=20, chunk_size=10000, seed=None, verbose=False)¶
Estimates the LSB of the recording and divide traces by LSB to ensure LSB = 1. Medians are also subtracted to avoid rounding errors.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be LSB-corrected.
- num_chunks_per_segmentint, default: 20
Number of chunks per segment for random chunk
- chunk_sizeint, default: 10000
Size of a chunk in number for random chunk
- seedint or None, default: None
Random seed for random chunk
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, estimate LSB value is printed
- Returns:
- correct_lsb_recordingScaleRecording
The recording extractor with corrected LSB
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.correct_motion(recording, preset='dredge_fast', folder=None, output_motion=False, output_motion_info=False, overwrite=False, detect_kwargs={}, select_kwargs={}, localize_peaks_kwargs={}, estimate_motion_kwargs={}, interpolate_motion_kwargs={}, **job_kwargs)¶
High-level function that estimates the motion and interpolates the recording.
- This function has some intermediate steps that can be controlled one by one with parameters:
detect peaks
(optional) sub-sample peaks to speed up the localization
localize peaks
estimate the motion
create and return a InterpolateMotionRecording recording object
Even if this function is convinient, we recommend to run all step separately for fine tuning.
Optionally, this function can create a folder with files and figures ready to check.
This function depends on several modular components of
.If select_kwargs is None then all peak are used for localized.
The recording must be preprocessed (filter and denoised at least), and we recommend to not use whithening before motion estimation. Since the motion interpolation requires a “float” recording, the recording is casted to float32 if necessary.
Parameters for each step are handled as separate dictionaries. For more information please check the documentation of the following functions:
- Possible presets
dredge: Official Dredge preset
dredge_fast: Modified and faster Dredge preset
nonrigid_accurate: method by Paninski lab (monopolar_triangulation + decentralized)
nonrigid_fast_and_accurate: mixed methods by KS & Paninski lab (grid_convolution + decentralized)
rigid_fast: Rigid and not super accurate but fast. Use center of mass.
kilosort_like: Mimic the drift correction of kilosort (grid_convolution + iterative_template)
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be transformed
- presetstr, default: “nonrigid_accurate”
The preset name
- folderPath str or None, default: None
If not None then intermediate motion info are saved into a folder
- output_motionbool, default: False
It True, the function returns a motion object.
- output_motion_infobool, default: False
If True, then the function returns a motion_info dictionary that contains variables to check intermediate steps (motion_histogram, non_rigid_windows, pairwise_displacement) This dictionary is the same when reloaded from the folder
- overwritebool, default: False
If True and folder is given, overwrite the folder if it already exists
- detect_kwargsdict
Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “detect” step.
- select_kwargsdict
If not None, optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “select” step. If None, the “select” step is skipped.
- localize_peaks_kwargsdict
Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “localize” step.
- estimate_motion_kwargsdict
Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “estimate_motion” step.
- interpolate_motion_kwargsdict
Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “detect” step.
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- Returns:
- recording_correctedRecording
The motion corrected recording
- motionMotion
Optional output if output_motion=True.
- motion_infodict
Optional output if output_motion_info=True. This dict contains several variable for for plotting. See plot_motion_info()
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.get_motion_presets()¶
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.get_motion_parameters_preset(preset)¶
Get the parameters tree for a given preset for motion correction.
- Parameters:
- presetstr, default: None
The preset name. See available presets using spikeinterface.preprocessing.get_motion_presets().
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.depth_order(parent_recording, channel_ids=None, dimensions=('x', 'y'), flip=False)¶
Re-orders the recording (channel IDs, channel locations, and traces)
Sorts channels lexicographically according to the dimensions in dimensions. See the documentation for order_channels_by_depth.
- Parameters:
- parent_recordingBaseRecording
The recording to re-order.
- channel_idslist/array or None
If given, a subset of channels to order locations for
- dimensionsstr or tuple, list, default: (“x”, “y”)
If str, it needs to be “x”, “y”, “z”. If tuple or list, it sorts the locations in two dimensions using lexsort. This approach is recommended since there is less ambiguity
- flipbool, default: False
If flip is False then the order is bottom first (starting from tip of the probe). If flip is True then the order is upper first.
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.detect_bad_channels(recording: BaseRecording, method: str = 'coherence+psd', std_mad_threshold: float = 5, psd_hf_threshold: float = 0.02, dead_channel_threshold: float = -0.5, noisy_channel_threshold: float = 1.0, outside_channel_threshold: float = -0.75, outside_channels_location: Literal['top', 'bottom', 'both'] = 'top', n_neighbors: int = 11, nyquist_threshold: float = 0.8, direction: Literal['x', 'y', 'z'] = 'y', chunk_duration_s: float = 0.3, num_random_chunks: int = 100, welch_window_ms: float = 10.0, highpass_filter_cutoff: float = 300, neighborhood_r2_threshold: float = 0.9, neighborhood_r2_radius_um: float = 30.0, seed: int | None = None)¶
Perform bad channel detection. The recording is assumed to be filtered. If not, a highpass filter is applied on the fly.
Different methods are implemented:
- stdthrehshold on channel standard deviations
If the standard deviation of a channel is greater than std_mad_threshold times the median of all channels standard deviations, the channel is flagged as noisy
mad : same as std, but using median absolute deviations instead
- coeherence+psdmethod developed by the International Brain Laboratory that detects bad channels of three types:
Dead channels are those with low similarity to the surrounding channels (n=`n_neighbors` median)
Noise channels are those with power at >80% Nyquist above the psd_hf_threshold (default 0.02 uV^2 / Hz) and a high coherence with “far away” channels”
Out of brain channels are contigious regions of channels dissimilar to the median of all channels at the top end of the probe (i.e. large channel number)
- neighborhood_r2
A method tuned for LFP use-cases, where channels should be highly correlated with their spatial neighbors. This method estimates the correlation of each channel with the median of its spatial neighbors, and considers channels bad when this correlation is too small.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording for which bad channels are detected
- method“coeherence+psd” | “std” | “mad” | “neighborhood_r2”, default: “coeherence+psd”
The method to be used for bad channel detection
- std_mad_thresholdfloat, default: 5
The standard deviation/mad multiplier threshold
- psd_hf_thresholdfloat, default: 0.02
For coherence+psd - an absolute threshold (uV^2/Hz) used as a cutoff for noise channels. Channels with average power at >80% Nyquist larger than this threshold will be labeled as noise
- dead_channel_thresholdfloat, default: -0.5
For coherence+psd - threshold for channel coherence below which channels are labeled as dead
- noisy_channel_thresholdfloat, default: 1
Threshold for channel coherence above which channels are labeled as noisy (together with psd condition)
- outside_channel_thresholdfloat, default: -0.75
For coherence+psd - threshold for channel coherence above which channels at the edge of the recording are marked as outside of the brain
- outside_channels_location“top” | “bottom” | “both”, default: “top”
For coherence+psd - location of the outside channels. If “top”, only the channels at the top of the probe can be marked as outside channels. If “bottom”, only the channels at the bottom of the probe can be marked as outside channels. If “both”, both the channels at the top and bottom of the probe can be marked as outside channels
- n_neighborsint, default: 11
For coeherence+psd - number of channel neighbors to compute median filter (needs to be odd)
- nyquist_thresholdfloat, default: 0.8
For coherence+psd - frequency with respect to Nyquist (Fn=1) above which the mean of the PSD is calculated and compared with psd_hf_threshold
- direction“x” | “y” | “z”, default: “y”
For coherence+psd - the depth dimension
- highpass_filter_cutofffloat, default: 300
If the recording is not filtered, the cutoff frequency of the highpass filter
- chunk_duration_sfloat, default: 0.5
Duration of each chunk
- num_random_chunksint, default: 100
Number of random chunks Having many chunks is important for reproducibility.
- welch_window_msfloat, default: 10
Window size for the scipy.signal.welch that will be converted to nperseg
- neighborhood_r2_thresholdfloat, default: 0.95
R^2 threshold for the neighborhood_r2 method.
- neighborhood_r2_radius_umfloat, default: 30
Spatial radius below which two channels are considered neighbors in the neighborhood_r2 method.
- seedint or None, default: None
The random seed to extract chunks
- Returns:
- bad_channel_idsnp.array
The identified bad channel ids
- channel_labelsnp.array of str
- Channels labels depending on the method:
(coeherence+psd) good/dead/noise/out
(std, mad) good/noise
For details refer to: International Brain Laboratory et al. (2022). Spike sorting pipeline for the International Brain Laboratory. https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/repro-ephys
>>> import spikeinterface.preprocessing as spre >>> bad_channel_ids, channel_labels = spre.detect_bad_channels(recording, method="coherence+psd") >>> # remove bad channels >>> recording_clean = recording.remove_channels(bad_channel_ids)
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.directional_derivative(recording: BaseRecording, direction: str = 'y', order: int = 1, edge_order: int = 1, dtype='float32')¶
Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.filter(recording, band=[300.0, 6000.0], btype='bandpass', filter_order=5, ftype='butter', filter_mode='sos', margin_ms=5.0, add_reflect_padding=False, coeff=None, dtype=None, direction='forward-backward')¶
- A generic filter class based on:
- For filter coefficient generation:
- For filter application:
scipy.signal.filtfilt or scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt when direction = “forward-backward”
scipy.signal.lfilter or scipy.signal.sosfilt when direction = “forward” or “backward”
BandpassFilterRecording is built on top of it.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording extractor to be re-referenced
- bandfloat or list, default: [300.0, 6000.0]
If float, cutoff frequency in Hz for “highpass” filter type If list. band (low, high) in Hz for “bandpass” filter type
- btype“bandpass” | “highpass”, default: “bandpass”
Type of the filter
- margin_msfloat, default: 5.0
Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect
- coeffarray | None, default: None
Filter coefficients in the filter_mode form.
- dtypedtype or None, default: None
The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used
- add_reflect_paddingBool, default False
If True, uses a left and right margin during calculation.
- filter_orderorder
The order of the filter for scipy.signal.iirfilter
- filter_mode“sos” | “ba”, default: “sos”
Filter form of the filter coefficients for scipy.signal.iirfilter: - second-order sections (“sos”) - numerator/denominator : (“ba”)
- ftypestr, default: “butter”
Filter type for scipy.signal.iirfilter e.g. “butter”, “cheby1”.
- direction“forward” | “backward” | “forward-backward”, default: “forward-backward”
Direction of filtering: - “forward” - filter is applied to the timeseries in one direction, creating phase shifts - “backward” - the timeseries is reversed, the filter is applied and filtered timeseries reversed again. Creates phase shifts in the opposite direction to “forward” - “forward-backward” - Applies the filter in the forward and backward direction, resulting in zero-phase filtering. Note this doubles the effective filter order.
- Returns:
- filter_recordingFilterRecording
The filtered recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.gaussian_filter(recording: BaseRecording, freq_min: float = 300.0, freq_max: float = 5000.0, margin_sd: float = 5.0)¶
Class for performing a gaussian filtering/smoothing on a recording.
This is done by a convolution with a Gaussian kernel, which acts as a lowpass-filter. A highpass-filter can be computed by subtracting the result of the convolution to the original signal. A bandpass-filter is obtained by substracting the signal smoothed with a narrow gaussian to the signal smoothed with a wider gaussian.
Here, convolution is performed in the Fourier domain to accelerate the computation.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording extractor to be filtered.
- freq_minfloat or None
The lower frequency cutoff for the bandpass filter. If None, the resulting object is a lowpass filter.
- freq_maxfloat or None
The higher frequency cutoff for the bandpass filter. If None, the resulting object is a highpass filter.
- margin_sdfloat, default: 5.0
The number of standard deviation to take for margins.
- Returns:
- gaussian_filtered_recordingGaussianFilterRecording
The filtered recording extractor object.
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.highpass_filter(recording, freq_min=300.0, margin_ms=5.0, dtype=None, **filter_kwargs)¶
Highpass filter of a recording
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording extractor to be re-referenced
- freq_minfloat
The highpass cutoff frequency in Hz
- margin_msfloat
Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect
- dtypedtype or None
The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used
- **filter_kwargsdict
- Certain keyword arguments for scipy.signal filters:
- filter_orderorder
The order of the filter. Note as filtering is applied with scipy’s filtfilt functions (i.e. acausal, zero-phase) the effective order will be double the filter_order.
- filter_mode“sos” | “ba”, default: “sos”
Filter form of the filter coefficients: - second-order sections (“sos”) - numerator/denominator : (“ba”)
- ftypestr, default: “butter”
Filter type for scipy.signal.iirfilter e.g. “butter”, “cheby1”.
- Returns:
- filter_recordingHighpassFilterRecording
The highpass-filtered recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.highpass_spatial_filter(recording, n_channel_pad=60, n_channel_taper=0, direction='y', apply_agc=True, agc_window_length_s=0.1, highpass_butter_order=3, highpass_butter_wn=0.01, dtype=None)¶
Perform destriping with high-pass spatial filtering. Uses the kfilt() function of the International Brain Laboratory.
Median average filtering, by removing the median of signal across channels, assumes noise is constant across all channels. However, noise have exhibit low-frequency changes across nearby channels.
Alternative to median filtering across channels, in which the cut-band is extended from 0 to the 0.01 Nyquist corner frequency using butterworth filter. This allows removal of contaminating stripes that are not constant across channels.
Performs filtering on the 0 axis (across channels), with optional padding (mirrored) and tapering (cosine taper) prior to filtering. Applies a butterworth filter on the 0-axis with tapering / padding.
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The parent recording
- n_channel_padint, default: 60
Number of channels to pad prior to filtering. Channels are padded with mirroring. If None, no padding is applied
- n_channel_taperint, default: 0
Number of channels to perform cosine tapering on prior to filtering. If None and n_channel_pad is set, n_channel_taper will be set to the number of padded channels. Otherwise, the passed value will be used
- direction“x” | “y” | “z”, default: “y”
The direction in which the spatial filter is applied
- apply_agcbool, default: True
It True, Automatic Gain Control is applied
- agc_window_length_sfloat, default: 0.1
Window in seconds to compute Hanning window for AGC
- highpass_butter_orderint, default: 3
Order of spatial butterworth filter
- highpass_butter_wnfloat, default: 0.01
Critical frequency (with respect to Nyquist) of spatial butterworth filter
- dtypedtype, default: None
The dtype of the output traces. If None, the dtype is the same as the input traces
- Returns:
- highpass_recordingHighpassSpatialFilterRecording
The recording with highpass spatial filtered traces
Details of the high-pass spatial filter function (written by Olivier Winter) used in the IBL pipeline can be found at: International Brain Laboratory et al. (2022). Spike sorting pipeline for the International Brain Laboratory. https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/repro-ephys
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.interpolate_bad_channels(recording, bad_channel_ids, sigma_um=None, p=1.3, weights=None)¶
Interpolate the channel labeled as bad channels using linear interpolation. This is based on the distance (Gaussian kernel) from the bad channel, as determined from x,y channel coordinates.
