
spikeinterface.core.load_extractor(file_or_folder_or_dict, base_folder=None) BaseExtractor
Instantiate extractor from:
  • a dict

  • a json file

  • a pickle file

  • folder (after save)

  • a zarr folder (after save)

file_or_folder_or_dict: dictionary or folder or file (json, pickle)
extractor: Recording or Sorting

The loaded extractor object

class spikeinterface.core.BaseRecording(sampling_frequency: float, channel_ids: List, dtype)

Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment


Adds a recording segment.


The recording segment to add

binary_compatible_with(dtype=None, time_axis=None, file_paths_lenght=None, file_offset=None, file_suffix=None)

Check is the recording is binary compatible with some constrain on

  • dtype

  • tim_axis

  • len(file_paths)

  • file_offset

  • file_suffix


When rec.is_binary_compatible() is True this returns a dictionary describing the binary format.

get_duration(segment_index=None) float

Returns the duration in seconds.

segment_indexint, optional

The sample index to retrieve the duration for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, by default None With single segment recording returns the duration of the single segment


The duration in seconds

get_memory_size(segment_index=None) int

Returns the memory size of segment_index in bytes.

segment_indexint, optional

The index of the segment for which the memory size should be calculated. For multi-segment objects, it is required, by default None With single segment recording returns the memory size of the single segment


The memory size of the specified segment in bytes.

get_num_frames(segment_index=None) int

Returns the number of samples for a segment.

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index to retrieve the number of samples for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, by default None With single segment recording returns the number of samples in the segment


The number of samples

get_num_samples(segment_index=None) int

Returns the number of samples for a segment.

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index to retrieve the number of samples for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, by default None With single segment recording returns the number of samples in the segment


The number of samples

get_num_segments() int

Returns the number of segments.


Number of segments in the recording

get_time_info(segment_index=None) dict

Retrieves the timing attributes for a given segment index. As with other recorders this method only needs a segment index in the case of multi-segment recordings.


A dictionary containing the following key-value pairs:

  • ‘sampling_frequency’: The sampling frequency of the RecordingSegment.

  • ‘t_start’: The start time of the RecordingSegment.

  • ‘time_vector’: The time vector of the RecordingSegment.


The keys are always present, but the values may be None.


Get time vector for a recording segment.

If the segment has a time_vector, then it is returned. Otherwise a time_vector is constructed on the fly with sampling frequency. If t_start is defined and the time vector is constructed on the fly, the first time will be t_start. Otherwise it will start from 0.

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index (required for multi-segment), by default None


The 1d times array

get_total_duration() float

Returns the total duration in seconds


The duration in seconds

get_total_memory_size() int

Returns the sum in bytes of all the memory sizes of the segments.


The total memory size in bytes for all segments.

get_total_samples() int

Returns the sum of the number of samples in each segment.


The total number of samples

get_traces(segment_index: Optional[int] = None, start_frame: Optional[int] = None, end_frame: Optional[int] = None, channel_ids: Optional[Iterable] = None, order: Optional[str] = None, return_scaled=False, cast_unsigned=False)

Returns traces from recording.

segment_indexUnion[int, None], optional

The segment index to get traces from. If recording is multi-segment, it is required, by default None

start_frameUnion[int, None], optional

The start frame. If None, 0 is used, by default None

end_frameUnion[int, None], optional

The end frame. If None, the number of samples in the segment is used, by default None

channel_idsUnion[Iterable, None], optional

The channel ids. If None, all channels are used, by default None

orderUnion[str, None], optional

The order of the traces (“C” | “F”). If None, traces are returned as they are, by default None

return_scaledbool, optional

If True and the recording has scaling (gain_to_uV and offset_to_uV properties), traces are scaled to uV, by default False

cast_unsignedbool, optional

If True and the traces are unsigned, they are cast to integer and centered (an offset of (2**nbits) is subtracted), by default False


The traces (num_samples, num_channels)


If return_scaled is True, but recording does not have scaled traces


Checks if the recording has scaled traces


True if the recording has scaled traces, False otherwise


Check if the segment of the recording has a time vector.

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index (required for multi-segment), by default None


True if the recording has time vectors, False otherwise


Inform is this recording is “binary” compatible. To be used before calling rec.get_binary_description()


True if the underlying recording is binary

set_times(times, segment_index=None, with_warning=True)

Set times for a recording segment.

times1d np.array

The time vector

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index (required for multi-segment), by default None

with_warningbool, optional

If True, a warning is printed, by default True

class spikeinterface.core.BaseSorting(sampling_frequency: float, unit_ids: List)

Abstract class representing several segment several units and relative spiketrains.


Return all spike trains concatenated


Returns the number of samples of the associated recording for a segment.

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index to retrieve the number of samples for. For multi-segment objects, it is required, by default None


The number of samples


Get time vector for a registered recording segment.

If a recording is registered:
  • if the segment has a time_vector, then it is returned

  • if not, a time_vector is constructed on the fly with sampling frequency

If there is no registered recording it returns None


Returns the total duration in s of the associated recording.


The duration in seconds


Get total number of spikes for each unit across segments.


Dictionary with unit_ids as key and number of spikes as values


Returns the total number of samples of the associated recording.


The total number of samples


Check if the segment of the registered recording has a time vector.

register_recording(recording, check_spike_frames=True)

Register a recording to the sorting.


Recording with the same number of segments as current sorting. Assigned to self._recording.

check_spike_framesbool, optional

If True, assert for each segment that all spikes are within the recording’s range. By default True.


Removes units with empty spike trains


Sorting object with non-empty units


Removes a subset of units

remove_unit_idsnumpy.array or list

List of unit ids to remove


Sorting object without removed units

select_units(unit_ids, renamed_unit_ids=None)

Selects a subset of units

unit_idsnumpy.array or list

List of unit ids to keep

renamed_unit_idsnumpy.array or list, optional

If given, the kept unit ids are renamed, by default None


Sorting object with selected units


Construct a unique structured numpy vector concatenating all spikes with several fields: sample_index, unit_index, segment_index.

See also get_all_spike_trains()

extremum_channel_inds: None or dict

If a dictionnary of unit_id to channel_ind is given then an extra field ‘channel_index’. This can be convinient for computing spikes postion after sorter.

This dict can be computed with get_template_extremum_channel(we, outputs=”index”)

spikes: np.array

Structured numpy array (‘sample_index’, ‘unit_index’, ‘segment_index’) with all spikes Or (‘sample_index’, ‘unit_index’, ‘segment_index’, ‘channel_index’) if extremum_channel_inds is given

class spikeinterface.core.BaseSnippets(sampling_frequency: float, nbefore: Optional[int], snippet_len: int, channel_ids: List, dtype)

Abstract class representing several multichannel snippets.

class spikeinterface.core.BaseEvent(channel_ids, structured_dtype)

Abstract class representing events.

channel_idslist or np.array

The channel ids

structured_dtypedtype or dict

The dtype of the events. If dict, each key is the channel_id and values must be the dtype of the channel (also structured). If dtype, each channel is assigned the same dtype. In case of structured dtypes, the “time” or “timestamp” field name must be present.

get_event_times(channel_id=None, segment_index=None, start_time=None, end_time=None)

Return events timestamps of a channel in seconds.

channel_idint or str, optional

The event channel id, by default None

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index, required for multi-segment objects, by default None

start_timefloat, optional

The start time in seconds, by default None

end_timefloat, optional

The end time in seconds, by default None


1d array of timestamps for the event channel

get_events(channel_id=None, segment_index=None, start_time=None, end_time=None)

Return events of a channel in its native structured type.

channel_idint or str, optional

The event channel id, by default None

segment_indexint, optional

The segment index, required for multi-segment objects, by default None

start_timefloat, optional

The start time in seconds, by default None

end_timefloat, optional

The end time in seconds, by default None


Structured np.array of dtype get_dtype(channel_id)

class spikeinterface.core.WaveformExtractor(recording: Optional[BaseRecording], sorting: BaseSorting, folder=None, rec_attributes=None, allow_unfiltered: bool = False, sparsity=None)

Class to extract waveform on paired Recording-Sorting objects. Waveforms are persistent on disk and cached in memory.

recording: Recording | None

The recording object

sorting: Sorting

The sorting object

folder: Path

The folder where waveforms are cached

rec_attributes: None or dict

When recording is None then a minimal dict with some attributes is needed.

allow_unfiltered: bool

If true, will accept unfiltered recording. False by default.

we: WaveformExtractor

The WaveformExtractor object


>>> # Instantiate
>>> we = WaveformExtractor.create(recording, sorting, folder)
>>> # Compute
>>> we = we.set_params(...)
>>> we = we.run_extract_waveforms(...)
>>> # Retrieve
>>> waveforms = we.get_waveforms(unit_id)
>>> template = we.get_template(unit_id, mode='median')
>>> # Load  from folder (in another session)
>>> we = WaveformExtractor.load(folder)
delete_extension(extension_name) None

Deletes an existing extension.

extension_name: str

The extension name.

delete_waveforms() None

Deletes waveforms folder.

get_all_templates(unit_ids: Optional[Iterable] = None, mode='average')

Return templates (average waveform) for multiple units.

unit_ids: list or None

Unit ids to retrieve waveforms for

mode: str

‘average’ (default) or ‘median’ , ‘std’

templates: np.array

The returned templates (num_units, num_samples, num_channels)


Return a list of loaded or available extension names either in memory or in persistent extension folders. Then instances can be loaded with we.load_extension(extension_name)

Importante note: extension modules need to be loaded (and so registered) before this call, otherwise extensions will be ignored even if the folder exists.

extension_names_in_folder: list

A list of names of computed extension in this folder


Get extension class from name and check if registered.

extension_name: str

The extension name.


