Compare spike sorting output with ground-truth recordingsΒΆ

Simulated recordings or paired pipette and extracellular recordings can be used to validate spike sorting algorithms.

For comparing to ground-truth data, the compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(gt_sorting, tested_sorting) function can be used. In this recording, we have ground-truth information for all units, so we can set exhaustive_gt to True.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import spikeinterface.extractors as se
import spikeinterface.sorters as ss
import spikeinterface.comparison as sc
import spikeinterface.widgets as sw
recording, sorting_true = se.example_datasets.toy_example(num_channels=4, duration=10, seed=0)

sorting_MS4 = ss.run_mountainsort4(recording)


Warning! The recording is already filtered, but Mountainsort4 filter is enabled. You can disable filters by setting 'filter' parameter to False
cmp_gt_MS4 = sc.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(sorting_true, sorting_MS4, exhaustive_gt=True)

To have an overview of the match we can use the unordered agreement matrix

sw.plot_agreement_matrix(cmp_gt_MS4, ordered=False)
plot 3 compare sorter with ground truth


<spikewidgets.widgets.agreementmatrixwidget.agreementmatrixwidget.AgreementMatrixWidget object at 0x7f3dfc2ef978>

or ordered

sw.plot_agreement_matrix(cmp_gt_MS4, ordered=True)
plot 3 compare sorter with ground truth


<spikewidgets.widgets.agreementmatrixwidget.agreementmatrixwidget.AgreementMatrixWidget object at 0x7f3dfc73f0b8>

This function first matches the ground-truth and spike sorted units, and then it computes several performance metrics.

Once the spike trains are matched, each spike is labelled as:

  • true positive (tp): spike found both in gt_sorting and tested_sorting
  • false negative (fn): spike found in gt_sorting, but not in tested_sorting
  • false positive (fp): spike found in tested_sorting, but not in gt_sorting

From the counts of these labels the following performance measures are computed:

  • accuracy: #tp / (#tp+ #fn + #fp)
  • recall: #tp / (#tp + #fn)
  • precision: #tp / (#tp + #fn)
  • miss rate: #fn / (#tp + #fn1)
  • false discovery rate: #fp / (#tp + #fp)

The get_performance method a pandas dataframe (or a dictionary if output='dict') with the comparison metrics. By default, these are calculated for each spike train of sorting1:code:, the results can be pooles by average (average of the metrics) and by sum (all counts are summed and the metrics are computed then).

perf = cmp_gt_MS4.get_performance()

Lets use seaborn swarm plot

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
perf2 = pd.melt(perf, var_name='measurement')
ax1 = sns.swarmplot(data=perf2, x='measurement', y='value', ax=ax1)
ax1.set_xticklabels(labels=ax1.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45)
plot 3 compare sorter with ground truth


[Text(0, 0, 'accuracy'), Text(1, 0, 'recall'), Text(2, 0, 'precision'), Text(3, 0, 'false_discovery_rate'), Text(4, 0, 'miss_rate')]

The confusion matrix is also a good summary of the score as it has  the same shape as agreement matrix, but it contains an extra column for FN

and an extra row for FP
plot 3 compare sorter with ground truth


<spikewidgets.widgets.confusionmatrixwidget.confusionmatrixwidget.ConfusionMatrixWidget object at 0x7f3e056777b8>

We can query the well and bad detected units. By default, the threshold on accuracy is 0.95.



[2, 3, 7, 9]


[1, 5, 8]



Lets do the same for klusta

sorting_KL = ss.run_klusta(recording)
cmp_gt_KL = sc.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(sorting_true, sorting_KL, exhaustive_gt=True)


RUNNING SHELL SCRIPT: /home/docs/checkouts/
/home/docs/checkouts/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name=63 encoding='UTF-8'>
  self._run(recording, self.output_folders[i])
perf = cmp_gt_KL.get_performance()



            accuracy    recall precision false_discovery_rate  miss_rate
1                  0         0         0                    0          0
2                  0         0         0                    0          0
3               0.52  0.590909    0.8125               0.1875   0.409091
4                  0         0         0                    0          0
5                  0         0         0                    0          0
6                  0         0         0                    0          0
7                  0         0         0                    0          0
8           0.590909  0.590909         1                    0   0.409091
9           0.964286  0.964286         1                    0  0.0357143
10                 0         0         0                    0          0

Lets use seaborn swarm plot

fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
perf2 = pd.melt(perf, var_name='measurement')
ax2 = sns.swarmplot(data=perf2, x='measurement', y='value', ax=ax2)
ax2.set_xticklabels(labels=ax2.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45)
plot 3 compare sorter with ground truth


[Text(0, 0, 'accuracy'), Text(1, 0, 'recall'), Text(2, 0, 'precision'), Text(3, 0, 'false_discovery_rate'), Text(4, 0, 'miss_rate')]


<bound method GroundTruthComparison.get_well_detected_units of <spikecomparison.groundtruthcomparison.GroundTruthComparison object at 0x7f3dfc861cc0>>





Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.533 seconds)

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