Details of the interpolation function (written by Olivier Winter) used in the IBL pipeline can be found at:
International Brain Laboratory et al. (2022). Spike sorting pipeline for the International Brain Laboratory. https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/repro-ephys
- Parameters:
- recordingBaseRecording
The parent recording
- bad_channel_idslist or 1d np.array
Channel ids of the bad channels to interpolate.
- sigma_umfloat or None, default: None
Distance between sequential channels in um. If None, will use the most common distance between y-axis channels
- pfloat, default: 1.3
Exponent of the Gaussian kernel. Determines rate of decay for distance weightings
- weightsnp.array or None, default: None
The weights to give to bad_channel_ids at interpolation. If None, weights are automatically computed
- Returns:
- interpolated_recordingInterpolateBadChannelsRecording
The recording object with interpolated bad channels
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.normalize_by_quantile(recording, scale=1.0, median=0.0, q1=0.01, q2=0.99, mode='by_channel', dtype='float32', **random_chunk_kwargs)¶
Rescale the traces from the given recording extractor with a scalar and offset. First, the median and quantiles of the distribution are estimated. Then the distribution is rescaled and offset so that the scale is given by the distance between the quantiles (1st and 99th by default) is set to scale, and the median is set to the given median.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be transformed
- scalefloat, default: 1.0
Scale for the output distribution
- medianfloat, default: 0.0
Median for the output distribution
- q1float, default: 0.01
Lower quantile used for measuring the scale
- q2float, default: 0.99
Upper quantile used for measuring the
- mode“by_channel” | “pool_channel”, default: “by_channel”
If “by_channel” each channel is rescaled independently.
- dtypestr or np.dtype, default: “float32”
The dtype of the output traces
- **random_chunk_kwargsKeyword arguments for spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk() function
- Returns:
- rescaled_tracesNormalizeByQuantileRecording
The rescaled traces recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.notch_filter(recording, freq=3000, q=30, margin_ms=5.0, dtype=None)¶
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be notch-filtered
- freqint or float
The target frequency in Hz of the notch filter
- qint
The quality factor of the notch filter
- dtypeNone | dtype, default: None
dtype of recording. If None, will take from recording
- margin_msfloat, default: 5.0
Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect
- Returns:
- filter_recordingNotchFilterRecording
The notch-filtered recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.causal_filter(recording, direction='forward', band=[300.0, 6000.0], btype='bandpass', filter_order=5, ftype='butter', filter_mode='sos', margin_ms=5.0, add_reflect_padding=False, coeff=None, dtype=None)¶
Generic causal filter built on top of the filter function.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording extractor to be re-referenced
- direction“forward” | “backward”, default: “forward”
Direction of causal filter. The “backward” option flips the traces in time before applying the filter and then flips them back.
- bandfloat or list, default: [300.0, 6000.0]
If float, cutoff frequency in Hz for “highpass” filter type If list. band (low, high) in Hz for “bandpass” filter type
- btype“bandpass” | “highpass”, default: “bandpass”
Type of the filter
- margin_msfloat, default: 5.0
Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect
- coeffarray | None, default: None
Filter coefficients in the filter_mode form.
- dtypedtype or None, default: None
The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used
- add_reflect_paddingBool, default False
If True, uses a left and right margin during calculation.
- filter_orderorder
The order of the filter for scipy.signal.iirfilter
- filter_mode“sos” | “ba”, default: “sos”
Filter form of the filter coefficients for scipy.signal.iirfilter: - second-order sections (“sos”) - numerator/denominator : (“ba”)
- ftypestr, default: “butter”
Filter type for scipy.signal.iirfilter e.g. “butter”, “cheby1”.
- Returns:
- filter_recordingFilterRecording
The causal-filtered recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.phase_shift(recording, margin_ms=40.0, inter_sample_shift=None, dtype=None)¶
This apply a phase shift to a recording to cancel the small sampling delay across for some recording system.
This is particularly relevant for neuropixel recording.
This code is inspired from from IBL lib. https://github.com/int-brain-lab/ibllib/blob/master/ibllib/dsp/fourier.py and also the one from spikeglx https://billkarsh.github.io/SpikeGLX/help/dmx_vs_gbl/dmx_vs_gbl/
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording. It need to have “inter_sample_shift” in properties.
- margin_msfloat, default: 40.0
Margin in ms for computation. 40ms ensure a very small error when doing chunk processing
- inter_sample_shiftNone or numpy array, default: None
If “inter_sample_shift” is not in recording properties, we can externally provide one.
- dtypeNone | str | dtype, default: None
Dtype of input and output recording objects.
- Returns:
- filter_recordingPhaseShiftRecording
The phase shifted recording object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.rectify(recording)¶
Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.remove_artifacts(recording, list_triggers, ms_before=0.5, ms_after=3.0, mode='zeros', fit_sample_spacing=1.0, list_labels=None, artifacts=None, sparsity=None, scale_amplitude=False, time_jitter=0, waveforms_kwargs=None)¶
Removes stimulation artifacts from recording extractor traces. By default, artifact periods are zeroed-out (mode = “zeros”). This is only recommended for traces that are centered around zero (e.g. through a prior highpass filter); if this is not the case, linear and cubic interpolation modes are also available, controlled by the “mode” input argument. Note that several artifacts can be removed at once (potentially with distinct duration each), if labels are specified
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to remove artifacts from
- list_triggerslist of lists/arrays
One list per segment of int with the stimulation trigger frames
- ms_beforefloat or None, default: 0.5
Time interval in ms to remove before the trigger events. If None, then also ms_after must be None and a single sample is removed
- ms_afterfloat or None, default: 3.0
Time interval in ms to remove after the trigger events. If None, then also ms_before must be None and a single sample is removed
- list_labelslist of lists/arrays or None
One list per segment of labels with the stimulation labels for the given artifacts. labels should be strings, for JSON serialization. Required for “median” and “average” modes.
- mode“zeros”, “linear”, “cubic”, “average”, “median”, default: “zeros”
Determines what artifacts are replaced by. Can be one of the following:
“zeros”: Artifacts are replaced by zeros.
- “median”: The median over all artifacts is computed and subtracted for
each occurence of an artifact
- “average”: The mean over all artifacts is computed and subtracted for each
occurence of an artifact
- “linear”: Replacement are obtained through Linear interpolation between
the trace before and after the artifact. If the trace starts or ends with an artifact period, the gap is filled with the closest available value before or after the artifact.
- “cubic”: Cubic spline interpolation between the trace before and after
the artifact, referenced to evenly spaced fit points before and after the artifact. This is an option thatcan be helpful if there are significant LFP effects around the time of the artifact, but visual inspection of fit behaviour with your chosen settings is recommended. The spacing of fit points is controlled by “fit_sample_spacing”, with greater spacing between points leading to a fit that is less sensitive to high frequency fluctuations but at the cost of a less smooth continuation of the trace. If the trace starts or ends with an artifact, the gap is filled with the closest available value before or after the artifact.
- fit_sample_spacingfloat, default: 1.0
Determines the spacing (in ms) of reference points for the cubic spline fit if mode = “cubic”. Note : The actual fit samples are the median of the 5 data points around the time of each sample point to avoid excessive influence from hyper-local fluctuations.
- artifactsdict or None, default: None
If provided (when mode is “median” or “average”) then it must be a dict with keys that are the labels of the artifacts, and values the artifacts themselves, on all channels (and thus bypassing ms_before and ms_after)
- sparsitydict or None, default: None
If provided (when mode is “median” or “average”) then it must be a dict with keys that are the labels of the artifacts, and values that are boolean mask of the channels where the artifacts should be considered (for subtraction/scaling)
- scale_amplitudeFalse, default: False
If true, then for mode “median” or “average” the amplitude of the template will be scaled in amplitude at each time occurence to minimize residuals
- time_jitterfloat, default: 0
If non 0, then for mode “median” or “average”, a time jitter in ms can be allowed to minimize the residuals
- waveforms_kwargsNone
Deprecated and ignored
- Returns:
- removed_recordingRemoveArtifactsRecording
The recording extractor after artifact removal
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.resample(recording, resample_rate, margin_ms=100.0, dtype=None, skip_checks=False)¶
Resample the recording extractor traces.
If the original sampling rate is multiple of the resample_rate, it will use the signal.decimate method from scipy. In other cases, it uses signal.resample. In the later case, the resulting signal can have issues on the edges, mainly on the rightmost.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording extractor to be re-referenced
- resample_rateint
The resampling frequency
- margin_msfloat, default: 100.0
Margin in ms for computations, will be used to decrease edge effects.
- dtypedtype or None, default: None
The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used.
- skip_checksbool, default: False
If True, checks on sampling frequencies and cutoff filter frequencies are skipped
- Returns:
- resample_recordingResampleRecording
The resampled recording extractor object.
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.scale(recording, gain=1.0, offset=0.0, dtype='float32')¶
Scale traces from the given recording extractor with a scalar and offset. New traces = traces*scalar + offset.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be transformed
- gainfloat or array
Scalar for the traces of the recording extractor or array with scalars for each channel
- offsetfloat or array
Offset for the traces of the recording extractor or array with offsets for each channel
- dtypestr or np.dtype, default: “float32”
The dtype of the output traces
- Returns:
- transform_tracesScaleRecording
The transformed traces recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.silence_periods(recording, list_periods, mode='zeros', noise_levels=None, seed=None, **random_chunk_kwargs)¶
Silence user-defined periods from recording extractor traces. By default, periods are zeroed-out (mode = “zeros”). You can also fill the periods with noise. Note that both methods assume that traces that are centered around zero. If this is not the case, make sure you apply a filter or center function prior to silencing periods.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to silance periods
- list_periodslist of lists/arrays
One list per segment of tuples (start_frame, end_frame) to silence
- noise_levelsarray
Noise levels if already computed
- seedint | None, default: None
Random seed for get_noise_levels and NoiseGeneratorRecording. If none, get_noise_levels uses seed=0 and NoiseGeneratorRecording generates a random seed using numpy.random.default_rng.
- mode“zeros” | “noise, default: “zeros”
Determines what periods are replaced by. Can be one of the following:
“zeros”: Artifacts are replaced by zeros.
- “noise”: The periods are filled with a gaussion noise that has the
same variance that the one in the recordings, on a per channel basis
- **random_chunk_kwargsKeyword arguments for spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk() function
- Returns:
- silence_recordingSilencedPeriodsRecording
The recording extractor after silencing some periods
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.unsigned_to_signed(recording, bit_depth=None)¶
Converts a recording with unsigned traces to a signed one.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecording
The recording to be signed.
- bit_depthint or None, default: None
In case the bit depth of the ADC does not match that of the data type, it specifies the bit depth of the ADC to estimate the offset. For example, a bit_depth of 12 will correct for an offset of 2**11
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.whiten(recording, dtype=None, apply_mean=False, regularize=False, regularize_kwargs=None, mode='global', radius_um=100.0, int_scale=None, eps=None, W=None, M=None, **random_chunk_kwargs)¶
Whitens the recording extractor traces.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be whitened.
- dtypeNone or dtype, default: None
Datatype of the output recording (covariance matrix estimation and whitening are performed in float32). If None the the parent dtype is kept. For integer dtype a int_scale must be also given.
- mode“global” | “local”, default: “global”
“global” use the entire covariance matrix to compute the W matrix “local” use local covariance (by radius) to compute the W matrix
- radius_umNone or float, default: None
Used for mode = “local” to get the neighborhood
- apply_meanbool, default: False
Substract or not the mean matrix M before the dot product with W.
- int_scaleNone or float, default: None
Apply a scaling factor to fit the integer range. This is used when the dtype is an integer, so that the output is scaled. For example, a value of int_scale=200 will scale the traces value to a standard deviation of 200.
- epsfloat or None, default: None
Small epsilon to regularize SVD. If None, eps is defaulted to 1e-8. If the data is float type and scaled down to very small values, then the eps is automatically set to a small fraction (1e-3) of the median of the squared data.
- W2d np.array or None, default: None
Pre-computed whitening matrix
- M1d np.array or None, default: None
Pre-computed means. M can be None when previously computed with apply_mean=False
- regularizebool, default: False
Boolean to decide if we want to regularize the covariance matrix, using a chosen method of sklearn, specified in regularize_kwargs. Default is GraphicalLassoCV
- regularize_kwargs{‘method’‘GraphicalLassoCV’}
Dictionary of the parameters that could be provided to the method of sklearn, if the covariance matrix needs to be regularized.
- **random_chunk_kwargsKeyword arguments for spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk() function
- Returns:
- whitened_recordingWhitenRecording
The whitened recording extractor
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.zero_channel_pad(recording: BaseRecording, num_channels: int, channel_mapping: list | None = None)¶
Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment
- spikeinterface.preprocessing.zscore(recording, mode='median+mad', gain=None, offset=None, int_scale=None, dtype='float32', **random_chunk_kwargs)¶
Centers traces from the given recording extractor by removing the median of each channel and dividing by the MAD.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be centered
- mode“median+mad” | “mean+std”, default: “median+mad”
The mode to compute the zscore
- dtypeNone or dtype
If None the the parent dtype is kept. For integer dtype a int_scale must be also given.
- gainNone or np.array
Pre-computed gain.
- offsetNone or np.array
Pre-computed offset
- int_scaleNone or float
Apply a scaling factor to fit the integer range. This is used when the dtype is an integer, so that the output is scaled. For example, a value of int_scale=200 will scale the zscore value to a standard deviation of 200.
- **random_chunk_kwargsKeyword arguments for spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk() function
- Returns:
- centered_tracesScaleRecording
The centered traces recording extractor object
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_noise_levels(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Computes the noise level associated with each recording channel.
This function will wraps the get_noise_levels(recording) to make the noise levels persistent on disk (folder or zarr) as a WaveformExtension. The noise levels do not depend on the unit list, only the recording, but it is a convenient way to retrieve the noise levels directly ine the WaveformExtractor.
Note that the noise levels can be scaled or not, depending on the return_scaled parameter of the SortingAnalyzer.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- **kwargsdict
Additional parameters for the spikeinterface.get_noise_levels() function
- Returns:
- noise_levelsnp.array
The noise level vector
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_template_metrics(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
- Compute template metrics including:
- Optionally, the following multi-channel metrics can be computed (when include_multi_channel_metrics=True):
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer object
- metric_nameslist or None, default: None
List of metrics to compute (see si.postprocessing.get_template_metric_names())
- peak_sign{“neg”, “pos”}, default: “neg”
Whether to use the positive (“pos”) or negative (“neg”) peaks to estimate extremum channels.