The class of the extension.


Return sampled spike indices of extracted waveforms

unit_id: int or str

Unit id to retrieve indices for

sampled_indices: np.array

The sampled indices

get_template(unit_id, mode='average', sparsity=None, force_dense: bool = False)

Return template (average waveform).

unit_id: int or str

Unit id to retrieve waveforms for

mode: str

‘average’ (default), ‘median’ , ‘std’(standard deviation)

sparsity: ChannelSparsity, optional

Sparsity to apply to the waveforms (if WaveformExtractor is not sparse)

force_dense: bool (False)

Return a dense template even if the waveform extractor is sparse

template: np.array

The returned template (num_samples, num_channels)

get_template_segment(unit_id, segment_index, mode='average', sparsity=None)

Return template for the specified unit id computed from waveforms of a specific segment.

unit_id: int or str

Unit id to retrieve waveforms for

segment_index: int

The segment index to retrieve template from

mode: str

‘average’ (default), ‘median’, ‘std’(standard deviation)

sparsity: ChannelSparsity, optional

Sparsity to apply to the waveforms (if WaveformExtractor is not sparse).

template: np.array

The returned template (num_samples, num_channels)

get_waveforms(unit_id, with_index: bool = False, cache: bool = False, lazy: bool = True, sparsity=None, force_dense: bool = False)

Return waveforms for the specified unit id.

unit_id: int or str

Unit id to retrieve waveforms for

with_index: bool

If True, spike indices of extracted waveforms are returned (default False)

cache: bool

If True, waveforms are cached to the self._waveforms dictionary (default False)

lazy: bool

If True, waveforms are loaded as memmap objects (when format=”binary”) or Zarr datasets (when format=”zarr”). If False, waveforms are loaded as np.array objects (default True)

sparsity: ChannelSparsity, optional

Sparsity to apply to the waveforms (if WaveformExtractor is not sparse)

force_dense: bool (False)

Return dense waveforms even if the waveform extractor is sparse

wfs: np.array

The returned waveform (num_spikes, num_samples, num_channels)

indices: np.array

If ‘with_index’ is True, the spike indices corresponding to the waveforms extracted

get_waveforms_segment(segment_index: int, unit_id, sparsity)

Return waveforms from a specified segment and unit_id.

segment_index: int

The segment index to retrieve waveforms from

unit_id: int or str

Unit id to retrieve waveforms for

sparsity: ChannelSparsity, optional

Sparsity to apply to the waveforms (if WaveformExtractor is not sparse)

wfs: np.array

The returned waveform (num_spikes, num_samples, num_channels)

is_extension(extension_name) bool

Check if the extension exists in memory or in the folder.

extension_name: str

The extension name.

exists: bool

Whether the extension exists or not


Load an extension from its name. The module of the extension must be loaded and registered.

extension_name: str

The extension name.


The loaded instance of the extension

precompute_templates(modes=('average', 'std')) None
Precompute all template for different “modes”:
  • average

  • std

  • median

The results is cache in memory as 3d ndarray (nunits, nsamples, nchans) and also saved as npy file in the folder to avoid recomputation each time.

classmethod register_extension(extension_class) None

This maintains a list of possible extensions that are available. It depends on the imported submodules (e.g. for postprocessing module).

For instance: import spikeinterface as si si.WaveformExtractor.extensions == []

from spikeinterface.postprocessing import WaveformPrincipalComponent si.WaveformExtractor.extensions == [WaveformPrincipalComponent, …]

save(folder, format='binary', use_relative_path: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, sparsity=None, **kwargs) WaveformExtractor

Save WaveformExtractor object to disk.

folderstr or Path

The output waveform folder

formatstr, optional

“binary”, “zarr”, by default “binary”


If True and folder exists, it is deleted, by default False

use_relative_pathbool, optional

If True, the recording and sorting paths are relative to the waveforms folder. This allows portability of the waveform folder provided that the relative paths are the same, but forces all the data files to be in the same drive, by default False

sparsityChannelSparsity, optional

If given and WaveformExtractor is not sparse, it makes the returned WaveformExtractor sparse

select_units(unit_ids, new_folder=None, use_relative_path: bool = False) WaveformExtractor

Filters units by creating a new waveform extractor object in a new folder.

Extensions are also updated to filter the selected unit ids.

unit_idslist or array

The unit ids to keep in the new WaveformExtractor object

new_folderPath or None

The new folder where selected waveforms are copied


The newly create waveform extractor with the selected units

set_params(ms_before: float = 1.0, ms_after: float = 2.0, max_spikes_per_unit: int = 500, return_scaled: bool = False, dtype=None) None

Set parameters for waveform extraction

ms_before: float

Cut out in ms before spike time

ms_after: float

Cut out in ms after spike time

max_spikes_per_unit: int

Maximum number of spikes to extract per unit

return_scaled: bool

If True and recording has gain_to_uV/offset_to_uV properties, waveforms are converted to uV.

dtype: np.dtype

The dtype of the computed waveforms

set_recording(recording: Optional[BaseRecording], rec_attributes: Optional[dict] = None, allow_unfiltered: bool = False) None

Sets the recording object and attributes for the WaveformExtractor.

recording: Recording | None

The recording object

rec_attributes: None or dict

When recording is None then a minimal dict with some attributes is needed.

allow_unfiltered: bool

If true, will accept unfiltered recording. False by default.

spikeinterface.core.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder=None, mode='folder', precompute_template=('average',), ms_before=3.0, ms_after=4.0, max_spikes_per_unit=500, overwrite=False, return_scaled=True, dtype=None, sparse=False, sparsity=None, num_spikes_for_sparsity=100, allow_unfiltered=False, use_relative_path=False, seed=None, load_if_exists=None, **kwargs)

Extracts waveform on paired Recording-Sorting objects. Waveforms can be persistent on disk (mode`=”folder”) or in-memory (`mode`=”memory”). By default, waveforms are extracted on a subset of the spikes (`max_spikes_per_unit) and on all channels (dense). If the sparse parameter is set to True, a sparsity is estimated using a small number of spikes (num_spikes_for_sparsity) and waveforms are extracted and saved in sparse mode.

recording: Recording

The recording object

sorting: Sorting

The sorting object

folder: str or Path or None

The folder where waveforms are cached

mode: str

“folder” (default) or “memory”. The “folder” argument must be specified in case of mode “folder”. If “memory” is used, the waveforms are stored in RAM. Use this option carefully!

precompute_template: None or list

Precompute average/std/median for template. If None not precompute.

ms_before: float

Time in ms to cut before spike peak

ms_after: float

Time in ms to cut after spike peak

max_spikes_per_unit: int or None

Number of spikes per unit to extract waveforms from (default 500). Use None to extract waveforms for all spikes

overwrite: bool

If True and ‘folder’ exists, the folder is removed and waveforms are recomputed. Otherwise an error is raised.

return_scaled: bool

If True and recording has gain_to_uV/offset_to_uV properties, waveforms are converted to uV.

dtype: dtype or None

Dtype of the output waveforms. If None, the recording dtype is maintained.

sparse: bool (default False)

If True, before extracting all waveforms the precompute_sparsity() function is run using a few spikes to get an estimate of dense templates to create a ChannelSparsity object. Then, the waveforms will be sparse at extraction time, which saves a lot of memory. When True, you must some provide kwargs handle precompute_sparsity() to control the kind of sparsity you want to apply (by radius, by best channels, …).

sparsity: ChannelSparsity or None

The sparsity used to compute waveforms. If this is given, sparse is ignored. Default None.

num_spikes_for_sparsity: int (default 100)

The number of spikes to use to estimate sparsity (if sparse=True).

allow_unfiltered: bool

If true, will accept an allow_unfiltered recording. False by default.

use_relative_path: bool

If True, the recording and sorting paths are relative to the waveforms folder. This allows portability of the waveform folder provided that the relative paths are the same, but forces all the data files to be in the same drive. Default is False.

seed: int or None

Random seed for spike selection

sparsity kwargs:
method: str
  • “best_channels”: N best channels with the largest amplitude. Use the ‘num_channels’ argument to specify the

    number of channels.