- upsampling_factorint, default: 10
The upsampling factor to upsample the templates
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
If None, template metrics are computed on the extremum channel only. If sparsity is given, template metrics are computed on all sparse channels of each unit. For more on generating a ChannelSparsity, see the ~spikeinterface.compute_sparsity() function.
- include_multi_channel_metricsbool, default: False
Whether to compute multi-channel metrics
- delete_existing_metricsbool, default: False
If True, any template metrics attached to the sorting_analyzer are deleted. If False, any metrics which were previously calculated but are not included in metric_names are kept, provided the metric_params are unchanged.
- metric_paramsdict of dicts or None, default: None
Dictionary with parameters for template metrics calculation. Default parameters can be obtained with: si.postprocessing.template_metrics.get_default_tm_params()
- Returns:
- template_metricspd.DataFrame
Dataframe with the computed template metrics. If “sparsity” is None, the index is the unit_id. If “sparsity” is given, the index is a multi-index (unit_id, channel_id)
If any multi-channel metric is in the metric_names or include_multi_channel_metrics is True, sparsity must be None, so that one metric value will be computed per unit. For multi-channel metrics, 3D channel locations are not supported. By default, the depth direction is “y”.
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_principal_components(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Compute PC scores from waveform extractor. The PCA projections are pre-computed only on the sampled waveforms available from the extensions “waveforms”.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- n_componentsint, default: 5
Number of components fo PCA
- mode“by_channel_local” | “by_channel_global” | “concatenated”, default: “by_channel_local”
- The PCA mode:
“by_channel_local”: a local PCA is fitted for each channel (projection by channel)
“by_channel_global”: a global PCA is fitted for all channels (projection by channel)
“concatenated”: channels are concatenated and a global PCA is fitted
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
The sparsity to apply to waveforms. If sorting_analyzer is already sparse, the default sparsity will be used
- whitenbool, default: True
If True, waveforms are pre-whitened
- dtypedtype, default: “float32”
Dtype of the pc scores
>>> sorting_analyzer = create_sorting_analyzer(sorting, recording) >>> sorting_analyzer.compute("principal_components", n_components=3, mode='by_channel_local') >>> ext_pca = sorting_analyzer.get_extension("principal_components") >>> # get pre-computed projections for unit_id=1 >>> unit_projections = ext_pca.get_projections_one_unit(unit_id=1, sparse=False) >>> # get pre-computed projections for some units on some channels >>> some_projections, spike_unit_indices = ext_pca.get_some_projections(channel_ids=None, unit_ids=None) >>> # retrieve fitted pca model(s) >>> pca_model = ext_pca.get_pca_model() >>> # compute projections on new waveforms >>> proj_new = ext_pca.project_new(new_waveforms) >>> # run for all spikes in the SortingExtractor >>> pc.run_for_all_spikes(file_path="all_pca_projections.npy")
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_spike_amplitudes(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
AnalyzerExtension Computes the spike amplitudes.
Needs “templates” to be computed first. Localize spikes in 2D or 3D with several methods given the template.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- ms_beforefloat, default: 0.5
The left window, before a peak, in milliseconds
- ms_afterfloat, default: 0.5
The right window, after a peak, in milliseconds
- spike_retriver_kwargsdict
A dictionary to control the behavior for getting the maximum channel for each spike This dictionary contains:
- channel_from_template: bool, default: True
For each spike is the maximum channel computed from template or re estimated at every spikes channel_from_template = True is old behavior but less acurate channel_from_template = False is slower but more accurate
- radius_um: float, default: 50
In case channel_from_template=False, this is the radius to get the true peak
- peak_sign, default: “neg”
In case channel_from_template=False, this is the peak sign.
- method“center_of_mass” | “monopolar_triangulation” | “grid_convolution”, default: “center_of_mass”
The localization method to use
- **method_kwargsdict, default: {}
Kwargs which are passed to the method function. These can be found in the docstrings of compute_center_of_mass, compute_grid_convolution and compute_monopolar_triangulation.
- outputs“numpy” | “by_unit”, default: “numpy”
The output format, either concatenated as numpy array or separated on a per unit basis
- Returns:
- spike_locations: np.array
All locations for all spikes and all units are concatenated
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_unit_locations(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Localize units in 2D or 3D with several methods given the template.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- method“monopolar_triangulation” | “center_of_mass” | “grid_convolution”, default: “monopolar_triangulation”
The method to use for localization
- **method_kwargsdict, default: {}
Kwargs which are passed to the method function. These can be found in the docstrings of compute_center_of_mass, compute_grid_convolution and compute_monopolar_triangulation.
- Returns:
- unit_locationsnp.array
unit location with shape (num_unit, 2) or (num_unit, 3) or (num_unit, 3) (with alpha)
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_spike_locations(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Localize spikes in 2D or 3D with several methods given the template.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- ms_beforefloat, default: 0.5
The left window, before a peak, in milliseconds
- ms_afterfloat, default: 0.5
The right window, after a peak, in milliseconds
- spike_retriver_kwargsdict
A dictionary to control the behavior for getting the maximum channel for each spike This dictionary contains:
- channel_from_template: bool, default: True
For each spike is the maximum channel computed from template or re estimated at every spikes channel_from_template = True is old behavior but less acurate channel_from_template = False is slower but more accurate
- radius_um: float, default: 50
In case channel_from_template=False, this is the radius to get the true peak
- peak_sign, default: “neg”
In case channel_from_template=False, this is the peak sign.
- method“center_of_mass” | “monopolar_triangulation” | “grid_convolution”, default: “center_of_mass”
The localization method to use
- method_kwargsdict, default: dict()
Other kwargs depending on the method.
- outputs“concatenated” | “by_unit”, default: “concatenated”
The output format
- {}
- Returns:
- spike_locations: np.array
All locations for all spikes
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_template_similarity(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Compute similarity between templates with several methods.
Similarity is defined as 1 - distance(T_1, T_2) for two templates T_1, T_2
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer object
- method“cosine” | “l1” | “l2”, default: “cosine”
The method to compute the similarity. In case of “l1” or “l2”, the formula used is: - similarity = 1 - norm(T_1 - T_2)/(norm(T_1) + norm(T_2)). In case of cosine it is: - similarity = 1 - sum(T_1.T_2)/(norm(T_1)norm(T_2)).
- max_lag_msfloat, default: 0
If specified, the best distance for all given lag within max_lag_ms is kept, for every template
- support“dense” | “union” | “intersection”, default: “union”
Support that should be considered to compute the distances between the templates, given their sparsities. Can be either [“dense”, “union”, “intersection”]
- Returns:
- similarity: np.array
The similarity matrix
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_correlograms(sorting_analyzer_or_sorting, window_ms: float = 50.0, bin_ms: float = 1.0, method: str = 'auto')¶
Compute auto and cross correlograms of unit spike times.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzer_or_sortingSortingAnalyzer | Sorting
A SortingAnalyzer or Sorting object
- window_msfloat, default: 50.0
- The window around the spike to compute the correlation in ms. For example,
if 50 ms, the correlations will be computed at lags -25 ms … 25 ms.
- bin_msfloat, default: 1.0
The bin size in ms. This determines the bin size over which to combine lags. For example, with a window size of -25 ms to 25 ms, and bin size 1 ms, the correlation will be binned as -25 ms, -24 ms, …
- method“auto” | “numpy” | “numba”, default: “auto”
If “auto” and numba is installed, numba is used, otherwise numpy is used.
- Returns:
- correlogramnp.array
Correlograms with shape (num_units, num_units, num_bins) The diagonal of the correlogram (e.g. correlogram[A, A, :]) holds the unit auto correlograms. The off-diagonal elements are the cross-correlograms between units, where correlogram[A, B, :] and correlogram[B, A, :] represent cross-correlation between the same pair of units, applied in opposite directions, correlogram[A, B, :] = correlogram[B, A, ::-1].
- binsnp.array
The bin edges in ms
In the extracellular electrophysiology context, a correlogram is a visualisation of the results of a cross-correlation between two spike trains. The cross-correlation slides one spike train along another sample-by-sample, taking the correlation at each ‘lag’. This results in a plot with ‘lag’ (i.e. time offset) on the x-axis and ‘correlation’ (i.e. how similar to two spike trains are) on the y-axis. In this implementation, the y-axis result is the ‘counts’ of spike matches per time bin (rather than a computer correlation or covariance).
In the present implementation, a ‘window’ around spikes is first specified. For example, if a window of 100 ms is taken, we will take the correlation at lags from -50 ms to +50 ms around the spike peak. In theory, we can have as many lags as we have samples. Often, this visualisation is too high resolution and instead the lags are binned (e.g. -50 to -45 ms, …, -5 to 0 ms, 0 to 5 ms, …., 45 to 50 ms). When using counts as output, binning the lags involves adding up all counts across a range of lags.
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_isi_histograms(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Compute ISI histograms.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- window_msfloat, default: 50
The window in ms
- bin_msfloat, default: 1
The bin size in ms
- method“auto” | “numpy” | “numba”, default: “auto”
. If “auto” and numba is installed, numba is used, otherwise numpy is used
- Returns:
- isi_histogramsnp.array
IDI_histograms with shape (num_units, num_bins)
- binsnp.array
The bin edges in ms
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.get_template_metric_names()¶
- spikeinterface.postprocessing.align_sorting(sorting, unit_peak_shifts)¶
Class to shift a unit (generally to align the template on the peak) given the shifts for each unit.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The sorting to align.
- unit_peak_shiftsdict
Dictionary mapping the unit_id to the unit’s shift (in number of samples). A positive shift means the spike train is shifted back in time, while a negative shift means the spike train is shifted forward.
- Returns:
- aligned_sortingAlignSortingExtractor
The aligned sorting.
- spikeinterface.qualitymetrics.compute_quality_metrics(sorting_analyzer, load_if_exists=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Compute quality metrics on a sorting_analyzer.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object.
- metric_nameslist or None
List of quality metrics to compute.
- metric_paramsdict of dicts or None
Dictionary with parameters for quality metrics calculation. Default parameters can be obtained with: si.qualitymetrics.get_default_qm_params()
- skip_pc_metricsbool, default: False
If True, PC metrics computation is skipped.
- delete_existing_metricsbool, default: False
If True, any quality metrics attached to the sorting_analyzer are deleted. If False, any metrics which were previously calculated but are not included in metric_names are kept.
- Returns:
- metrics: pandas.DataFrame
Data frame with the computed metrics.
principal_components are loaded automatically if already computed.
- spikeinterface.qualitymetrics.get_quality_metric_list()¶
Return a list of the available quality metrics.
- spikeinterface.qualitymetrics.get_quality_pca_metric_list()¶
Get a list of the available PCA-based quality metrics.
- spikeinterface.qualitymetrics.get_default_qm_params()¶
Return default dictionary of quality metrics parameters.
- Returns:
- dict
Default qm parameters with metric name as key and parameter dictionary as values.
- spikeinterface.sorters.available_sorters()¶
Lists available sorters.
- spikeinterface.sorters.installed_sorters()¶
Lists installed sorters.
- spikeinterface.sorters.get_default_sorter_params(sorter_name_or_class) dict ¶
Returns default parameters for the specified sorter.
- Parameters:
- sorter_name_or_classstr or SorterClass
The sorter to retrieve default parameters from.
- Returns:
- default_paramsdict
Dictionary with default params for the specified sorter.
- spikeinterface.sorters.get_sorter_params_description(sorter_name_or_class) dict ¶
Returns a description of the parameters for the specified sorter.
- Parameters:
- sorter_name_or_classstr or SorterClass
The sorter to retrieve parameters description from.
- Returns:
- params_descriptiondict
Dictionary with parameter description
- spikeinterface.sorters.print_sorter_versions()¶
“Prints the versions of the installed sorters.
- spikeinterface.sorters.get_sorter_description(sorter_name_or_class) dict ¶
Returns a brief description for the specified sorter.
- Parameters:
- sorter_name_or_classstr or SorterClass
The sorter to retrieve description from.
- Returns:
- params_descriptiondict
Dictionary with parameter description.
- spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter(sorter_name: str, recording: BaseRecording, folder: str | None = None, remove_existing_folder: bool = False, delete_output_folder: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, raise_error: bool = True, docker_image: bool | str | None = False, singularity_image: bool | str | None = False, delete_container_files: bool = True, with_output: bool = True, output_folder: None = None, **sorter_params)¶
Generic function to run a sorter via function approach.
- Parameters:
- sorter_namestr
The sorter name
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor to be spike sorted
- folderstr or Path
Path to output folder
- remove_existing_folderbool
If True and folder exists then delete.
- delete_output_folderbool, default: False
If True, output folder is deleted
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- raise_errorbool, default: True
If True, an error is raised if spike sorting fails If False, the process continues and the error is logged in the log file.
- docker_imagebool or str, default: False
If True, pull the default docker container for the sorter and run the sorter in that container using docker. Use a str to specify a non-default container. If that container is not local it will be pulled from docker hub. If False, the sorter is run locally
- singularity_imagebool or str, default: False
If True, pull the default docker container for the sorter and run the sorter in that container using singularity. Use a str to specify a non-default container. If that container is not local it will be pulled from Docker Hub. If False, the sorter is run locally
- with_outputbool, default: True
If True, the output Sorting is returned as a Sorting
- delete_container_filesbool, default: True
If True, the container temporary files are deleted after the sorting is done
- output_folderNone, default: None
Do not use. Deprecated output function to be removed in 0.103.
- **sorter_paramskeyword args
Spike sorter specific arguments (they can be retrieved with get_default_sorter_params(sorter_name_or_class))
- Returns:
- BaseSorting | None
The spike sorted data (it with_output is True) or None (if with_output is False)
>>> sorting = run_sorter("tridesclous", recording)
- spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter_jobs(job_list, engine='loop', engine_kwargs={}, return_output=False)¶
Run several
sequentially or in parallel given a list of jobs.For engine=”loop” this is equivalent to:
for job in job_list: run_sorter(**job)
- The following engines block the I/O:
- The following engines are asynchronous:
Where blocking means that this function is blocking until the results are returned. This is in opposition to asynchronous, where the function returns None almost immediately (aka non-blocking), but the results must be retrieved by hand when jobs are finished. No mechanisim is provided here to be know when jobs are finish. In this asynchronous case, the
helps to retrieve individual results.- Parameters:
- job_listlist of dict
A list a dict that are propagated to run_sorter(…)
- enginestr “loop”, “joblib”, “dask”, “slurm”
The engine to run the list. * “loop” : a simple loop. This engine is
- engine_kwargsdict
- return_outputbool, dfault False
Return a sortings or None. This also overwrite kwargs in in run_sorter(with_sorting=True/False)
- Returns:
- sortingsNone or list of sorting
With engine=”loop” or “joblib” you can optional get directly the list of sorting result if return_output=True.
- spikeinterface.sorters.run_sorter_by_property(sorter_name, recording, grouping_property, folder, mode_if_folder_exists=None, engine='loop', engine_kwargs={}, verbose=False, docker_image=None, singularity_image=None, working_folder: None = None, **sorter_params)¶
Generic function to run a sorter on a recording after splitting by a “grouping_property” (e.g. “group”).
- Internally, the function works as follows:
the recording is split based on the provided “grouping_property” (using the “split_by” function)
the “run_sorters” function is run on the split recordings
sorting outputs are aggregated using the “aggregate_units” function
the “grouping_property” is added as a property to the SortingExtractor
- Parameters:
- sorter_namestr
The sorter name
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording to be sorted
- grouping_propertyobject
Property to split by before sorting
- folderstr | Path
The working directory.
- mode_if_folder_existsbool or None, default: None
Must be None. This is deprecated. If not None then a warning is raise. Will be removed in next release.
- engine“loop” | “joblib” | “dask”, default: “loop”
Which engine to use to run sorter.
- engine_kwargsdict
- This contains kwargs specific to the launcher engine:
“loop” : no kwargs
“joblib” : {“n_jobs” : } number of processes
“dask” : {“client”:} the dask client for submitting task
- verbosebool, default: False
Controls sorter verboseness
- docker_imageNone or str, default: None
If str run the sorter inside a container (docker) using the docker package
- singularity_imageNone or str, default: None
If str run the sorter inside a container (singularity) using the docker package
- **sorter_paramskeyword args
Spike sorter specific arguments (they can be retrieved with get_default_sorter_params(sorter_name_or_class))
- Returns:
- sortingUnitsAggregationSorting
The aggregated SortingExtractor.
This example shows how to run spike sorting split by group using the “joblib” backend with 4 jobs for parallel processing.
>>> sorting = si.run_sorter_by_property("tridesclous", recording, grouping_property="group", folder="sort_by_group", engine="joblib", engine_kwargs={"n_jobs": 4})
- spikeinterface.sorters.read_sorter_folder(folder, register_recording=True, sorting_info=True, raise_error=True)¶
Load a sorting object from a spike sorting output folder. The ‘folder’ must contain a valid ‘spikeinterface_log.json’ file
- Parameters:
- folderPth or str
The sorter folder
- register_recordingbool, default: True
Attach recording (when json or pickle) to the sorting
- sorting_infobool, default: True
Attach sorting info to the sorting
- raise_errorbool, detault: True
Raise an error if the spike sorting failed
Low level¶
- class spikeinterface.sorters.BaseSorter(recording=None, output_folder=None, verbose=False, remove_existing_folder=False, delete_output_folder=False)¶
Base Sorter object.
- spikeinterface.comparison.compare_two_sorters(sorting1, sorting2, sorting1_name=None, sorting2_name=None, delta_time=0.4, match_score=0.5, chance_score=0.1, n_jobs=-1, verbose=False)¶
Compares two spike sorter outputs.
Spike trains are matched based on their agreement scores
Individual spikes are labelled as true positives (TP), false negatives (FN), false positives 1 (FP from spike train 1), false positives 2 (FP from spike train 2), misclassifications (CL)
It also allows to get confusion matrix and agreement fraction, false positive fraction and false negative fraction.
- Parameters:
- sorting1SortingExtractor
The first sorting for the comparison
- sorting2SortingExtractor
The second sorting for the comparison
- sorting1_namestr, default: None
The name of sorter 1
- sorting2_name: str, default: None
The name of sorter 2
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
Number of ms to consider coincident spikes
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.5
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.1
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- n_jobsint, default: -1
Number of cores to use in parallel. Uses all available if -1
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- Returns:
- sorting_comparisonSortingComparison
The SortingComparison object
- spikeinterface.comparison.compare_multiple_sorters(sorting_list, name_list=None, delta_time=0.4, match_score=0.5, chance_score=0.1, n_jobs=-1, spiketrain_mode='union', verbose=False, do_matching=True)¶
Compares multiple spike sorting outputs based on spike trains.
Pair-wise comparisons are made
An agreement graph is built based on the agreement score
It allows to return a consensus-based sorting extractor with the get_agreement_sorting() method.
- Parameters:
- sorting_listlist
List of sorting extractor objects to be compared
- name_listlist, default: None
List of spike sorter names. If not given, sorters are named as “sorter0”, “sorter1”, “sorter2”, etc.
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
Number of ms to consider coincident spikes
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.5
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.1
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- n_jobsint, default: -1
Number of cores to use in parallel. Uses all available if -1
- spiketrain_mode“union” | “intersection”, default: “union”
- Mode to extract agreement spike trains:
“union” : spike trains are the union between the spike trains of the best matching two sorters
- “intersection”spike trains are the intersection between the spike trains of the
best matching two sorters
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- do_matchingbool, default: True
If True, the comparison is done when the MultiSortingComparison is initialized
- Returns:
- multi_sorting_comparisonMultiSortingComparison
MultiSortingComparison object with the multiple sorter comparison
- spikeinterface.comparison.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(gt_sorting, tested_sorting, gt_name=None, tested_name=None, delta_time=0.4, match_score=0.5, well_detected_score=0.8, redundant_score=0.2, overmerged_score=0.2, chance_score=0.1, exhaustive_gt=False, n_jobs=-1, match_mode='hungarian', compute_labels=False, compute_misclassifications=False, verbose=False)¶
Compares a sorter to a ground truth.
- This class can:
compute a “match between gt_sorting and tested_sorting
compute optionally the score label (TP, FN, CL, FP) for each spike
count by unit of GT the total of each (TP, FN, CL, FP) into a Dataframe GroundTruthComparison.count
compute the confusion matrix .get_confusion_matrix()
compute some performance metric with several strategy based on the count score by unit
count well detected units
count false positive detected units
count redundant units
count overmerged units
summary all this
- Parameters:
- gt_sortingSortingExtractor
The first sorting for the comparison
- tested_sortingSortingExtractor
The second sorting for the comparison
- gt_namestr, default: None
The name of sorter 1
- tested_name: str, default: None
The name of sorter 2
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
Number of ms to consider coincident spikes. This means that two spikes are considered simultaneous if they are within delta_time of each other or mathematically abs(spike1_time - spike2_time) <= delta_time.
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.5
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.1
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- redundant_scorefloat, default: 0.2
Agreement score above which units are redundant
- overmerged_scorefloat, default: 0.2
Agreement score above which units can be overmerged
- well_detected_scorefloat, default: 0.8
Agreement score above which units are well detected
- exhaustive_gtbool, default: False
Tell if the ground true is “exhaustive” or not. In other world if the GT have all possible units. It allows more performance measurement. For instance, MEArec simulated dataset have exhaustive_gt=True
- match_mode“hungarian” | “best”, default: “hungarian”
The method to match units
- n_jobsint, default: -1
Number of cores to use in parallel. Uses all available if -1
- compute_labelsbool, default: False
If True, labels are computed at instantiation
- compute_misclassificationsbool, default: False
If True, misclassifications are computed at instantiation
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- Returns:
- sorting_comparisonSortingComparison
The SortingComparison object
- spikeinterface.comparison.compare_templates(sorting_analyzer_1, sorting_analyzer_2, name1=None, name2=None, unit_ids1=None, unit_ids2=None, match_score=0.7, chance_score=0.3, similarity_method='cosine', support='union', num_shifts=0, verbose=False)¶
Compares units from different sessions based on template similarity
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzer_1SortingAnalyzer
The first SortingAnalyzer to get templates to compare.
- sorting_analyzer_2SortingAnalyzer
The second SortingAnalyzer to get templates to compare.
- unit_ids1list, default: None
List of units from sorting_analyzer_1 to compare.
- unit_ids2list, default: None
List of units from sorting_analyzer_2 to compare.
- name1str, default: “sess1”
Name of first session.
- name2str, default: “sess2”
Name of second session.
- similarity_method“cosine” | “l1” | “l2”, default: “cosine”
Method for the similarity matrix.
- support“dense” | “union” | “intersection”, default: “union”
The support to compute the similarity matrix.
- num_shiftsint, default: 0
Number of shifts to use to shift templates to maximize similarity.
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose.
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.3
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.7
Minimum agreement score to match units
- Returns:
- comparisonTemplateComparison
The output TemplateComparison object.
- spikeinterface.comparison.compare_multiple_templates(waveform_list, name_list=None, match_score=0.8, chance_score=0.3, verbose=False, similarity_method='cosine', support='union', num_shifts=0, do_matching=True)¶
Compares multiple waveform extractors using template similarity.
Pair-wise comparisons are made
An agreement graph is built based on the agreement score
- Parameters:
- waveform_listlist
List of waveform extractor objects to be compared
- name_listlist, default: None
List of session names. If not given, sorters are named as “sess0”, “sess1”, “sess2”, etc.
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.8
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.3
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- do_matchingbool, default: True
If True, the comparison is done when the MultiSortingComparison is initialized
- support“dense” | “union” | “intersection”, default: “union”
The support to compute the similarity matrix.
- num_shiftsint, default: 0
Number of shifts to use to shift templates to maximize similarity.
- similarity_method“cosine” | “l1” | “l2”, default: “cosine”
Method for the similarity matrix.
- Returns:
- multi_template_comparisonMultiTemplateComparison
MultiTemplateComparison object with the multiple template comparisons
- spikeinterface.comparison.create_hybrid_units_recording(parent_recording: BaseRecording, templates: np.ndarray, injected_sorting: BaseSorting | None = None, nbefore: List[int] | int | None = None, firing_rate: float = 10, amplitude_factor: np.ndarray | None = None, amplitude_std: float = 0.0, refractory_period_ms: float = 2.0, injected_sorting_folder: str | Path | None = None, seed=None)¶
Class for creating a hybrid recording where additional units are added to an existing recording.
- Parameters:
- parent_recordingBaseRecording
Existing recording to add on top of.
- templatesnp.ndarray[n_units, n_samples, n_channels]
Array containing the templates to inject for all the units.
- injected_sortingBaseSorting | None:
The sorting for the injected units. If None, will be generated using the following parameters.
- nbeforelist[int] | int | None
Where is the center of the template for each unit? If None, will default to the highest peak.
- firing_ratefloat
The firing rate of the injected units (in Hz).
- amplitude_factornp.ndarray | None:
The amplitude factor for each spike. If None, will be generated as a gaussian centered at 1.0 and with an std of amplitude_std.
- amplitude_stdfloat
The standard deviation of the amplitude (centered at 1.0).
- refractory_period_msfloat
The refractory period of the injected spike train (in ms).
- injected_sorting_folderstr | Path | None
If given, the injected sorting is saved to this folder. It must be specified if injected_sorting is None or not serialisable to file.
- seedint, default: None
Random seed for amplitude_factor
- Returns:
- hybrid_units_recordingHybridUnitsRecording
The recording containing real and hybrid units.
- spikeinterface.comparison.create_hybrid_spikes_recording(wvf_extractor, injected_sorting: BaseSorting | None = None, unit_ids: List[int] | None = None, max_injected_per_unit: int = 1000, injected_rate: float = 0.05, refractory_period_ms: float = 1.5, injected_sorting_folder: str | Path | None = None) None ¶
Class for creating a hybrid recording where additional spikes are added to already existing units.
- Parameters:
- wvf_extractorWaveformExtractor
The waveform extractor object of the existing recording.
- injected_sortingBaseSorting | None
Additional spikes to inject. If None, will generate it.
- max_injected_per_unitint
If injected_sorting=None, the max number of spikes per unit that is allowed to be injected.
- unit_idslist[int] | None
unit_ids to take in the wvf_extractor for spikes injection.
- injected_ratefloat
If injected_sorting=None, the max fraction of spikes per unit that is allowed to be injected.
- refractory_period_msfloat
If injected_sorting=None, the injected spikes need to respect this refractory period.
- injected_sorting_folderstr | Path | None
If given, the injected sorting is saved to this folder. It must be specified if injected_sorting is None or not serializable to file.
- Returns:
- hybrid_spikes_recordingHybridSpikesRecording:
The recording containing units with real and hybrid spikes.
- class spikeinterface.comparison.GroundTruthComparison(gt_sorting, tested_sorting, gt_name=None, tested_name=None, delta_time=0.4, match_score=0.5, well_detected_score=0.8, redundant_score=0.2, overmerged_score=0.2, chance_score=0.1, exhaustive_gt=False, n_jobs=-1, match_mode='hungarian', compute_labels=False, compute_misclassifications=False, verbose=False)¶
Compares a sorter to a ground truth.
- This class can:
compute a “match between gt_sorting and tested_sorting
compute optionally the score label (TP, FN, CL, FP) for each spike
count by unit of GT the total of each (TP, FN, CL, FP) into a Dataframe GroundTruthComparison.count
compute the confusion matrix .get_confusion_matrix()
compute some performance metric with several strategy based on the count score by unit
count well detected units
count false positive detected units
count redundant units
count overmerged units
summary all this
- Parameters:
- gt_sortingSortingExtractor
The first sorting for the comparison
- tested_sortingSortingExtractor
The second sorting for the comparison
- gt_namestr, default: None
The name of sorter 1
- tested_name: str, default: None
The name of sorter 2
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
Number of ms to consider coincident spikes. This means that two spikes are considered simultaneous if they are within delta_time of each other or mathematically abs(spike1_time - spike2_time) <= delta_time.
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.5
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.1
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- redundant_scorefloat, default: 0.2
Agreement score above which units are redundant
- overmerged_scorefloat, default: 0.2
Agreement score above which units can be overmerged
- well_detected_scorefloat, default: 0.8
Agreement score above which units are well detected
- exhaustive_gtbool, default: False
Tell if the ground true is “exhaustive” or not. In other world if the GT have all possible units. It allows more performance measurement. For instance, MEArec simulated dataset have exhaustive_gt=True
- match_mode“hungarian” | “best”, default: “hungarian”
The method to match units
- n_jobsint, default: -1
Number of cores to use in parallel. Uses all available if -1
- compute_labelsbool, default: False
If True, labels are computed at instantiation
- compute_misclassificationsbool, default: False
If True, misclassifications are computed at instantiation
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- Returns:
- sorting_comparisonSortingComparison
The SortingComparison object
- count_bad_units()¶
See get_bad_units
- count_false_positive_units(redundant_score=None)¶
See get_false_positive_units().