  • “radius”: radius around the best channel. Use the ‘radius_um’ argument to specify the radius in um

  • “snr”: threshold based on template signal-to-noise ratio. Use the ‘threshold’ argument

    to specify the SNR threshold (in units of noise levels)

  • “ptp”: threshold based on the peak-to-peak values on every channels. Use the ‘threshold’ argument

    to specify the ptp threshold (in units of noise levels)

  • “energy”: threshold based on the expected energy that should be present on the channels,

    given their noise levels. Use the ‘threshold’ argument to specify the SNR threshold (in units of noise levels)

  • “by_property”: sparsity is given by a property of the recording and sorting(e.g. ‘group’).

    Use the ‘by_property’ argument to specify the property name.

peak_sign: str

Sign of the template to compute best channels (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

num_channels: int

Number of channels for ‘best_channels’ method

radius_um: float

Radius in um for ‘radius’ method

threshold: float

Threshold in SNR ‘threshold’ method

by_property: object

Property name for ‘by_property’ method

job kwargs:
**job_kwargs: keyword arguments for parallel processing:
  • chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
    • chunk_size: int

      Number of samples per chunk

    • chunk_memory: str

      Memory usage for each job (e.g. ‘100M’, ‘1G’)

    • total_memory: str

      Total memory usage (e.g. ‘500M’, ‘2G’)

    • chunk_durationstr or float or None

      Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

  • n_jobs: int

    Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores

  • progress_bar: bool

    If True, a progress bar is printed

  • mp_context: str or None

    Context for multiprocessing. It can be None (default), “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only available on UNIX systems

we: WaveformExtractor

The WaveformExtractor object


>>> import spikeinterface as si
>>> # Extract dense waveforms and save to disk
>>> we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder="waveforms")
>>> # Extract dense waveforms with parallel processing and save to disk
>>> job_kwargs = dict(n_jobs=8, chunk_duration="1s", progress_bar=True)
>>> we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder="waveforms", **job_kwargs)
>>> # Extract dense waveforms on all spikes
>>> we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder="waveforms-all", max_spikes_per_unit=None)
>>> # Extract dense waveforms in memory
>>> we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder=None, mode="memory")
>>> # Extract sparse waveforms (with radius-based sparsity of 50um) and save to disk
>>> we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder="waveforms-sparse", mode="folder",
>>>                           sparse=True, num_spikes_for_sparsity=100, method="radius", radius_um=50)
spikeinterface.core.load_waveforms(folder, with_recording: bool = True, sorting: Optional[BaseSorting] = None) WaveformExtractor

Load a waveform extractor object from disk.

folderstr or Path

The folder / zarr folder where the waveform extractor is stored

with_recordingbool, optional

If True, the recording is loaded, by default True. If False, the WaveformExtractor object in recordingless mode.

sortingBaseSorting, optional

If passed, the sorting object associated to the waveform extractor, by default None

we: WaveformExtractor

The loaded waveform extractor

spikeinterface.core.compute_sparsity(waveform_extractor, method='radius', peak_sign='neg', num_channels=5, radius_um=100.0, threshold=5, by_property=None)

Get channel sparsity (subset of channels) for each template with several methods.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

method: str
  • “best_channels”: N best channels with the largest amplitude. Use the ‘num_channels’ argument to specify the

    number of channels.

  • “radius”: radius around the best channel. Use the ‘radius_um’ argument to specify the radius in um

  • “snr”: threshold based on template signal-to-noise ratio. Use the ‘threshold’ argument

    to specify the SNR threshold (in units of noise levels)

  • “ptp”: threshold based on the peak-to-peak values on every channels. Use the ‘threshold’ argument

    to specify the ptp threshold (in units of noise levels)

  • “energy”: threshold based on the expected energy that should be present on the channels,

    given their noise levels. Use the ‘threshold’ argument to specify the SNR threshold (in units of noise levels)

  • “by_property”: sparsity is given by a property of the recording and sorting(e.g. ‘group’).

    Use the ‘by_property’ argument to specify the property name.

peak_sign: str

Sign of the template to compute best channels (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

num_channels: int

Number of channels for ‘best_channels’ method

radius_um: float

Radius in um for ‘radius’ method

threshold: float

Threshold in SNR ‘threshold’ method

by_property: object

Property name for ‘by_property’ method

sparsity: ChannelSparsity

The estimated sparsity

class spikeinterface.core.BinaryRecordingExtractor(file_paths, sampling_frequency, dtype, num_channels=None, t_starts=None, channel_ids=None, time_axis=0, file_offset=0, gain_to_uV=None, offset_to_uV=None, is_filtered=None, num_chan=None)

RecordingExtractor for a binary format

file_paths: str or Path or list

Path to the binary file

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency

num_channels: int

Number of channels

num_chan: int [deprecated, use num_channels instead, will be removed as early as v0.100.0]

Number of channels

dtype: str or dtype

The dtype of the binary file

time_axis: int

The axis of the time dimension (default 0: F order)

t_starts: None or list of float

Times in seconds of the first sample for each segment

channel_ids: list (optional)

A list of channel ids

file_offset: int (optional)

Number of bytes in the file to offset by during memmap instantiation.

gain_to_uV: float or array-like (optional)

The gain to apply to the traces

offset_to_uV: float or array-like

The offset to apply to the traces

is_filtered: bool or None

If True, the recording is assumed to be filtered. If None, is_filtered is not set.

recording: BinaryRecordingExtractor

The recording Extractor


When both num_channels and num_chan are provided, num_channels is used and num_chan is ignored.

class spikeinterface.core.ZarrRecordingExtractor(root_path: Union[Path, str], storage_options=None)

RecordingExtractor for a zarr format

root_path: str or Path

Path to the zarr root file

storage_options: dict or None

Storage options for zarr store. E.g., if “s3://” or “gcs://” they can provide authentication methods, etc.

recording: ZarrRecordingExtractor

The recording Extractor

class spikeinterface.core.BinaryFolderRecording(folder_path)

BinaryFolderRecording is an internal format used in spikeinterface. It is a BinaryRecordingExtractor + metadata contained in a folder.

It is created with the function: recording.save(format=’binary’, folder=’/myfolder’)

folder_path: str or Path
recording: BinaryFolderRecording

The recording

class spikeinterface.core.NpzFolderSorting(folder_path)

NpzFolderSorting is an internal format used in spikeinterface. It is a NpzSortingExtractor + metadata contained in a folder.

It is created with the function: sorting.save(folder=’/myfolder’)

folder_path: str or Path
sorting: NpzFolderSorting

The sorting

class spikeinterface.core.NpyFolderSnippets(folder_path)

NpyFolderSnippets is an internal format used in spikeinterface. It is a NpySnippetsExtractor + metadata contained in a folder.

It is created with the function: snippets.save(format=’npy’, folder=’/myfolder’)

folder_path: str or Path

The path to the folder

snippets: NpyFolderSnippets

The snippets

class spikeinterface.core.NumpyRecording(traces_list, sampling_frequency, t_starts=None, channel_ids=None)

In memory recording. Contrary to previous version this class does not handle npy files.

traces_list: list of array or array (if mono segment)

The traces to instantiate a mono or multisegment Recording

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency in Hz

t_starts: None or list of float

Times in seconds of the first sample for each segment

channel_ids: list

An optional list of channel_ids. If None, linear channels are assumed

class spikeinterface.core.NumpySorting(sampling_frequency, unit_ids=[])
class spikeinterface.core.NumpySnippets(snippets_list, spikesframes_list, sampling_frequency, nbefore=None, channel_ids=None)

In memory recording. Contrary to previous version this class does not handle npy files.

snippets_list: list of array or array (if mono segment)

The snippets to instantiate a mono or multisegment basesnippet

spikesframes_list: list of array or array (if mono segment)

Frame of each snippet

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency in Hz

channel_ids: list

An optional list of channel_ids. If None, linear channels are assumed

class spikeinterface.core.AppendSegmentRecording(recording_list, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)

Takes as input a list of parent recordings each with multiple segments and returns a single multi-segment recording that “appends” all segments from all parent recordings.

For instance, given one recording with 2 segments and one recording with 3 segments, this class will give one recording with 5 segments

recording_listlist of BaseRecording

A list of recordings


Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across recordings (default 0)

class spikeinterface.core.ConcatenateSegmentRecording(recording_list, ignore_times=True, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)

Return a recording that “concatenates” all segments from all parent recordings into one recording with a single segment. The operation is lazy.

For instance, given one recording with 2 segments and one recording with 3 segments, this class will give one recording with one large segment made by concatenating the 5 segments.

Time information is lost upon concatenation. By default ignore_times is True. If it is False, you get an error unless:

  • all segments DO NOT have times, AND

  • all segment have t_start=None

recording_listlist of BaseRecording

A list of recordings

ignore_times: bool

If True (default), time information (t_start, time_vector) is ignored when concatenating recordings.


Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across recordings (default 0)

class spikeinterface.core.SelectSegmentRecording(recording: BaseRecording, segment_indices: Union[int, List[int]])

Return a new recording with a subset of segments from a multi-segment recording.


The multi-segment recording

segment_indiceslist of int

The segment indices to select

class spikeinterface.core.AppendSegmentSorting(sorting_list, sampling_frequency_max_diff=0)

Return a sorting that “append” all segments from all sorting into one sorting multi segment.

sorting_listlist of BaseSorting

A list of sortings


Maximum allowed difference of sampling frequencies across sortings (default 0)

class spikeinterface.core.SplitSegmentSorting(parent_sorting: BaseSorting, recording_or_recording_list=None)

Splits a sorting with a single segment to multiple segments based on the given list of recordings (must be in order)


Sorting with a single segment (e.g. from sorting concatenated recording)

recording_or_recording_listlist of recordings, ConcatenateSegmentRecording, or None

If list of recordings, uses the lengths of those recordings to split the sorting into smaller segments If ConcatenateSegmentRecording, uses the associated list of recordings to split the sorting into smaller segments If None, looks for the recording associated with the sorting (default None)

class spikeinterface.core.SelectSegmentSorting(sorting: BaseSorting, segment_indices: Union[int, List[int]])

Return a new sorting with a single segment from a multi-segment sorting.


The multi-segment sorting

segment_indiceslist of int

The segment indices to select

spikeinterface.core.download_dataset(repo: str = 'https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data', remote_path: str = 'mearec/mearec_test_10s.h5', local_folder: Path | None = None, update_if_exists: bool = False, unlock: bool = False) Path

Function to download dataset from a remote repository using datalad.

repostr, optional

The repository to download the dataset from, defaults to: ‘https://gin.g-node.org/NeuralEnsemble/ephy_testing_data


A specific subdirectory in the repository to download (e.g. Mearec, SpikeGLX, etc) defaults to: “mearec/mearec_test_10s.h5”

local_folderstr, optional

The destination folder / directory to download the dataset to. defaults to the path “get_global_dataset_folder()” / f{repo_name} (see spikeinterface.core.globals)

update_if_existsbool, optional

Forces re-download of the dataset if it already exists, by default False

unlockbool, optional

Use to enable the edition of the downloaded file content, by default False


The local path to the downloaded dataset

spikeinterface.core.write_binary_recording(recording, file_paths=None, dtype=None, add_file_extension=True, byte_offset=0, auto_cast_uint=True, **job_kwargs)

Save the trace of a recording extractor in several binary .dat format.

Note :

time_axis is always 0 (contrary to previous version. to get time_axis=1 (which is a bad idea) use write_binary_recording_file_handle()

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor object to be saved in .dat format

file_path: str

The path to the file.

dtype: dtype

Type of the saved data. Default float32.

add_file_extension: bool

If True (default), file the ‘.raw’ file extension is added if the file name is not a ‘raw’, ‘bin’, or ‘dat’

byte_offset: int

Offset in bytes (default 0) to for the binary file (e.g. to write a header)

auto_cast_uint: bool

If True (default), unsigned integers are automatically cast to int if the specified dtype is signed

**job_kwargs: keyword arguments for parallel processing:
  • chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
    • chunk_size: int

      Number of samples per chunk

    • chunk_memory: str

      Memory usage for each job (e.g. ‘100M’, ‘1G’)

    • total_memory: str

      Total memory usage (e.g. ‘500M’, ‘2G’)

    • chunk_durationstr or float or None

      Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

  • n_jobs: int

    Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores

  • progress_bar: bool

    If True, a progress bar is printed

  • mp_context: str or None

    Context for multiprocessing. It can be None (default), “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only available on UNIX systems


Set the global path temporary folder.


Set the global dataset folder.


Set the global job kwargs.

**job_kwargs: keyword arguments for parallel processing:
  • chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
    • chunk_size: int

      Number of samples per chunk

    • chunk_memory: str

      Memory usage for each job (e.g. ‘100M’, ‘1G’)

    • total_memory: str

      Total memory usage (e.g. ‘500M’, ‘2G’)

    • chunk_durationstr or float or None

      Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

  • n_jobs: int

    Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores

  • progress_bar: bool

    If True, a progress bar is printed

  • mp_context: str or None

    Context for multiprocessing. It can be None (default), “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only available on UNIX systems

spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunks(recording, return_scaled=False, num_chunks_per_segment=20, chunk_size=10000, concatenated=True, seed=0, margin_frames=0)

Extract random chunks across segments

This is used for instance in get_noise_levels() to estimate noise on traces.

recording: BaseRecording

The recording to get random chunks from

return_scaled: bool

If True, returned chunks are scaled to uV

num_chunks_per_segment: int

Number of chunks per segment

chunk_size: int

Size of a chunk in number of frames

concatenated: bool (default True)

If True chunk are concatenated along time axis.

seed: int

Random seed

chunk_list: np.array

Array of concatenate chunks per segment


Distance between channel pairs

spikeinterface.core.get_closest_channels(recording, channel_ids=None, num_channels=None)

Get closest channels + distances

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to get closest channels

channel_ids: list

List of channels ids to compute there near neighborhood

num_channels: int, optional

Maximum number of neighborhood channels to return

closest_channels_indsarray (2d)

Closest channel indices in ascending order for each channel id given in input

dists: array (2d)

Distance in ascending order for each channel id given in input

spikeinterface.core.get_noise_levels(recording: BaseRecording, return_scaled: bool = True, method: Literal['mad', 'std'] = 'mad', force_recompute: bool = False, **random_chunk_kwargs)

Estimate noise for each channel using MAD methods. You can use standard deviation with method=’std’

Internally it samples some chunk across segment. And then, it use MAD estimator (more robust than STD)

recording: BaseRecording

The recording extractor to get noise levels

return_scaled: bool

If True, returned noise levels are scaled to uV

method: str

‘mad’ or ‘std’

force_recompute: bool

If True, noise levels are recomputed even if they are already stored in the recording extractor

random_chunk_kwargs: dict

Kwargs for get_random_data_chunks

noise_levels: array

Noise levels for each channel

spikeinterface.core.get_chunk_with_margin(rec_segment, start_frame, end_frame, channel_indices, margin, add_zeros=False, add_reflect_padding=False, window_on_margin=False, dtype=None)

Helper to get chunk with margin

The margin is extracted from the recording when possible. If at the edge of the recording, no margin is used unless one of add_zeros or add_reflect_padding is True. In the first case zero padding is used, in the second case np.pad is called with mod=”reflect”.

spikeinterface.core.order_channels_by_depth(recording, channel_ids=None, dimensions=('x', 'y'))

Order channels by depth, by first ordering the x-axis, and then the y-axis.


The input recording

channel_idslist/array or None

If given, a subset of channels to order locations for

dimensionsstr or tuple

If str, it needs to be ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’. If tuple, it sorts the locations in two dimensions using lexsort. This approach is recommended since there is less ambiguity, by default (‘x’, ‘y’)


Array with sorted indices


Array with indices to revert sorting

spikeinterface.core.get_template_amplitudes(waveform_extractor, peak_sign: str = 'neg', mode: str = 'extremum')

Get amplitude per channel for each unit.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

peak_sign: str

Sign of the template to compute best channels (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

mode: str

‘extremum’: max or min ‘at_index’: take value at spike index

peak_values: dict

Dictionary with unit ids as keys and template amplitudes as values

spikeinterface.core.get_template_extremum_channel(waveform_extractor, peak_sign: str = 'neg', mode: str = 'extremum', outputs: str = 'id')

Compute the channel with the extremum peak for each unit.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

peak_sign: str

Sign of the template to compute best channels (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

mode: str

‘extremum’: max or min ‘at_index’: take value at spike index

outputs: str
  • ‘id’: channel id

  • ‘index’: channel index

extremum_channels: dict

Dictionary with unit ids as keys and extremum channels (id or index based on ‘outputs’) as values

spikeinterface.core.get_template_extremum_channel_peak_shift(waveform_extractor, peak_sign: str = 'neg')

In some situations spike sorters could return a spike index with a small shift related to the waveform peak. This function estimates and return these alignment shifts for the mean template. This function is internally used by compute_spike_amplitudes() to accurately retrieve the spike amplitudes.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

peak_sign: str

Sign of the template to compute best channels (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

shifts: dict

Dictionary with unit ids as keys and shifts as values

spikeinterface.core.get_template_extremum_amplitude(waveform_extractor, peak_sign: str = 'neg', mode: str = 'at_index')

Computes amplitudes on the best channel.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

peak_sign: str

Sign of the template to compute best channels (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

mode: str

Where the amplitude is computed ‘extremum’: max or min ‘at_index’: take value at spike index

amplitudes: dict

Dictionary with unit ids as keys and amplitudes as values


class spikeinterface.core.BaseWaveformExtractorExtension(waveform_extractor)

This the base class to extend the waveform extractor. It handles persistency to disk any computations related to a waveform extractor.