- Parameters:
- redundant_scorefloat | None, default: None
The agreement score below which tested units are counted as “false positive”” (and not “redundant”).
- count_overmerged_units(overmerged_score=None)¶
See get_overmerged_units().
- Parameters:
- overmerged_scorefloat, default: None
Tested units with 2 or more agreement scores above “overmerged_score” are counted as “overmerged”.
- count_redundant_units(redundant_score=None)¶
See get_redundant_units().
- Parameters:
- redundant_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score below which tested units are counted as “false positive”” (and not “redundant”).
- count_well_detected_units(well_detected_score)¶
Count how many well detected units. kwargs are the same as get_well_detected_units.
- Parameters:
- well_detected_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score above which tested units are counted as “well detected”.
- get_bad_units()¶
Return units list of “bad units”.
“bad units” are defined as units in tested that are not in the best match list of GT units.
So it is the union of “false positive units” + “redundant units”.
Need exhaustive_gt=True
- get_confusion_matrix()¶
Computes the confusion matrix.
- Returns:
- confusion_matrixpandas.DataFrame
The confusion matrix
- get_false_positive_units(redundant_score=None)¶
Return units list of “false positive units” from tested_sorting.
“false positive units” are defined as units in tested that are not matched at all in GT units.
Need exhaustive_gt=True
- Parameters:
- redundant_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score below which tested units are counted as “false positive”” (and not “redundant”).
- get_overmerged_units(overmerged_score=None)¶
Return “overmerged units”
“overmerged units” are defined as units in tested that match more than one GT unit with an agreement score larger than overmerged_score.
- Parameters:
- overmerged_scorefloat, default: None
Tested units with 2 or more agreement scores above “overmerged_score” are counted as “overmerged”.
- get_performance(method='by_unit', output='pandas')¶
- Get performance rate with several method:
“raw_count” : just render the raw count table
“by_unit” : render perf as rate unit by unit of the GT
“pooled_with_average” : compute rate unit by unit and average
- Parameters:
- method“by_unit” | “pooled_with_average”, default: “by_unit”
The method to compute performance
- output“pandas” | “dict”, default: “pandas”
The output format
- Returns:
- perfpandas dataframe/series (or dict)
dataframe/series (based on “output”) with performance entries
- get_redundant_units(redundant_score=None)¶
Return “redundant units”
“redundant units” are defined as units in tested that match a GT units with a big agreement score but it is not the best match. In other world units in GT that detected twice or more.
- Parameters:
- redundant_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score above which tested units are counted as “redundant” (and not “false positive” ).
- get_well_detected_units(well_detected_score=None)¶
Return units list of “well detected units” from tested_sorting.
“well detected units” are defined as units in tested that are well matched to GT units.
- Parameters:
- well_detected_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score above which tested units are counted as “well detected”.
- print_performance(method='pooled_with_average')¶
Print performance with the selected method
- Parameters:
- method“by_unit” | “pooled_with_average”, default: “pooled_with_average”
The method to compute performance
- print_summary(well_detected_score=None, redundant_score=None, overmerged_score=None)¶
- Print a global performance summary that depend on the context:
exhaustive= True/False
how many gt units (one or several)
This summary mix several performance metrics.
- Parameters:
- well_detected_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score above which tested units are counted as “well detected”.
- redundant_scorefloat, default: None
The agreement score below which tested units are counted as “false positive”” (and not “redundant”).
- overmerged_scorefloat, default: None
Tested units with 2 or more agreement scores above “overmerged_score” are counted as “overmerged”.
- class spikeinterface.comparison.SymmetricSortingComparison(sorting1, sorting2, sorting1_name=None, sorting2_name=None, delta_time=0.4, match_score=0.5, chance_score=0.1, n_jobs=-1, verbose=False)¶
Compares two spike sorter outputs.
Spike trains are matched based on their agreement scores
Individual spikes are labelled as true positives (TP), false negatives (FN), false positives 1 (FP from spike train 1), false positives 2 (FP from spike train 2), misclassifications (CL)
It also allows to get confusion matrix and agreement fraction, false positive fraction and false negative fraction.
- Parameters:
- sorting1SortingExtractor
The first sorting for the comparison
- sorting2SortingExtractor
The second sorting for the comparison
- sorting1_namestr, default: None
The name of sorter 1
- sorting2_name: str, default: None
The name of sorter 2
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
Number of ms to consider coincident spikes
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.5
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.1
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- n_jobsint, default: -1
Number of cores to use in parallel. Uses all available if -1
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- Returns:
- sorting_comparisonSortingComparison
The SortingComparison object
- get_agreement_fraction(unit1=None, unit2=None)¶
- get_best_unit_match1(unit1)¶
- get_best_unit_match2(unit2)¶
- get_matching()¶
- get_matching_event_count(unit1, unit2)¶
- get_matching_unit_list1(unit1)¶
- get_matching_unit_list2(unit2)¶
- class spikeinterface.comparison.GroundTruthStudy(study_folder)¶
- classmethod create(study_folder, datasets={}, cases={}, levels=None)¶
- class spikeinterface.comparison.MultiSortingComparison(sorting_list, name_list=None, delta_time=0.4, match_score=0.5, chance_score=0.1, n_jobs=-1, spiketrain_mode='union', verbose=False, do_matching=True)¶
Compares multiple spike sorting outputs based on spike trains.
Pair-wise comparisons are made
An agreement graph is built based on the agreement score
It allows to return a consensus-based sorting extractor with the get_agreement_sorting() method.
- Parameters:
- sorting_listlist
List of sorting extractor objects to be compared
- name_listlist, default: None
List of spike sorter names. If not given, sorters are named as “sorter0”, “sorter1”, “sorter2”, etc.
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
Number of ms to consider coincident spikes
- match_scorefloat, default: 0.5
Minimum agreement score to match units
- chance_scorefloat, default: 0.1
Minimum agreement score to for a possible match
- n_jobsint, default: -1
Number of cores to use in parallel. Uses all available if -1
- spiketrain_mode“union” | “intersection”, default: “union”
- Mode to extract agreement spike trains:
“union” : spike trains are the union between the spike trains of the best matching two sorters
- “intersection”spike trains are the intersection between the spike trains of the
best matching two sorters
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- do_matchingbool, default: True
If True, the comparison is done when the MultiSortingComparison is initialized
- Returns:
- multi_sorting_comparisonMultiSortingComparison
MultiSortingComparison object with the multiple sorter comparison
- get_agreement_sorting(minimum_agreement_count=1, minimum_agreement_count_only=False)¶
Returns AgreementSortingExtractor with units with a “minimum_matching” agreement.
- Parameters:
- minimum_agreement_countint
Minimum number of matches among sorters to include a unit.
- minimum_agreement_count_onlybool
If True, only units with agreement == “minimum_matching” are included. If False, units with an agreement >= “minimum_matching” are included
- Returns:
- agreement_sortingAgreementSortingExtractor
The output AgreementSortingExtractor
- class spikeinterface.comparison.CollisionGTComparison(gt_sorting, tested_sorting, collision_lag=2.0, nbins=11, **kwargs)¶
This class is an extension of GroundTruthComparison by focusing to benchmark spike in collision.
This class needs maintenance and need a bit of refactoring.
- Parameters:
- gt_sortingSortingExtractor
The first sorting for the comparison
- collision_lagfloat, default 2.0
Collision lag in ms.
- tested_sortingSortingExtractor
The second sorting for the comparison
- nbinsint, default11
Number of collision bins
- **kwargsdict
Keyword arguments for GroundTruthComparison
- class spikeinterface.comparison.CorrelogramGTComparison(gt_sorting, tested_sorting, window_ms=100.0, bin_ms=1.0, well_detected_score=0.8, **kwargs)¶
This class is an extension of GroundTruthComparison by focusing to benchmark correlation reconstruction.
This class needs maintenance and need a bit of refactoring.
- Parameters:
- gt_sortingSortingExtractor
The first sorting for the comparison
- tested_sortingSortingExtractor
The second sorting for the comparison
- bin_msfloat, default: 1.0
Size of bin for correlograms
- window_msfloat, default: 100.0
The window around the spike to compute the correlation in ms.
- well_detected_scorefloat, default: 0.8
Agreement score above which units are well detected
- **kwargsdict
Keyword arguments for GroundTruthComparison
- spikeinterface.widgets.set_default_plotter_backend(backend)¶
- spikeinterface.widgets.get_default_plotter_backend()¶
Return the default backend for spikeinterface widgets. The default backend is “matplotlib” at init. It can be be globally set with set_default_plotter_backend(backend)
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_agreement_matrix(sorting_comparison, ordered=True, count_text=True, unit_ticks=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots sorting comparison agreement matrix.
- Parameters:
- sorting_comparisonGroundTruthComparison or SymmetricSortingComparison
The sorting comparison object. Can optionally be symmetric if given a SymmetricSortingComparison
- orderedbool, default: True
Order units with best agreement scores. If True, agreement scores can be seen along a diagonal
- count_textbool, default: True
If True counts are displayed as text
- unit_ticksbool, default: True
If True unit tick labels are displayed
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_all_amplitudes_distributions(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, unit_colors=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots distributions of amplitudes as violin plot for all or some units.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer
- unit_idslist
List of unit ids, default None
- unit_colorsNone or dict
Dict of colors with key : unit, value : color, default None
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_amplitudes(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, unit_colors=None, segment_index=None, max_spikes_per_unit=None, hide_unit_selector=False, plot_histograms=False, bins=None, plot_legend=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots spike amplitudes
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The input waveform extractor
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index (or None if mono-segment)
- max_spikes_per_unitint or None, default: None
Number of max spikes per unit to display. Use None for all spikes
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
If True the unit selector is not displayed (sortingview backend)
- plot_histogrambool, default: False
If True, an histogram of the amplitudes is plotted on the right axis (matplotlib backend)
- binsint or None, default: None
If plot_histogram is True, the number of bins for the amplitude histogram. If None this is automatically adjusted
- plot_legendbool, default: True
True includes legend in plot
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_autocorrelograms(*args, **kargs)¶
Plots unit cross correlograms.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzer_or_sortingSortingAnalyzer or BaseSorting
The object to compute/get crosscorrelograms from
- unit_ids list or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- min_similarity_for_correlogramsfloat, default: 0.2
For sortingview backend. Threshold for computing pair-wise cross-correlograms. If template similarity between two units is below this threshold, the cross-correlogram is not displayed. For auto-correlograms plot, this is automatically set to None.
- window_msfloat, default: 100.0
Window for CCGs in ms. If correlograms are already computed (e.g. with SortingAnalyzer), this argument is ignored
- bin_msfloat, default: 1.0
Bin size in ms. If correlograms are already computed (e.g. with SortingAnalyzer), this argument is ignored
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_confusion_matrix(gt_comparison, count_text=True, unit_ticks=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots sorting comparison confusion matrix.
- Parameters:
- gt_comparisonGroundTruthComparison
The ground truth sorting comparison object
- count_textbool
If True counts are displayed as text
- unit_ticksbool
If True unit tick labels are displayed
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_comparison_collision_by_similarity(comp, templates, unit_ids=None, metric='cosine_similarity', figure=None, ax=None, mode='heatmap', similarity_bins=array([-4.00000000e-01, -2.00000000e-01, -5.55111512e-17, 2.00000000e-01, 4.00000000e-01, 6.00000000e-01, 8.00000000e-01, 1.00000000e+00]), cmap='winter', good_only=False, min_accuracy=0.9, show_legend=False, ylim=(0, 1), backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots CollisionGTComparison pair by pair orderer by cosine_similarity
- Parameters:
- compCollisionGTComparison
The collision ground truth comparison object
- templatesarray
template of units
- mode“heatmap” or “lines”
to see collision curves for every pairs (“heatmap”) or as lines averaged over pairs.
- similarity_binsarray
if mode is “lines”, the bins used to average the pairs
- cmapstring
colormap used to show averages if mode is “lines”
- metric“cosine_similarity”
metric for ordering
- good_onlyTrue
keep only the pairs with a non zero accuracy (found templates)
- min_accuracyfloat
If good only, the minimum accuracy every cell should have, individually, to be considered in a putative pair
- unit_idslist
List of considered units
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_crosscorrelograms(sorting_analyzer_or_sorting: SortingAnalyzer | BaseSorting, unit_ids=None, min_similarity_for_correlograms=0.2, window_ms=100.0, bin_ms=1.0, hide_unit_selector=False, unit_colors=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots unit cross correlograms.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzer_or_sortingSortingAnalyzer or BaseSorting
The object to compute/get crosscorrelograms from
- unit_ids list or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- min_similarity_for_correlogramsfloat, default: 0.2
For sortingview backend. Threshold for computing pair-wise cross-correlograms. If template similarity between two units is below this threshold, the cross-correlogram is not displayed. For auto-correlograms plot, this is automatically set to None.
- window_msfloat, default: 100.0
Window for CCGs in ms. If correlograms are already computed (e.g. with SortingAnalyzer), this argument is ignored
- bin_msfloat, default: 1.0
Bin size in ms. If correlograms are already computed (e.g. with SortingAnalyzer), this argument is ignored
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_isi_distribution(sorting, unit_ids=None, window_ms=100.0, bin_ms=1.0, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots spike train ISI distribution.
- Parameters:
- sortingSortingExtractor
The sorting extractor object
- unit_idslist
List of unit ids
- bins_msint
Bin size in ms
- window_msfloat
Window size in ms
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_motion(motion: Motion, segment_index: int | None = None, mode: str = 'line', motion_lim: float | None = None, backend: str | None = None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot the Motion object.
- Parameters:
- motionMotion
The motion object.
- segment_indexint | None, default: None
If Motion is multi segment, the must be not None.
- mode“auto” | “line” | “map”, default: “line”
How to plot the motion. “line” plots estimated motion at different depths as lines. “map” plots estimated motion at different depths as a heatmap. “auto” makes it automatic depending on the number of motion depths.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_multicomparison_agreement(multi_comparison, plot_type='pie', cmap='YlOrRd', fontsize=9, show_legend=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots multi comparison agreement as pie or bar plot.
- Parameters:
- multi_comparisonBaseMultiComparison
The multi comparison object
- plot_type“pie” | “bar”, default: “pie”
The plot type
- cmapmatplotlib colormap, default: “YlOrRd”
The colormap to be used for the nodes
- fontsizeint, default: 9
The text fontsize
- show_legendbool, default: True
If True a legend is shown
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_multicomparison_agreement_by_sorter(multi_comparison, plot_type='pie', cmap='YlOrRd', fontsize=9, show_legend=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots multi comparison agreement as pie or bar plot.