For instance:
  • principal components

  • spike amplitudes

  • quality metrics

The design is done via a WaveformExtractor.register_extension(my_extension_class), so that only imported modules can be used as extension.

It also enables any custum computation on top on waveform extractor to be implemented by the user.

An extension needs to inherit from this class and implement some abstract methods:
  • _reset

  • _set_params

  • _run

The subclass must also save to the self.extension_folder any file that needs to be reloaded when calling _load_extension_data

The subclass must also set an extension_name attribute which is not None by default.

class spikeinterface.core.ChannelSparsity(mask, unit_ids, channel_ids)

Handle channel sparsity for a set of units.

Internally, sparsity is stored as a boolean mask.

The ChannelSparsity object can also provide other sparsity representations:

  • ChannelSparsity.unit_id_to_channel_ids : unit_id to channel_ids

  • ChannelSparsity.unit_id_to_channel_indices : unit_id channel_inds

By default it is constructed with a boolean array:

>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity(mask, unit_ids, channel_ids)

But can be also constructed from a dictionary:

>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_unit_id_to_channel_ids(unit_id_to_channel_ids, unit_ids, channel_ids)
mask: np.array of bool

The sparsity mask (num_units, num_channels)

unit_ids: list or array

Unit ids vector or list

channel_ids: list or array

Channel ids vector or list


The class can also be used to construct/estimate the sparsity from a Waveformextractor with several methods:

Using the N best channels (largest template amplitude):

>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_best_channels(we, num_channels, peak_sign='neg')

Using a neighborhood by radius:

>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_radius(we, radius_um, peak_sign='neg')

Using a SNR threshold: >>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_snr(we, threshold, peak_sign=’neg’)

Using a template energy threshold: >>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_energy(we, threshold)

Using a recording/sorting property (e.g. ‘group’):

>>> sparsity = ChannelSparsity.from_property(we, by_property="group")
class spikeinterface.core.ChunkRecordingExecutor(recording, func, init_func, init_args, verbose=False, progress_bar=False, handle_returns=False, gather_func=None, n_jobs=1, total_memory=None, chunk_size=None, chunk_memory=None, chunk_duration=None, mp_context=None, job_name='', max_threads_per_process=1)

Core class for parallel processing to run a “function” over chunks on a recording.

It supports running a function:
  • in loop with chunk processing (low RAM usage)

  • at once if chunk_size is None (high RAM usage)

  • in parallel with ProcessPoolExecutor (higher speed)

The initializer (‘init_func’) allows to set a global context to avoid heavy serialization (for examples, see implementation in core.WaveformExtractor).

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording to be processed

func: function

Function that runs on each chunk

init_func: function

Initializer function to set the global context (accessible by ‘func’)

init_args: tuple

Arguments for init_func

verbose: bool

If True, output is verbose

progress_bar: bool

If True, a progress bar is printed to monitor the progress of the process

handle_returns: bool

If True, the function can return values

gather_func: None or callable

Optional function that is called in the main thread and retrieves the results of each worker. This function can be used instead of handle_returns to implement custom storage on-the-fly.

n_jobs: int

Number of jobs to be used (default 1). Use -1 to use as many jobs as number of cores

total_memory: str

Total memory (RAM) to use (e.g. “1G”, “500M”)

chunk_memory: str

Memory per chunk (RAM) to use (e.g. “1G”, “500M”)

chunk_size: int or None

Size of each chunk in number of samples. If ‘total_memory’ or ‘chunk_memory’ are used, it is ignored.

chunk_durationstr or float or None

Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

mp_contextstr or None

“fork” (default) or “spawn”. If None, the context is taken by the recording.get_preferred_mp_context(). “fork” is only available on UNIX systems.

job_name: str

Job name

max_threads_per_process: int or None

Limit the number of thread per process using threadpoolctl modules. This used only when n_jobs>1 If None, no limits.

res: list

If ‘handle_returns’ is True, the results for each chunk process





spikeinterface.preprocessing.astype(recording, dtype=None)

The spikeinterface analog of numpy.astype

Converts a recording to another dtype on the fly.

For recording with an unsigned dtype, please use the unsigned_to_signed preprocessing function.

spikeinterface.preprocessing.average_across_direction(parent_recording: BaseRecording, direction: str = 'y', dtype='float32')

Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment

spikeinterface.preprocessing.bandpass_filter(recording, freq_min=300.0, freq_max=6000.0, margin_ms=5.0, dtype=None, **filter_kwargs)

Bandpass filter of a recording

recording: Recording

The recording extractor to be re-referenced

freq_min: float

The highpass cutoff frequency in Hz

freq_max: float

The lowpass cutoff frequency in Hz

margin_ms: float

Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect

dtype: dtype or None

The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used

filter_recording: BandpassFilterRecording

The bandpass-filtered recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.blank_staturation(recording, abs_threshold=None, quantile_threshold=None, direction='upper', fill_value=None, num_chunks_per_segment=50, chunk_size=500, seed=0)

Find and remove parts of the signal with extereme values. Some arrays may produce these when amplifiers enter saturation, typically for short periods of time. To remove these artefacts, values below or above a threshold are set to the median signal value. The threshold is either be estimated automatically, using the lower and upper 0.1 signal percentile with the largest deviation from the median, or specificed. Use this function with caution, as it may clip uncontaminated signals. A warning is printed if the data range suggests no artefacts.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be transformed Minimum value. If None, clipping is not performed on lower interval edge.

abs_threshold: float or None

The absolute value for considering that the signal is saturating

quantile_threshold: float or None

Tha value in [0, 1] used if abs_threshold is None to automatically set the abs_threshold given the data. Must be provided if abs_threshold is None

direction: string in [‘upper’, ‘lower’, ‘both’]

Only values higher than the detection threshold are set to fill_value (‘higher’), or only values lower than the detection threshold (‘lower’), or both (‘both’)

fill_value: float or None

The value to write instead of the saturating signal. If None, then the value is automatically computed as the median signal value

num_chunks_per_segment: int (default 50)

The number of chunks per segments to consider to estimate the threshold/fill_values

chunk_size: int (default 500)

The chunk size to estimate the threshold/fill_values

seed: int (default 0)

The seed to select the random chunks

rescaled_traces: BlankSaturationRecording

The filtered traces recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.center(recording, mode='median', dtype='float32', **random_chunk_kwargs)

Centers traces from the given recording extractor by removing the median/mean of each channel.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be centered

mode: str

‘median’ (default) | ‘mean’

dtype: str or np.dtype

The dtype of the output traces. Default “float32”

**random_chunk_kwargs: Keyword arguments for `spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk()` function
centered_traces: ScaleRecording

The centered traces recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.clip(recording, a_min=None, a_max=None)

Limit the values of the data between a_min and a_max. Values exceeding the range will be set to the minimum or maximum, respectively.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be transformed

a_min: float or `None` (default `None`)

Minimum value. If None, clipping is not performed on lower interval edge.

a_max: float or `None` (default `None`)

Maximum value. If None, clipping is not performed on upper interval edge.

rescaled_traces: ClipTracesRecording

The clipped traces recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.common_reference(recording, reference='global', operator='median', groups=None, ref_channel_ids=None, local_radius=(30, 55), verbose=False, dtype=None)

Re-references the recording extractor traces.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be re-referenced

reference: str ‘global’, ‘single’ or ‘local’

If ‘global’ then CMR/CAR is used either by groups or all channel way. If ‘single’, the selected channel(s) is remove from all channels. operator is no used in that case. If ‘local’, an average CMR/CAR is implemented with only k channels selected the nearest outside of a radius around each channel

operator: str ‘median’ or ‘average’
If ‘median’, common median reference (CMR) is implemented (the median of

the selected channels is removed for each timestamp).

If ‘average’, common average reference (CAR) is implemented (the mean of the selected channels is removed

for each timestamp).

groups: list

List of lists containing the channel ids for splitting the reference. The CMR, CAR, or referencing with respect to single channels are applied group-wise. However, this is not applied for the local CAR. It is useful when dealing with different channel groups, e.g. multiple tetrodes.

ref_channel_ids: list or int

If no ‘groups’ are specified, all channels are referenced to ‘ref_channel_ids’. If ‘groups’ is provided, then a list of channels to be applied to each group is expected. If ‘single’ reference, a list of one channel or an int is expected.

local_radius: tuple(int, int)

Use in the local CAR implementation as the selecting annulus (exclude radius, include radius)

verbose: bool

If True, output is verbose

dtype: None or dtype

If None the parent dtype is kept.

referenced_recording: CommonReferenceRecording

The re-referenced recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.correct_lsb(recording, num_chunks_per_segment=20, chunk_size=10000, seed=None, verbose=False)

Estimates the LSB of the recording and divide traces by LSB to ensure LSB = 1. Medians are also subtracted to avoid rounding errors.


The recording extractor to be LSB-corrected.

num_chunks_per_segment: int

Number of chunks per segment for random chunk, by default 20


Size of a chunk in number for random chunk, by default 10000


Random seed for random chunk, by default None


If True, estimate LSB value is printed, by default False

correct_lsb_recording: ScaleRecording

The recording extractor with corrected LSB

spikeinterface.preprocessing.correct_motion(recording, preset='nonrigid_accurate', folder=None, output_motion_info=False, detect_kwargs={}, select_kwargs=None, localize_peaks_kwargs={}, estimate_motion_kwargs={}, interpolate_motion_kwargs={}, **job_kwargs)

High-level function that estimates the motion and interpolates the recording.

This function has some intermediate steps that can be controlled one by one with parameters:
  • detect peaks

  • (optional) sub-sample peaks to speed up the localization

  • localize peaks

  • estimate the motion

  • create and return a InterpolateMotionRecording recording object

Even if this function is convinient, we recommend to run all step separately for fine tuning.

Optionally, this function can create a folder with files and figures ready to check.

This function depends on several modular components of spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.

If select_kwargs is None then all peak are used for localized.

The recording must be preprocessed (filter and denoised at least), and we recommend to not use whithening before motion estimation.

Parameters for each step are handled as separate dictionaries. For more information please check the documentation of the following functions:

  • :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.peak_detection.detect_peaks’

  • :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.peak_selection.select_peaks’

  • :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.peak_localization.localize_peaks’

  • :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.motion_estimation.estimate_motion’

  • :py:func:`~spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.motion_interpolation.interpolate_motion’

Possible presets:
  • nonrigid_accurate: method by Paninski lab (monopolar_triangulation + decentralized)

  • rigid_fast: Rigid and not super accurate but fast. Use center of mass.

  • kilosort_like: Mimic the drift correction of kilosrt (grid_convolution + iterative_template)

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be transformed

preset: str

The preset name. Default “nonrigid_accurate”.

folder: Path str or None

If not None then intermediate motion info are saved into a folder. Default None

output_motion_info: bool

If True, then the function returns a motion_info dictionary that contains variables to check intermediate steps (motion_histogram, non_rigid_windows, pairwise_displacement) This dictionary is the same when reloaded from the folder. Default False

detect_kwargs: dict

Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “detect” step.

select_kwargs: dict

If not None, optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “select” step. If None, the “select” step is skipped.

localize_peaks_kwargs: dict

Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “localize” step.

estimate_motion_kwargs: dict

Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “estimate_motion” step.

interpolate_motion_kwargs: dict

Optional parameters to overwrite the ones in the preset for “detect” step.

**job_kwargs: keyword arguments for parallel processing:
  • chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
    • chunk_size: int

      Number of samples per chunk

    • chunk_memory: str

      Memory usage for each job (e.g. ‘100M’, ‘1G’)

    • total_memory: str

      Total memory usage (e.g. ‘500M’, ‘2G’)

    • chunk_durationstr or float or None

      Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

  • n_jobs: int

    Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores

  • progress_bar: bool

    If True, a progress bar is printed

  • mp_context: str or None

    Context for multiprocessing. It can be None (default), “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only available on UNIX systems

recording_corrected: Recording

The motion corrected recording

motion_info: dict

Optional output if output_motion_info=True

spikeinterface.preprocessing.depth_order(parent_recording, channel_ids=None, dimensions=('x', 'y'))

Re-orders the recording (channel IDs, channel locations, and traces)

Sorts channels lexicographically according to the dimensions in dimensions. See the documentation for order_channels_by_depth.


The recording to re-order.

channel_idslist/array or None

If given, a subset of channels to order locations for

dimensionsstr or tuple

If str, it needs to be ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’. If tuple, it sorts the locations in two dimensions using lexsort. This approach is recommended since there is less ambiguity, by default (‘x’, ‘y’)

spikeinterface.preprocessing.detect_bad_channels(recording, method='coherence+psd', std_mad_threshold=5, psd_hf_threshold=0.02, dead_channel_threshold=-0.5, noisy_channel_threshold=1.0, outside_channel_threshold=-0.75, n_neighbors=11, nyquist_threshold=0.8, direction='y', chunk_duration_s=0.3, num_random_chunks=10, welch_window_ms=10.0, highpass_filter_cutoff=300, neighborhood_r2_threshold=0.9, neighborhood_r2_radius_um=30.0, seed=None)

Perform bad channel detection. The recording is assumed to be filtered. If not, a highpass filter is applied on the fly.

Different methods are implemented:

  • stdthrehshold on channel standard deviations

    If the standard deviation of a channel is greater than std_mad_threshold times the median of all channels standard deviations, the channel is flagged as noisy

  • mad : same as std, but using median absolute deviations instead

  • coeherence+psdmethod developed by the International Brain Laboratory that detects bad channels of three types:
    • Dead channels are those with low similarity to the surrounding channels (n=`n_neighbors` median)

    • Noise channels are those with power at >80% Nyquist above the psd_hf_threshold (default 0.02 uV^2 / Hz) and a high coherence with “far away” channels”

    • Out of brain channels are contigious regions of channels dissimilar to the median of all channels at the top end of the probe (i.e. large channel number)

  • neighborhood_r2

    A method tuned for LFP use-cases, where channels should be highly correlated with their spatial neighbors. This method estimates the correlation of each channel with the median of its spatial neighbors, and considers channels bad when this correlation is too small.


The recording for which bad channels are detected


The method to be used:

  • coeherence+psd (default, developed by IBL)

  • mad

  • std

std_mad_threshold (mstd)float

(method std, mad) The standard deviation/mad multiplier threshold

psd_hf_threshold (coeherence+psd)float

An absolute threshold (uV^2/Hz) used as a cutoff for noise channels. Channels with average power at >80% Nyquist larger than this threshold will be labeled as noise, by default 0.02

dead_channel_threshold (coeherence+psd)float, optional

Threshold for channel coherence below which channels are labeled as dead, by default -0.5

noisy_channel_threshold (coeherence+psd)float

Threshold for channel coherence above which channels are labeled as noisy (together with psd condition), by default 1

outside_channel_threshold (coeherence+psd)float

Threshold for channel coherence above which channels at the edge of the recording are marked as outside of the brain, by default -0.75

n_neighbors (coeherence+psd)int

Number of channel neighbors to compute median filter (needs to be odd), by default 11

nyquist_threshold (coeherence+psd)float

Frequency with respect to Nyquist (Fn=1) above which the mean of the PSD is calculated and compared with psd_hf_threshold, by default 0.8

direction (coeherence+psd): str

‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, the depth dimension, by default ‘y’


If the recording is not filtered, the cutoff frequency of the highpass filter, by default 300


Duration of each chunk, by default 0.3


Number of random chunks, by default 10


Window size for the scipy.signal.welch that will be converted to nperseg, by default 10ms

neighborhood_r2_thresholdfloat, default 0.95

R^2 threshold for the neighborhood_r2 method.

neighborhood_r2_radius_umfloat, default 30

Spatial radius below which two channels are considered neighbors in the neighborhood_r2 method.

seedint or None

The random seed to extract chunks, by default None


The identified bad channel ids

channel_labelsnp.array of str
Channels labels depending on the method:
  • (coeherence+psd) good/dead/noise/out

  • (std, mad) good/noise


For details refer to: International Brain Laboratory et al. (2022). Spike sorting pipeline for the International Brain Laboratory. https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/repro-ephys


>>> import spikeinterface.preprocessing as spre
>>> bad_channel_ids, channel_labels = spre.detect_bad_channels(recording, method="coherence+psd")
>>> # remove bad channels
>>> recording_clean = recording.remove_channels(bad_channel_ids)
spikeinterface.preprocessing.directional_derivative(recording: BaseRecording, direction: str = 'y', order: int = 1, edge_order: int = 1, dtype='float32')

Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment

spikeinterface.preprocessing.filter(recording, band=[300.0, 6000.0], btype='bandpass', filter_order=5, ftype='butter', filter_mode='sos', margin_ms=5.0, add_reflect_padding=False, coeff=None, dtype=None)

Generic filter class based on:

  • scipy.signal.iirfilter

  • scipy.signal.filtfilt or scipy.signal.sosfilt

BandpassFilterRecording is built on top of it.

recording: Recording

The recording extractor to be re-referenced

band: float or list

If float, cutoff frequency in Hz for ‘highpass’ filter type If list. band (low, high) in Hz for ‘bandpass’ filter type

btype: str

Type of the filter (‘bandpass’, ‘highpass’)

margin_ms: float

Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect

filter_mode: str ‘sos’ or ‘ba’

Filter form of the filter coefficients: - second-order sections (default): ‘sos’ - numerator/denominator: ‘ba’

coef: ndarray or None

Filter coefficients in the filter_mode form.

dtype: dtype or None

The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used

filter_recording: FilterRecording

The filtered recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.gaussian_bandpass_filter(recording: BaseRecording, freq_min: float = 300.0, freq_max: float = 5000.0)

Class for performing a bandpass gaussian filtering/smoothing on a recording. This is done by a convolution with a Gaussian kernel, which acts as a lowpass-filter. The highpass-filter can be computed by subtracting the result.