- Parameters:
- multi_comparisonBaseMultiComparison
The multi comparison object
- plot_type“pie” | “bar”, default: “pie
The plot type
- cmapmatplotlib colormap, default: “Reds”
The colormap to be used for the nodes
- fontsizeint, default: 9
The text fontsize
- show_legendbool
Show the legend in the last axes
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_multicomparison_graph(multi_comparison, draw_labels=False, node_cmap='viridis', edge_cmap='hot', alpha_edges=0.5, colorbar=False, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots multi comparison graph.
- Parameters:
- multi_comparisonBaseMultiComparison
The multi comparison object
- draw_labelsbool, default: False
If True unit labels are shown
- node_cmapmatplotlib colormap, default: “viridis”
The colormap to be used for the nodes
- edge_cmapmatplotlib colormap, default: “hot”
The colormap to be used for the edges
- alpha_edgesfloat, default: 0.5
Alpha value for edges
- colorbarbool, default: False
If True a colorbar for the edges is plotted
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_peak_activity(recording, peaks, bin_duration_s=None, with_contact_color=True, with_interpolated_map=True, with_channel_ids=False, with_color_bar=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots spike rate (estimated with detect_peaks()) as 2D activity map.
Can be static (bin_duration_s=None) or animated (bin_duration_s=60.)
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor object.
- peaksNone or numpy array
Optionally can give already detected peaks to avoid multiple computation.
- detect_peaks_kwargsNone or dict, default: None
If peaks is None here the kwargs for detect_peak function.
- bin_duration_sNone or float, default: None
If None then static image If not None then it is an animation per bin.
- with_contact_colorbool, default: True
Plot rates with contact colors
- with_interpolated_mapbool, default: True
Plot rates with interpolated map
- with_channel_idsbool, default: False
Add channel ids text on the probe
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_probe_map(recording, color_channels=None, with_channel_ids=False, backend=None, **backend_or_plot_probe_kwargs)¶
Plot the probe of a recording.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor
The recording extractor object
- color_channelslist or matplotlib color
List of colors to be associated with each channel_id, if only one color is present all channels will take the specified color
- with_channel_idsbool False default
Add channel ids text on the probe
- **plot_probe_kwargskeyword arguments for probeinterface.plotting.plot_probe_group() function
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_quality_metrics(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, include_metrics=None, skip_metrics=None, unit_colors=None, hide_unit_selector=False, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots quality metrics distributions.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The object to get quality metrics from
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- include_metricslist or None, default: None
If given, a list of quality metrics to include
- skip_metricslist or None, default: None
If given, a list of quality metrics to skip
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_rasters(sorting, segment_index=None, unit_ids=None, time_range=None, color='k', backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots spike train rasters.
- Parameters:
- sortingSortingExtractor
The sorting extractor object
- segment_indexNone or int
The segment index.
- unit_idslist
List of unit ids
- time_rangelist
List with start time and end time
- colormatplotlib color
The color to be used
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_sorting_summary(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, sparsity=None, max_amplitudes_per_unit=None, min_similarity_for_correlograms=0.2, curation=False, displayed_unit_properties=None, extra_unit_properties=None, label_choices=None, curation_dict=None, label_definitions=None, backend=None, unit_table_properties=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots spike sorting summary. This is the main viewer to visualize the final result with several sub view. This use sortingview (in a web browser) or spikeinterface-gui (with Qt).
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer object
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
Optional ChannelSparsity to apply If SortingAnalyzer is already sparse, the argument is ignored
- max_amplitudes_per_unitint or None, default: None
Maximum number of spikes per unit for plotting amplitudes. If None, all spikes are plotted
- min_similarity_for_correlogramsfloat, default: 0.2
Threshold for computing pair-wise cross-correlograms. If template similarity between two units is below this threshold, the cross-correlogram is not computed (sortingview backend)
- curationbool, default: False
If True, manual curation is enabled (sortingview backend)
- label_choiceslist or None, default: None
List of labels to be added to the curation table (sortingview backend)
- displayed_unit_propertieslist or None, default: None
List of properties to be added to the unit table. These may be drawn from the sorting extractor, and, if available, the quality_metrics/template_metrics/unit_locations extensions of the SortingAnalyzer. See all properties available with sorting.get_property_keys(), and, if available, analyzer.get_extension(“quality_metrics”).get_data().columns and analyzer.get_extension(“template_metrics”).get_data().columns.
- extra_unit_propertiesdict or None, default: None
A dict with extra units properties to display.
- curation_dictdict or None, default: None
When curation is True, optionaly the viewer can get a previous ‘curation_dict’ to continue/check previous curations on this analyzer. In this case label_definitions must be None beacuse it is already included in the curation_dict. (spikeinterface_gui backend)
- label_definitionsdict or None, default: None
When curation is True, optionaly the user can provide a label_definitions dict. This replaces the label_choices in the curation_format. (spikeinterface_gui backend)
- backend: str
[‘sortingview’, ‘spikeinterface_gui’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_spike_locations(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, segment_index=None, max_spikes_per_unit=500, with_channel_ids=False, unit_colors=None, hide_unit_selector=False, plot_all_units=True, plot_legend=False, hide_axis=False, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots spike locations.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The object to get spike locations from
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- segment_indexint or None, default: None
The segment index (or None if mono-segment)
- max_spikes_per_unitint or None, default: 500
Number of max spikes per unit to display. Use None for all spikes.
- with_channel_idsbool, default: False
Add channel ids text on the probe
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- plot_all_unitsbool, default: True
If True, all units are plotted. The unselected ones (not in unit_ids), are plotted in grey (matplotlib backend)
- plot_legendbool, default: False
If True, the legend is plotted (matplotlib backend)
- hide_axisbool, default: False
If True, the axis is set to off (matplotlib backend)
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_spikes_on_traces(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, segment_index=None, channel_ids=None, unit_ids=None, order_channel_by_depth=False, time_range=None, unit_colors=None, sparsity=None, mode='auto', return_scaled=False, cmap='RdBu', show_channel_ids=False, color_groups=False, color=None, clim=None, tile_size=512, seconds_per_row=0.2, scale=1, spike_width_ms=4, spike_height_um=20, with_colorbar=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots unit spikes/waveforms over traces.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer
- channel_idslist or None, default: None
The channel ids to display
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- order_channel_by_depthbool, default: False
If true orders channel by depth
- time_rangelist or None, default: None
List with start time and end time in seconds
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
Optional ChannelSparsity to apply If SortingAnalyzer is already sparse, the argument is ignored
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values If None, then the get_unit_colors() is internally used. (matplotlib backend)
- mode“line” | “map” | “auto”, default: “auto”
“line”: classical for low channel count
“map”: for high channel count use color heat map
“auto”: auto switch depending on the channel count (“line” if less than 64 channels, “map” otherwise)
- return_scaledbool, default: False
If True and the recording has scaled traces, it plots the scaled traces
- cmapstr, default: “RdBu”
matplotlib colormap used in mode “map”
- show_channel_idsbool, default: False
Set yticks with channel ids
- color_groupsbool, default: False
If True groups are plotted with different colors
- colorstr or None, default: None
The color used to draw the traces
- climNone, tuple or dict, default: None
When mode is “map”, this argument controls color limits. If dict, keys should be the same as recording keys
- scalefloat, default: 1
Scale factor for the traces
- with_colorbarbool, default: True
When mode is “map”, a colorbar is added
- tile_sizeint, default: 512
For sortingview backend, the size of each tile in the rendered image
- seconds_per_rowfloat, default: 0.2
For “map” mode and sortingview backend, seconds to render in each row
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_template_metrics(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, include_metrics=None, skip_metrics=None, unit_colors=None, hide_unit_selector=False, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots template metrics distributions.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The object to get quality metrics from
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- include_metricslist or None, default: None
If given list of quality metrics to include
- skip_metricslist or None or None, default: None
If given, a list of quality metrics to skip
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_template_similarity(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, cmap='viridis', display_diagonal_values=False, show_unit_ticks=False, show_colorbar=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots unit template similarity.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The object to get template similarity from
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids default: None
- display_diagonal_valuesbool, default: False
If False, the diagonal is displayed as zeros. If True, the similarity values (all 1s) are displayed
- cmapmatplotlib colormap, default: “viridis”
The matplotlib colormap
- show_unit_ticksbool, default: False
If True, ticks display unit ids
- show_colorbarbool, default: True
If True, color bar is displayed
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_traces(recording, segment_index=None, channel_ids=None, order_channel_by_depth=False, time_range=None, mode='auto', return_scaled=False, cmap='RdBu_r', show_channel_ids=False, events=None, events_color='gray', events_alpha=0.5, color_groups=False, color=None, clim=None, tile_size=1500, seconds_per_row=0.2, scale=1, vspacing_factor=1.5, with_colorbar=True, add_legend=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots recording timeseries.
- Parameters:
- recordingRecordingExtractor, dict, or list
The recording extractor object. If dict (or list) then it is a multi-layer display to compare, for example, different processing steps
- segment_indexNone or int, default: None
The segment index (required for multi-segment recordings)
- channel_idslist or None, default: None
The channel ids to display
- order_channel_by_depthbool, default: False
Reorder channel by depth
- time_rangelist, tuple or None, default: None
List with start time and end time
- mode“line” | “map” | “auto”, default: “auto”
Three possible modes * “line”: classical for low channel count * “map”: for high channel count use color heat map * “auto”: auto switch depending on the channel count (“line” if less than 64 channels, “map” otherwise)
- return_scaledbool, default: False
If True and the recording has scaled traces, it plots the scaled traces
- eventsnp.array | list[np.narray] or None, default: None
Events to display as vertical lines. The numpy arrays cen either be of dtype float, with event times in seconds, or a structured array with the “time” field, and optional “duration” and “label” fields. For multi-segment recordings, provide a list of numpy array events, one for each segment.
- cmapmatplotlib colormap, default: “RdBu_r”
matplotlib colormap used in mode “map”
- show_channel_idsbool, default: False
Set yticks with channel ids
- color_groupsbool, default: False
If True groups are plotted with different colors
- colorstr or None, default: None
The color used to draw the traces
- climNone, tuple or dict, default: None
When mode is “map”, this argument controls color limits. If dict, keys should be the same as recording keys
- scalefloat, default: 1
Scale factor for the traces
- vspacing_factorfloat, default: 1.5
Vertical spacing between channels as a multiple of maximum channel amplitude
- with_colorbarbool, default: True
When mode is “map”, a colorbar is added
- tile_sizeint, default: 1500
For sortingview backend, the size of each tile in the rendered image
- seconds_per_rowfloat, default: 0.2
For “map” mode and sortingview backend, seconds to render in each row
- add_legendbool, default: True
If True adds legend to figures
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’, ‘ephyviewer’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_depths(sorting_analyzer, unit_colors=None, depth_axis=1, peak_sign='neg', backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot unit depths
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer object
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- depth_axisint, default: 1
The dimension of unit_locations that is depth
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”, default: “neg”
Sign of peak for amplitudes
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_locations(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, unit_ids=None, with_channel_ids=False, unit_colors=None, hide_unit_selector=False, plot_all_units=True, plot_legend=False, hide_axis=False, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots each unit’s location.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer that must contains “unit_locations” extension
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- with_channel_idsbool, default: False
Add channel ids text on the probe
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
If True, the unit selector is not displayed (sortingview backend)
- plot_all_unitsbool, default: True
If True, all units are plotted. The unselected ones (not in unit_ids), are plotted in grey (matplotlib backend)
- plot_legendbool, default: False
If True, the legend is plotted (matplotlib backend)
- hide_axisbool, default: False
If True, the axis is set to off (matplotlib backend)
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_presence(sorting, segment_index=None, time_range=None, bin_duration_s=0.05, smooth_sigma=4.5, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Estimates of the probability density function for each unit using Gaussian kernels,
- Parameters:
- sortingSortingExtractor
The sorting extractor object
- segment_indexNone or int
The segment index.
- time_rangelist or None, default: None
List with start time and end time
- bin_duration_sfloat, default: 0.5
Bin size (in seconds) for the heat map time axis
- smooth_sigmafloat, default: 4.5
Sigma for the Gaussian kernel (in number of bins)
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_probe_map(sorting_analyzer, unit_ids=None, channel_ids=None, animated=None, with_channel_ids=False, colorbar=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots unit map. Amplitude is color coded on probe contact.
Can be static (animated=False) or animated (animated=True)
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
- unit_idslist
List of unit ids.
- channel_idslist
The channel ids to display
- animatedbool, default: False
Animation for amplitude on time
- with_channel_idsbool, default: False
add channel ids text on the probe
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_summary(sorting_analyzer, unit_id, unit_colors=None, sparsity=None, subwidget_kwargs=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot a unit summary.
If amplitudes are alreday computed, they are displayed.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer object
- unit_idint or str
The unit id to plot the summary of
- unit_colorsdict or None, default: None
If given, a dictionary with unit ids as keys and colors as values,
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
Optional ChannelSparsity to apply. If SortingAnalyzer is already sparse, the argument is ignored
- subwidget_kwargsdict or None, default: None
- Parameters for the subwidgets in a nested dictionary
unit_locations : UnitLocationsWidget (see UnitLocationsWidget for details) unit_waveforms : UnitWaveformsWidget (see UnitWaveformsWidget for details) unit_waveform_density_map : UnitWaveformDensityMapWidget (see UnitWaveformDensityMapWidget for details) autocorrelograms : AutoCorrelogramsWidget (see AutoCorrelogramsWidget for details) amplitudes : AmplitudesWidget (see AmplitudesWidget for details)
Please note that the unit_colors should not be set in subwidget_kwargs, but directly as a parameter of plot_unit_summary.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_templates(*args, **kargs)¶
Plots unit waveforms.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzer_or_templatesSortingAnalyzer | Templates
The SortingAnalyzer or Templates object. If Templates is given, the “plot_waveforms” argument is set to False
- channel_idslist or None, default: None
The channel ids to display
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- plot_templatesbool, default: True
If True, templates are plotted over the waveforms
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
Optional ChannelSparsity to apply If SortingAnalyzer is already sparse, the argument is ignored
- set_titlebool, default: True
Create a plot title with the unit number if True
- plot_channelsbool, default: False
Plot channel locations below traces
- unit_selected_waveformsNone or dict, default: None
A dict key is unit_id and value is the subset of waveforms indices that should be be displayed (matplotlib backend)
- max_spikes_per_unitint or None, default: 50
If given and unit_selected_waveforms is None, only max_spikes_per_unit random units are displayed per waveform, (matplotlib backend)
- scalefloat, default: 1
Scale factor for the waveforms/templates (matplotlib backend)
- widen_narrow_scalefloat, default: 1
Scale factor for the x-axis of the waveforms/templates (matplotlib backend)
- axis_equalbool, default: False
Equal aspect ratio for x and y axis, to visualize the array geometry to scale
- lw_waveformsfloat, default: 1
Line width for the waveforms, (matplotlib backend)
- lw_templatesfloat, default: 2
Line width for the templates, (matplotlib backend)
- unit_colorsNone or dict, default: None
A dict key is unit_id and value is any color format handled by matplotlib. If None, then the get_unit_colors() is internally used. (matplotlib / ipywidgets backend)
- alpha_waveformsfloat, default: 0.5
Alpha value for waveforms (matplotlib backend)
- alpha_templatesfloat, default: 1
Alpha value for templates, (matplotlib backend)
- shade_templatesbool, default: True
If True, templates are shaded, see templates_percentile_shading argument
- templates_percentile_shadingfloat, tuple/list of floats, or None, default: (1, 25, 75, 99)
It controls the shading of the templates. If None, the shading is +/- the standard deviation of the templates. If float, it controls the percentile of the template values used to shade the templates. Note that it is one-sided : if 5 is given, the 5th and 95th percentiles are used to shade the templates. If list of floats, it needs to be have an even number of elements which control the lower and upper percentile used to shade the templates. The first half of the elements are used for the lower bounds, and the second half for the upper bounds. Inner elements produce darker shadings. For sortingview backend only 2 or 4 elements are supported.
- scalebarbool, default: False
Display a scale bar on the waveforms plot (matplotlib backend)
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- same_axisbool, default: False
If True, waveforms and templates are displayed on the same axis (matplotlib backend)
- x_offset_unitsbool, default: False
In case same_axis is True, this parameter allow to x-offset the waveforms for different units (recommended for a few units) (matlotlib backend)
- plot_legendbool, default: True
Display legend (matplotlib backend)
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘sortingview’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
generate_url: If True, the figurl URL is generated and printed, default: True
display: If True and in jupyter notebook/lab, the widget is displayed in the cell, default: True.
figlabel: The figurl figure label, default: None
height: The height of the sortingview View in jupyter, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_waveforms_density_map(sorting_analyzer, channel_ids=None, unit_ids=None, sparsity=None, same_axis=False, use_max_channel=False, peak_sign='neg', unit_colors=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots unit waveforms using heat map density.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer for calculating waveforms
- channel_idslist or None, default: None
The channel ids to display
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
Optional ChannelSparsity to apply If SortingAnalyzer is already sparse, the argument is ignored
- use_max_channelbool, default: False
Use only the max channel
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”, default: “neg”
Used to detect max channel only when use_max_channel=True
- unit_colorsNone or dict, default: None
A dict key is unit_id and value is any color format handled by matplotlib. If None, then the get_unit_colors() is internally used
- same_axisbool, default: False
If True then all density are plot on the same axis and then channels is the union all channel per units
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_unit_waveforms(sorting_analyzer_or_templates: SortingAnalyzer | Templates, channel_ids=None, unit_ids=None, plot_waveforms=True, plot_templates=True, plot_channels=False, unit_colors=None, sparsity=None, ncols=5, scale=1, widen_narrow_scale=1, lw_waveforms=1, lw_templates=2, axis_equal=False, unit_selected_waveforms=None, max_spikes_per_unit=50, set_title=True, same_axis=False, shade_templates=True, templates_percentile_shading=(1, 25, 75, 99), scalebar=False, x_offset_units=False, alpha_waveforms=0.5, alpha_templates=1, hide_unit_selector=False, plot_legend=True, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots unit waveforms.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzer_or_templatesSortingAnalyzer | Templates
The SortingAnalyzer or Templates object. If Templates is given, the “plot_waveforms” argument is set to False
- channel_idslist or None, default: None
The channel ids to display
- unit_idslist or None, default: None
List of unit ids
- plot_templatesbool, default: True
If True, templates are plotted over the waveforms
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
Optional ChannelSparsity to apply If SortingAnalyzer is already sparse, the argument is ignored
- set_titlebool, default: True
Create a plot title with the unit number if True
- plot_channelsbool, default: False
Plot channel locations below traces
- unit_selected_waveformsNone or dict, default: None
A dict key is unit_id and value is the subset of waveforms indices that should be be displayed (matplotlib backend)
- max_spikes_per_unitint or None, default: 50
If given and unit_selected_waveforms is None, only max_spikes_per_unit random units are displayed per waveform, (matplotlib backend)
- scalefloat, default: 1
Scale factor for the waveforms/templates (matplotlib backend)
- widen_narrow_scalefloat, default: 1
Scale factor for the x-axis of the waveforms/templates (matplotlib backend)
- axis_equalbool, default: False
Equal aspect ratio for x and y axis, to visualize the array geometry to scale
- lw_waveformsfloat, default: 1
Line width for the waveforms, (matplotlib backend)
- lw_templatesfloat, default: 2
Line width for the templates, (matplotlib backend)
- unit_colorsNone or dict, default: None
A dict key is unit_id and value is any color format handled by matplotlib. If None, then the get_unit_colors() is internally used. (matplotlib / ipywidgets backend)
- alpha_waveformsfloat, default: 0.5
Alpha value for waveforms (matplotlib backend)
- alpha_templatesfloat, default: 1
Alpha value for templates, (matplotlib backend)
- shade_templatesbool, default: True
If True, templates are shaded, see templates_percentile_shading argument
- templates_percentile_shadingfloat, tuple/list of floats, or None, default: (1, 25, 75, 99)
It controls the shading of the templates. If None, the shading is +/- the standard deviation of the templates. If float, it controls the percentile of the template values used to shade the templates. Note that it is one-sided : if 5 is given, the 5th and 95th percentiles are used to shade the templates. If list of floats, it needs to be have an even number of elements which control the lower and upper percentile used to shade the templates. The first half of the elements are used for the lower bounds, and the second half for the upper bounds. Inner elements produce darker shadings. For sortingview backend only 2 or 4 elements are supported.
- scalebarbool, default: False
Display a scale bar on the waveforms plot (matplotlib backend)
- hide_unit_selectorbool, default: False
For sortingview backend, if True the unit selector is not displayed
- same_axisbool, default: False
If True, waveforms and templates are displayed on the same axis (matplotlib backend)
- x_offset_unitsbool, default: False
In case same_axis is True, this parameter allow to x-offset the waveforms for different units (recommended for a few units) (matlotlib backend)
- plot_legendbool, default: True
Display legend (matplotlib backend)
- backend: str
[‘matplotlib’, ‘ipywidgets’]
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
width_cm: Width of the figure in cm, default: 10
height_cm: Height of the figure in cm, default 6
display: If True, widgets are immediately displayed, default: True
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_study_run_times(study, case_keys=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot sorter run times for a SorterStudy.
- Parameters:
- studySorterStudy
A study object.
- case_keyslist or None
A selection of cases to plot, if None, then all.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_study_unit_counts(study, case_keys=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot unit counts for a study: “num_well_detected”, “num_false_positive”, “num_redundant”, “num_overmerged”
- Parameters:
- studySorterStudy
A study object.
- case_keyslist or None
A selection of cases to plot, if None, then all.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_study_performances(study, mode='ordered', performance_names=('accuracy', 'precision', 'recall'), case_keys=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot performances over case for a study.
- Parameters:
- studyGroundTruthStudy
A study object.
- mode“ordered” | “snr” | “swarm”, default: “ordered”
Which plot mode to use:
“ordered”: plot performance metrics vs unit indices ordered by decreasing accuracy
“snr”: plot performance metrics vs snr
“swarm”: plot performance metrics as a swarm plot (see seaborn.swarmplot for details)
- performance_nameslist or tuple, default: (“accuracy”, “precision”, “recall”)
Which performances to plot (“accuracy”, “precision”, “recall”)
- case_keyslist or None
A selection of cases to plot, if None, then all.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_study_agreement_matrix(study, ordered=True, case_keys=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot agreement matrix.
- Parameters:
- studyGroundTruthStudy
A study object.
- case_keyslist or None
A selection of cases to plot, if None, then all.
- orderedbool
Order units with best agreement scores. This enable to see agreement on a diagonal.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_study_summary(study, case_keys=None, backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plot a summary of a ground truth study. Internally this plotting function runs:
- Parameters:
- studyGroundTruthStudy
A study object.
- case_keyslist or None, default: None
A selection of cases to plot, if None, then all.
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.widgets.plot_study_comparison_collision_by_similarity(study, case_keys=None, metric='cosine_similarity', similarity_bins=array([-4.00000000e-01, -2.00000000e-01, -5.55111512e-17, 2.00000000e-01, 4.00000000e-01, 6.00000000e-01, 8.00000000e-01, 1.00000000e+00]), show_legend=False, ylim=(0.5, 1), good_only=False, min_accuracy=0.9, cmap='winter', backend=None, **backend_kwargs)¶
Plots CollisionGTComparison pair by pair orderer by cosine_similarity for all cases in a study.
- Parameters:
- studyCollisionGTStudy
The collision study object.
- case_keyslist or None
A selection of cases to plot, if None, then all.
- metric“cosine_similarity”
metric for ordering
- similarity_binsarray
if mode is “lines”, the bins used to average the pairs
- cmapstring
colormap used to show averages if mode is “lines”
- good_onlyFalse
keep only the pairs with a non zero accuracy (found templates)
- min_accuracyfloat
If good only, the minimum accuracy every cell should have, individually, to be considered in a putative pair
- backend: str
- **backend_kwargs: kwargs
figure: Matplotlib figure. When None, it is created, default: None
ax: Single matplotlib axis. When None, it is created, default: None
axes: Multiple matplotlib axes. When None, they is created, default: None
ncols: Number of columns to create in subplots, default: 5
figsize: Size of matplotlib figure, default: None
figtitle: The figure title, default: None
- Returns:
- wBaseWidget
The output widget object.
- spikeinterface.exporters.export_to_phy(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, output_folder: str | Path, compute_pc_features: bool = True, compute_amplitudes: bool = True, sparsity: ChannelSparsity | None = None, copy_binary: bool = True, remove_if_exists: bool = False, template_mode: str = 'average', add_quality_metrics: bool = True, add_template_metrics: bool = True, additional_properties: list | None = None, dtype: dtype[Any] | None | type[Any] | _SupportsDType[dtype[Any]] | str | tuple[Any, int] | tuple[Any, SupportsIndex | Sequence[SupportsIndex]] | list[Any] | _DTypeDict | tuple[Any, Any] = None, verbose: bool = True, use_relative_path: bool = False, **job_kwargs)¶
Exports a waveform extractor to the phy template-gui format.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- output_folderstr | Path
The output folder where the phy template-gui files are saved
- compute_pc_featuresbool, default: True
If True, pc features are computed
- compute_amplitudesbool, default: True
If True, waveforms amplitudes are computed
- sparsityChannelSparsity or None, default: None
The sparsity object
- copy_binarybool, default: True
If True, the recording is copied and saved in the phy “output_folder”
- remove_if_existsbool, default: False
If True and “output_folder” exists, it is removed and overwritten
- template_modestr, default: “average”
Parameter “mode” to be given to SortingAnalyzer.get_template()
- add_quality_metricsbool, default: True
If True, quality metrics (if computed) are saved as Phy tsv and will appear in the ClusterView.
- add_template_metricsbool, default: True
If True, template metrics (if computed) are saved as Phy tsv and will appear in the ClusterView.
- additional_propertieslist | None, default: None
List of additional properties to be saved as Phy tsv and will appear in the ClusterView.
- dtypedtype or None, default: None
Dtype to save binary data
- verbosebool, default: True
If True, output is verbose
- use_relative_pathbool, default: False
If True and copy_binary=True saves the binary file dat_path in the params.py relative to output_folder (ie dat_path=r”recording.dat”). If copy_binary=False, then uses a path relative to the output_folder If False, uses an absolute path in the params.py (ie dat_path=r”path/to/the/recording.dat”)
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- spikeinterface.exporters.export_report(sorting_analyzer, output_folder, remove_if_exists=False, format='png', show_figures=False, peak_sign='neg', force_computation=False, **job_kwargs)¶
Exports a SI spike sorting report. The report includes summary figures of the spike sorting output. What is plotted depends on what has been calculated. Unit locations and unit waveforms are always included. Unit waveform densities, correlograms and spike amplitudes are plotted if waveforms, correlograms, and spike_amplitudes have been computed for the given sorting_analyzer.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
A SortingAnalyzer object
- output_folderstr
The output folder where the report files are saved
- remove_if_existsbool, default: False
If True and the output folder exists, it is removed
- formatstr, default: “png”
The output figure format (any format handled by matplotlib)
- peak_sign“neg” or “pos”, default: “neg”
used to compute amplitudes and metrics
- show_figuresbool, default: False
If True, figures are shown. If False, figures are closed after saving
- force_computationbool, default: False
Force or not some heavy computaion before exporting
- **job_kwargskeyword arguments for parallel processing:
- chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
- chunk_sizeint
Number of samples per chunk
- chunk_memorystr
Memory usage for each job (e.g. “100M”, “1G”, “500MiB”, “2GiB”)
- total_memorystr
Total memory usage (e.g. “500M”, “2G”)
- chunk_durationstr or float or None
Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. “1s”, “500ms”)
- n_jobsint | float
Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores. Using a float between 0 and 1 will use that fraction of the total cores.
- progress_barbool
If True, a progress bar is printed
- mp_context“fork” | “spawn” | None, default: None
Context for multiprocessing. It can be None, “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only safely available on LINUX systems
- spikeinterface.curation.apply_curation(sorting_or_analyzer, curation_dict, censor_ms=None, new_id_strategy='append', merging_mode='soft', sparsity_overlap=0.75, verbose=False, **job_kwargs)¶
Apply curation dict to a Sorting or a SortingAnalyzer.
- Steps are done in this order:
Apply removal using curation_dict[“removed_units”]
Apply merges using curation_dict[“merge_unit_groups”]
Set labels using curation_dict[“manual_labels”]
A new Sorting or SortingAnalyzer (in memory) is returned. The user (an adult) has the responsability to save it somewhere (or not).
- Parameters:
- sorting_or_analyzerSorting | SortingAnalyzer
The Sorting object to apply merges.
- curation_dictdict
The curation dict.