Here, the bandpass is computed in the Fourier domain to accelerate the computation.

recording: BaseRecording

The recording extractor to be filtered.

freq_min: float

The lower frequency cutoff for the bandpass filter.

freq_max: float

The higher frequency cutoff for the bandpass filter.

gaussian_bandpass_filtered_recording: GaussianBandpassFilterRecording

The filtered recording extractor object.

spikeinterface.preprocessing.highpass_filter(recording, freq_min=300.0, margin_ms=5.0, dtype=None, **filter_kwargs)

Highpass filter of a recording

recording: Recording

The recording extractor to be re-referenced

freq_min: float

The highpass cutoff frequency in Hz

margin_ms: float

Margin in ms on border to avoid border effect

dtype: dtype or None

The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used

filter_recording: HighpassFilterRecording

The highpass-filtered recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.highpass_spatial_filter(recording, n_channel_pad=60, n_channel_taper=0, direction='y', apply_agc=True, agc_window_length_s=0.1, highpass_butter_order=3, highpass_butter_wn=0.01)

Perform destriping with high-pass spatial filtering. Uses the kfilt() function of the International Brain Laboratory.

Median average filtering, by removing the median of signal across channels, assumes noise is constant across all channels. However, noise have exhibit low-frequency changes across nearby channels.

Alternative to median filtering across channels, in which the cut-band is extended from 0 to the 0.01 Nyquist corner frequency using butterworth filter. This allows removal of contaminating stripes that are not constant across channels.

Performs filtering on the 0 axis (across channels), with optional padding (mirrored) and tapering (cosine taper) prior to filtering. Applies a butterworth filter on the 0-axis with tapering / padding.


The parent recording


Number of channels to pad prior to filtering. Channels are padded with mirroring. If None, no padding is applied, by default 60


Number of channels to perform cosine tapering on prior to filtering. If None and n_channel_pad is set, n_channel_taper will be set to the number of padded channels. Otherwise, the passed value will be used, by default None


The direction in which the spatial filter is applied, by default “y”


It True, Automatic Gain Control is applied, by default True


Window in seconds to compute Hanning window for AGC, by default 0.01


Order of spatial butterworth filter, by default 3


Critical frequency (with respect to Nyquist) of spatial butterworth filter, by default 0.01


The recording with highpass spatial filtered traces


Details of the high-pass spatial filter function (written by Olivier Winter) used in the IBL pipeline can be found at: International Brain Laboratory et al. (2022). Spike sorting pipeline for the International Brain Laboratory. https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/repro-ephys

spikeinterface.preprocessing.interpolate_bad_channels(recording, bad_channel_ids, sigma_um=None, p=1.3, weights=None)

Interpolate the channel labeled as bad channels using linear interpolation. This is based on the distance (Gaussian kernel) from the bad channel, as determined from x,y channel coordinates.

Details of the interpolation function (written by Olivier Winter) used in the IBL pipeline can be found at:

International Brain Laboratory et al. (2022). Spike sorting pipeline for the International Brain Laboratory. https://www.internationalbrainlab.com/repro-ephys

recording: BaseRecording

The parent recording

bad_channel_idslist or 1d np.array

Channel ids of the bad channels to interpolate.


Distance between sequential channels in um. If None, will use the most common distance between y-axis channels, by default None


Exponent of the Gaussian kernel. Determines rate of decay for distance weightings, by default 1.3


The weights to give to bad_channel_ids at interpolation. If None, weights are automatically computed, by default None

interpolated_recording: InterpolateBadChannelsRecording

The recording object with interpolated bad channels

spikeinterface.preprocessing.normalize_by_quantile(recording, scale=1.0, median=0.0, q1=0.01, q2=0.99, mode='by_channel', dtype='float32', **random_chunk_kwargs)

Rescale the traces from the given recording extractor with a scalar and offset. First, the median and quantiles of the distribution are estimated. Then the distribution is rescaled and offset so that the scale is given by the distance between the quantiles (1st and 99th by default) is set to scale, and the median is set to the given median.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be transformed

scalar: float

Scale for the output distribution

median: float

Median for the output distribution

q1: float (default 0.01)

Lower quantile used for measuring the scale

q1: float (default 0.99)

Upper quantile used for measuring the

seed: int

Random seed for reproducibility

dtype: str or np.dtype

The dtype of the output traces. Default “float32”

**random_chunk_kwargs: Keyword arguments for `spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk()` function
rescaled_traces: NormalizeByQuantileRecording

The rescaled traces recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.notch_filter(recording, freq=3000, q=30, margin_ms=5.0, dtype=None)
recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be notch-filtered

freq: int or float

The target frequency in Hz of the notch filter

q: int

The quality factor of the notch filter

filter_recording: NotchFilterRecording

The notch-filtered recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.phase_shift(recording, margin_ms=40.0, inter_sample_shift=None, dtype=None)

This apply a phase shift to a recording to cancel the small sampling delay across for some recording system.

This is particularly relevant for neuropixel recording.

This code is inspired from from IBL lib. https://github.com/int-brain-lab/ibllib/blob/master/ibllib/dsp/fourier.py and also the one from spikeglx https://billkarsh.github.io/SpikeGLX/help/dmx_vs_gbl/dmx_vs_gbl/

recording: Recording

The recording. It need to have “inter_sample_shift” in properties.

margin_ms: float (default 40)

margin in ms for computation 40ms ensure a very small error when doing chunk processing

inter_sample_shift: None or numpy array

If “inter_sample_shift” is not in recording.properties we can externaly provide one.

filter_recording: PhaseShiftRecording

The phase shifted recording object


Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment

spikeinterface.preprocessing.remove_artifacts(recording, list_triggers, ms_before=0.5, ms_after=3.0, mode='zeros', fit_sample_spacing=1.0, list_labels=None, artifacts=None, sparsity=None, scale_amplitude=False, time_jitter=0, waveforms_kwargs={'allow_unfiltered': True, 'mode': 'memory'})

Removes stimulation artifacts from recording extractor traces. By default, artifact periods are zeroed-out (mode = ‘zeros’). This is only recommended for traces that are centered around zero (e.g. through a prior highpass filter); if this is not the case, linear and cubic interpolation modes are also available, controlled by the ‘mode’ input argument. Note that several artifacts can be removed at once (potentially with distinct duration each), if labels are specified

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to remove artifacts from

list_triggers: list of lists/arrays

One list per segment of int with the stimulation trigger frames

ms_before: float or None

Time interval in ms to remove before the trigger events. If None, then also ms_after must be None and a single sample is removed

ms_after: float or None

Time interval in ms to remove after the trigger events. If None, then also ms_before must be None and a single sample is removed

list_labels: list of lists/arrays or None

One list per segment of labels with the stimulation labels for the given artefacs. labels should be strings, for JSON serialization. Required for ‘median’ and ‘average’ modes.

mode: str

Determines what artifacts are replaced by. Can be one of the following:

  • ‘zeros’ (default): Artifacts are replaced by zeros.

  • ‘median’: The median over all artifacts is computed and subtracted for

    each occurence of an artifact

  • ‘average’: The mean over all artifacts is computed and subtracted for each

    occurence of an artifact

  • ‘linear’: Replacement are obtained through Linear interpolation between

    the trace before and after the artifact. If the trace starts or ends with an artifact period, the gap is filled with the closest available value before or after the artifact.

  • ‘cubic’: Cubic spline interpolation between the trace before and after

    the artifact, referenced to evenly spaced fit points before and after the artifact. This is an option thatcan be helpful if there are significant LFP effects around the time of the artifact, but visual inspection of fit behaviour with your chosen settings is recommended. The spacing of fit points is controlled by ‘fit_sample_spacing’, with greater spacing between points leading to a fit that is less sensitive to high frequency fluctuations but at the cost of a less smooth continuation of the trace. If the trace starts or ends with an artifact, the gap is filled with the closest available value before or after the artifact.

fit_sample_spacing: float

Determines the spacing (in ms) of reference points for the cubic spline fit if mode = ‘cubic’. Default = 1ms. Note: The actual fit samples are the median of the 5 data points around the time of each sample point to avoid excessive influence from hyper-local fluctuations.

artifacts: dict

If provided (when mode is ‘median’ or ‘average’) then it must be a dict with keys that are the labels of the artifacts, and values the artifacts themselves, on all channels (and thus bypassing ms_before and ms_after)

sparsity: dict

If provided (when mode is ‘median’ or ‘average’) then it must be a dict with keys that are the labels of the artifacts, and values that are boolean mask of the channels where the artifacts should be considered (for subtraction/scaling)

scale_amplitude: False

If true, then for mode ‘median’ or ‘average’ the amplitude of the template will be scaled in amplitude at each time occurence to minimize residuals

time_jitter: float (default 0)

If non 0, then for mode ‘median’ or ‘average’, a time jitter in ms can be allowed to minimize the residuals

waveforms_kwargs: dict or None

The arguments passed to the WaveformExtractor object when extracting the artifacts, for mode ‘median’ or ‘average’. By default, the global job kwargs are used, in addition to {‘allow_unfiltered’ : True, ‘mode’:’memory’}. To estimate sparse artifact

removed_recording: RemoveArtifactsRecording

The recording extractor after artifact removal

spikeinterface.preprocessing.resample(recording, resample_rate, margin_ms=100.0, dtype=None, skip_checks=False)

Resample the recording extractor traces.