- censor_msfloat | None, default: None
When applying the merges, any consecutive spikes within the censor_ms are removed. This can be thought of as the desired refractory period. If censor_ms=None, no spikes are discarded.
- new_id_strategy“append” | “take_first”, default: “append”
The strategy that should be used, if new_unit_ids is None, to create new unit_ids.
“append” : new_units_ids will be added at the end of max(sorting.unit_ids)
“take_first” : new_unit_ids will be the first unit_id of every list of merges
- merging_mode“soft” | “hard”, default: “soft”
How merges are performed for SortingAnalyzer. If the merge_mode is “soft” , merges will be approximated, with no reloading of the waveforms. This will lead to approximations. If merge_mode is “hard”, recomputations are accurately performed, reloading waveforms if needed
- sparsity_overlapfloat, default 0.75
The percentage of overlap that units should share in order to accept merges. If this criteria is not achieved, soft merging will not be possible and an error will be raised. This is for use with a SortingAnalyzer input.
- verbosebool, default: False
If True, output is verbose
- **job_kwargsdict
Job keyword arguments for merge_units
- Returns:
- sorting_or_analyzerSorting | SortingAnalyzer
The curated object.
- spikeinterface.curation.get_potential_auto_merge(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, preset: str | None = 'similarity_correlograms', resolve_graph: bool = False, min_spikes: int = 100, min_snr: float = 2, max_distance_um: float = 150.0, corr_diff_thresh: float = 0.16, template_diff_thresh: float = 0.25, contamination_thresh: float = 0.2, presence_distance_thresh: float = 100, p_value: float = 0.2, cc_thresh: float = 0.1, censored_period_ms: float = 0.3, refractory_period_ms: float = 1.0, sigma_smooth_ms: float = 0.6, adaptative_window_thresh: float = 0.5, censor_correlograms_ms: float = 0.15, firing_contamination_balance: float = 1.5, k_nn: int = 10, knn_kwargs: dict | None = None, presence_distance_kwargs: dict | None = None, extra_outputs: bool = False, steps: list[str] | None = None) list[tuple[int | str, int | str]] | Tuple[tuple[int | str, int | str], dict] ¶
This function is deprecated. Use compute_merge_unit_groups() instead. This will be removed in 0.103.0
Algorithm to find and check potential merges between units.
The merges are proposed based on a series of steps with different criteria:
“num_spikes”: enough spikes are found in each unit for computing the correlogram (min_spikes)
“snr”: the SNR of the units is above a threshold (min_snr)
“remove_contaminated”: each unit is not contaminated (by checking auto-correlogram - contamination_thresh)
“unit_locations”: estimated unit locations are close enough (max_distance_um)
“correlogram”: the cross-correlograms of the two units are similar to each auto-corrleogram (corr_diff_thresh)
“template_similarity”: the templates of the two units are similar (template_diff_thresh)
“presence_distance”: the presence of the units is complementary in time (presence_distance_thresh)
“cross_contamination”: the cross-contamination is not significant (cc_thresh and p_value)
“knn”: the two units are close in the feature space
“quality_score”: the unit “quality score” is increased after the merge
The “quality score” factors in the increase in firing rate (f) due to the merge and a possible increase in contamination (C), wheighted by a factor k (firing_contamination_balance).
\[Q = f(1 - (k + 1)C)\]IMPORTANT: internally, all computations are relying on extensions of the analyzer, that are computed with default parameters if not present (i.e. correlograms, template_similarity, …) If you want to have a finer control on these values, please precompute the extensions before applying the auto_merge
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The SortingAnalyzer
- preset“similarity_correlograms” | “x_contaminations” | “temporal_splits” | “feature_neighbors” | None, default: “similarity_correlograms”
The preset to use for the auto-merge. Presets combine different steps into a recipe and focus on:
- “similarity_correlograms”: mainly focused on template similarity and correlograms.It uses the following steps: “num_spikes”, “remove_contaminated”, “unit_locations”,“template_similarity”, “correlogram”, “quality_score”
- “x_contaminations”: similar to “similarity_correlograms”, but checks for cross-contamination instead of correlograms.It uses the following steps: “num_spikes”, “remove_contaminated”, “unit_locations”,“template_similarity”, “cross_contamination”, “quality_score”
- “temporal_splits”: focused on finding temporal splits using presence distance.It uses the following steps: “num_spikes”, “remove_contaminated”, “unit_locations”,“template_similarity”, “presence_distance”, “quality_score”
- “feature_neighbors”: focused on finding unit pairs whose spikes are close in the feature space using kNN.It uses the following steps: “num_spikes”, “snr”, “remove_contaminated”, “unit_locations”,“knn”, “quality_score”
If preset is None, you can specify the steps manually with the steps parameter.
- resolve_graphbool, default: False
If True, the function resolves the potential unit pairs to be merged into multiple-unit merges.
- min_spikesint, default: 100
Minimum number of spikes for each unit to consider a potential merge. Enough spikes are needed to estimate the correlogram
- min_snrfloat, default 2
Minimum Signal to Noise ratio for templates to be considered while merging
- max_distance_umfloat, default: 150
Maximum distance between units for considering a merge
- corr_diff_threshfloat, default: 0.16
The threshold on the “correlogram distance metric” for considering a merge. It needs to be between 0 and 1
- template_diff_threshfloat, default: 0.25
The threshold on the “template distance metric” for considering a merge. It needs to be between 0 and 1
- contamination_threshfloat, default: 0.2
Threshold for not taking in account a unit when it is too contaminated.
- presence_distance_threshfloat, default: 100
Parameter to control how present two units should be simultaneously.
- p_valuefloat, default: 0.2
The p-value threshold for the cross-contamination test.
- cc_threshfloat, default: 0.1
The threshold on the cross-contamination for considering a merge.
- censored_period_msfloat, default: 0.3
Used to compute the refractory period violations aka “contamination”.
- refractory_period_msfloat, default: 1
Used to compute the refractory period violations aka “contamination”.
- sigma_smooth_msfloat, default: 0.6
Parameters to smooth the correlogram estimation.
- adaptative_window_threshfloat, default: 0.5
Parameter to detect the window size in correlogram estimation.
- censor_correlograms_msfloat, default: 0.15
The period to censor on the auto and cross-correlograms.
- firing_contamination_balancefloat, default: 1.5
Parameter to control the balance between firing rate and contamination in computing unit “quality score”.
- k_nnint, default 5
The number of neighbors to consider for every spike in the recording.
- knn_kwargsdict, default None
The dict of extra params to be passed to knn.
- extra_outputsbool, default: False
If True, an additional dictionary (outs) with processed data is returned.
- stepsNone or list of str, default: None
Which steps to run, if no preset is used. Pontential steps : “num_spikes”, “snr”, “remove_contaminated”, “unit_locations”, “correlogram”, “template_similarity”, “presence_distance”, “cross_contamination”, “knn”, “quality_score” Please check steps explanations above!
- presence_distance_kwargsNone|dict, default: None
A dictionary of kwargs to be passed to compute_presence_distance().
- Returns:
- potential_merges:
A list of tuples of 2 elements (if resolve_graph`if false) or 2+ elements (if `resolve_graph is true). List of pairs that could be merged.
- outs:
Returned only when extra_outputs=True A dictionary that contains data for debugging and plotting.
This function is inspired and built upon similar functions from Lussac [Llobet], done by Aurelien Wyngaard and Victor Llobet. https://github.com/BarbourLab/lussac/blob/v1.0.0/postprocessing/merge_units.py
- spikeinterface.curation.find_redundant_units(sorting, delta_time: float = 0.4, agreement_threshold=0.2, duplicate_threshold=0.8)¶
Finds redundant or duplicate units by comparing the sorting output with itself.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The input sorting object
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
The time in ms to consider matching spikes
- agreement_thresholdfloat, default: 0.2
Threshold on the agreement scores to flag possible redundant/duplicate units
- duplicate_thresholdfloat, default: 0.8
Final threshold on the portion of coincident events over the number of spikes above which the unit is flagged as duplicate/redundant
- Returns:
- list
The list of duplicate units
- list of 2-element lists
The list of duplicate pairs
- spikeinterface.curation.remove_redundant_units(sorting_or_sorting_analyzer, align=True, unit_peak_shifts=None, delta_time=0.4, agreement_threshold=0.2, duplicate_threshold=0.8, remove_strategy='minimum_shift', peak_sign='neg', extra_outputs=False) BaseSorting ¶
Removes redundant or duplicate units by comparing the sorting output with itself.
When a redundant pair is found, there are several strategies to choose which unit is the best:
- Parameters:
- sorting_or_sorting_analyzerBaseSorting or SortingAnalyzer
If SortingAnalyzer, the spike trains can be optionally realigned using the peak shift in the template to improve the matching procedure. If BaseSorting, the spike trains are not aligned.
- alignbool, default: False
If True, spike trains are aligned (if a SortingAnalyzer is used)
- delta_timefloat, default: 0.4
The time in ms to consider matching spikes
- agreement_thresholdfloat, default: 0.2
Threshold on the agreement scores to flag possible redundant/duplicate units
- duplicate_thresholdfloat, default: 0.8
Final threshold on the portion of coincident events over the number of spikes above which the unit is removed
- remove_strategy“minimum_shift” | “highest_amplitude” | “max_spikes”, default: “minimum_shift”
Which strategy to remove one of the two duplicated units:
- “minimum_shift”keep the unit with best peak alignment (minimum shift)
If shifts are equal then the “highest_amplitude” is used
“highest_amplitude” : keep the unit with the best amplitude on unshifted max.
“max_spikes” : keep the unit with more spikes
- peak_sign“neg” | “pos” | “both”, default: “neg”
Used when remove_strategy=”highest_amplitude”
- extra_outputsbool, default: False
If True, will return the redundant pairs.
- unit_peak_shiftsdict
Dictionary mapping the unit_id to the unit’s shift (in number of samples). A positive shift means the spike train is shifted back in time, while a negative shift means the spike train is shifted forward.
- Returns:
- BaseSorting
Sorting object without redundant units
- spikeinterface.curation.remove_duplicated_spikes(sorting: BaseSorting, censored_period_ms: float = 0.3, method: str = 'keep_first') None ¶
Class to remove duplicated spikes from the spike trains. Spikes are considered duplicated if they are less than x ms apart where x is the censored period.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The parent sorting.
- censored_period_msfloat
The censored period to consider 2 spikes to be duplicated (in ms).
- method“keep_first” | “keep_last” | “keep_first_iterative” | “keep_last_iterative” | “random”, default: “keep_first”
Method used to remove the duplicated spikes. If method = “random”, will randomly choose to remove the first or last spike. If method = “keep_first”, for each ISI violation, will remove the second spike. If method = “keep_last”, for each ISI violation, will remove the first spike. If method = “keep_first_iterative”, will iteratively keep the first spike and remove the following violations. If method = “keep_last_iterative”, does the same as “keep_first_iterative” but starting from the end. In the iterative methods, if there is a triplet A, B, C where (A, B) and (B, C) are in the censored period (but not (A, C)), then only B is removed. In the non iterative methods however, only one spike remains.
- Returns:
- sorting_without_duplicated_spikesRemove_DuplicatedSpikesSorting
The sorting without any duplicated spikes.
- spikeinterface.curation.remove_excess_spikes(sorting: BaseSorting, recording: BaseRecording)¶
Remove excess spikes from the spike trains. Excess spikes are the ones exceeding a recording number of samples, for each segment.
- Parameters:
- sortingBaseSorting
The parent sorting.
- recordingBaseRecording
The recording to use to get the number of samples.
- Returns:
- sorting_without_excess_spikesSorting
The sorting without any excess spikes.
- spikeinterface.curation.load_model(model_folder=None, repo_id=None, model_name=None, trust_model=False, trusted=None)¶
Loads a model and model_info from a HuggingFaceHub repo or a local folder.
- Parameters:
- model_folderstr or Path, defualt: None
The path to the folder containing the model
- repo_idstr | Path, default: None
Hugging face repo id which contains the model e.g. ‘username/model’
- model_name: str | Path, default: None
Filename of model e.g. ‘my_model.skops’. If None, uses first model found.
- trust_modelbool, default: False
Whether to trust the model. If True, the trusted parameter that is passed to skops.load to load the model will be automatically inferred. If False, the trusted parameter must be provided to indicate the trusted objects.
- trustedlist of str, default: None
Passed to skops.load. The object will be loaded only if there are only trusted objects and objects of types listed in trusted in the dumped file.
- Returns:
- model, model_info
A model and metadata about the model
- spikeinterface.curation.auto_label_units(sorting_analyzer: SortingAnalyzer, model_folder=None, model_name=None, repo_id=None, label_conversion=None, trust_model=False, trusted=None, export_to_phy=False, enforce_metric_params=False)¶
Automatically labels units based on a model-based classification, either from a model hosted on HuggingFaceHub or one available in a local folder.
This function returns the predicted labels and the prediction probabilities, and populates the sorting object with the predicted labels and probabilities in the ‘classifier_label’ and ‘classifier_probability’ properties.
- Parameters:
- sorting_analyzerSortingAnalyzer
The sorting analyzer object containing the spike sorting results.
- model_folderstr or Path, defualt: None
The path to the folder containing the model
- repo_idstr | Path, default: None
Hugging face repo id which contains the model e.g. ‘username/model’
- model_name: str | Path, default: None
Filename of model e.g. ‘my_model.skops’. If None, uses first model found.
- label_conversiondic | None, default: None
A dictionary for converting the predicted labels (which are integers) to custom labels. If None, tries to extract from model_info.json file. The dictionary should have the format {old_label: new_label}.
- export_to_phybool, default: False
Whether to export the results to Phy format. Default is False.
- trust_modelbool, default: False
Whether to trust the model. If True, the trusted parameter that is passed to skops.load to load the model will be automatically inferred. If False, the trusted parameter must be provided to indicate the trusted objects.
- trustedlist of str, default: None
Passed to skops.load. The object will be loaded only if there are only trusted objects and objects of types listed in trusted in the dumped file.
- enforce_metric_paramsbool, default: False
If True and the parameters used to compute the metrics in sorting_analyzer are different than the parmeters used to compute the metrics used to train the model, this function will raise an error. Otherwise, a warning is raised.
- Returns:
- classified_unitspd.DataFrame
A dataframe containing the classified units, indexed by the unit_ids, containing the predicted label and confidence probability of each labelled unit.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the pipeline is not an instance of sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline.
spikeinterface.curation.train_model(mode='analyzers', labels=None, analyzers=None, metrics_paths=None, folder=None, metric_names=None, imputation_strategies=None, scaling_techniques=None, classifiers=None, test_size=0.2,