If the original sampling rate is multiple of the resample_rate, it will use the signal.decimate method from scipy. In other cases, it uses signal.resample. In the later case, the resulting signal can have issues on the edges, mainly on the rightmost.


The recording extractor to be re-referenced


The resampling frequency

marginfloat (default 100)

Margin in ms for computations, will be used to decrease edge effects.

dtypedtype or None

The dtype of the returned traces. If None, the dtype of the parent recording is used.


If True, checks on sampling frequencies and cutoff filter frequencies are skipped, by default False

resample_recording: ResampleRecording

The resampled recording extractor object.

spikeinterface.preprocessing.scale(recording, gain=1.0, offset=0.0, dtype='float32')

Scale traces from the given recording extractor with a scalar and offset. New traces = traces*scalar + offset.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be transformed

gain: float or array

Scalar for the traces of the recording extractor or array with scalars for each channel

offset: float or array

Offset for the traces of the recording extractor or array with offsets for each channel

dtype: str or np.dtype

The dtype of the output traces. Default “float32”

transform_traces: ScaleRecording

The transformed traces recording extractor object

spikeinterface.preprocessing.silence_periods(recording, list_periods, mode='zeros', **random_chunk_kwargs)

Silence user-defined periods from recording extractor traces. By default, periods are zeroed-out (mode = ‘zeros’). You can also fill the periods with noise. Note that both methods assume that traces that are centered around zero. If this is not the case, make sure you apply a filter or center function prior to silencing periods.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to silance periods

list_periods: list of lists/arrays

One list per segment of tuples (start_frame, end_frame) to silence

mode: str

Determines what periods are replaced by. Can be one of the following:

  • ‘zeros’ (default): Artifacts are replaced by zeros.

  • ‘noise’: The periods are filled with a gaussion noise that has the

    same variance that the one in the recordings, on a per channel basis

**random_chunk_kwargs: Keyword arguments for `spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk()` function
silence_recording: SilencedPeriodsRecording

The recording extractor after silencing some periods


Converts a recording with unsigned traces to a signed one.

spikeinterface.preprocessing.whiten(recording, dtype=None, apply_mean=False, mode='global', radius_um=100.0, int_scale=None, W=None, M=None, **random_chunk_kwargs)

Whitens the recording extractor traces.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be whitened.

dtype: None or dtype

If None the the parent dtype is kept. For integer dtype a int_scale must be also given.

mode: ‘global’ / ‘local’

‘global’ use the entire covariance matrix to compute the W matrix ‘local’ use local covariance (by radius) to compute the W matrix

radius_um: None or float

Used for mode = ‘local’ to get the neighborhood

apply_mean: bool

Substract or not the mean matrix M before the dot product with W.

int_scaleNone or float

Apply a scaling factor to fit the integer range. This is used when the dtype is an integer, so that the output is scaled. For example, a value of int_scale=200 will scale the traces value to a standard deviation of 200.

W2d np.array

Pre-computed whitening matrix, by default None

M1d np.array or None

Pre-computed means. M can be None when previously computed with apply_mean=False

**random_chunk_kwargsKeyword arguments for spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk() function
whitened_recording: WhitenRecording

The whitened recording extractor

spikeinterface.preprocessing.zero_channel_pad(parent_recording: BaseRecording, num_channels: int, channel_mapping: Optional[list] = None)

Abstract class representing several a multichannel timeseries (or block of raw ephys traces). Internally handle list of RecordingSegment

spikeinterface.preprocessing.zscore(recording, mode='median+mad', gain=None, offset=None, int_scale=None, dtype='float32', **random_chunk_kwargs)

Centers traces from the given recording extractor by removing the median of each channel and dividing by the MAD.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor to be centered

mode: str

“median+mad” (default) or “mean+std”

dtype: None or dtype

If None the the parent dtype is kept. For integer dtype a int_scale must be also given.

gainNone or np.array

Pre-computed gain.

offsetNone or np.array

Pre-computed offset

int_scaleNone or float

Apply a scaling factor to fit the integer range. This is used when the dtype is an integer, so that the output is scaled. For example, a value of int_scale=200 will scale the zscore value to a standard deviation of 200.

**random_chunk_kwargs: Keyword arguments for `spikeinterface.core.get_random_data_chunk()` function
centered_traces: ScaleRecording

The centered traces recording extractor object


spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_noise_levels(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, **params)

Computes the noise level associated to each recording channel.

This function will wraps the get_noise_levels(recording) to make the noise levels persistent on disk (folder or zarr) as a WaveformExtension. The noise levels do not depend on the unit list, only the recording, but it is a convenient way to retrieve the noise levels directly ine the WaveformExtractor.

Note that the noise levels can be scaled or not, depending on the return_scaled parameter of the WaveformExtractor.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

A waveform extractor object.

num_chunks_per_segment: int (deulf 20)

Number of chunks to estimate the noise

chunk_size: int (default 10000)

Size of chunks in sample

seed: int (default None)

Eventualy a seed for reproducibility.

noise_levels: np.array

noise level vector.

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_template_metrics(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, metric_names=None, peak_sign='neg', upsampling_factor=10, sparsity=None, window_slope_ms=0.7)
Compute template metrics including:
  • peak_to_valley

  • peak_trough_ratio

  • halfwidth

  • repolarization_slope

  • recovery_slope

waveform_extractorWaveformExtractor, optional

The waveform extractor used to compute template metrics

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed template metrics, if they already exist.

metric_nameslist, optional

List of metrics to compute (see si.postprocessing.get_template_metric_names()), by default None

peak_signstr, optional

“pos” | “neg”, by default ‘neg’

upsampling_factorint, optional

Upsample factor, by default 10

sparsity: dict or None

Default is sparsity=None and template metric is computed on extremum channel only. If given, the dictionary should contain a unit ids as keys and a channel id or a list of channel ids as values. For more generating a sparsity dict, see the postprocessing.compute_sparsity() function.

window_slope_ms: float

Window in ms after the positiv peak to compute slope, by default 0.7


Dataframe with the computed template metrics. If ‘sparsity’ is None, the index is the unit_id. If ‘sparsity’ is given, the index is a multi-index (unit_id, channel_id)

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_principal_components(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, n_components=5, mode='by_channel_local', sparsity=None, whiten=True, dtype='float32', tmp_folder=None, **job_kwargs)

Compute PC scores from waveform extractor. The PCA projections are pre-computed only on the sampled waveforms available from the WaveformExtractor.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

load_if_exists: bool

If True and pc scores are already in the waveform extractor folders, pc scores are loaded and not recomputed.

n_components: int

Number of components fo PCA - default 5

mode: str
  • ‘by_channel_local’: a local PCA is fitted for each channel (projection by channel)

  • ‘by_channel_global’: a global PCA is fitted for all channels (projection by channel)

  • ‘concatenated’: channels are concatenated and a global PCA is fitted

default ‘by_channel_local’

sparsity: ChannelSparsity or None

The sparsity to apply to waveforms. If waveform_extractor is already sparse, the default sparsity will be used - default None

whiten: bool

If True, waveforms are pre-whitened - default True

dtype: dtype

Dtype of the pc scores - default float32

n_jobs: int

Number of jobs used to fit the PCA model (if mode is ‘by_channel_local’) - default 1

progress_bar: bool

If True, a progress bar is shown - default False

tmp_folder: str

The temporary folder to use for parallel computation. If you run several compute_principal_components functions in parallel with mode ‘by_channel_local’, you need to specify a different tmp_folder for each call, to avoid overwriting to the same folder - default None

pc: WaveformPrincipalComponent

The waveform principal component object


>>> we = si.extract_waveforms(recording, sorting, folder='waveforms')
>>> pc = st.compute_principal_components(we, n_components=3, mode='by_channel_local')
>>> # get pre-computed projections for unit_id=1
>>> projections = pc.get_projections(unit_id=1)
>>> # get all pre-computed projections and labels
>>> all_projections, all_labels = pc.get_all_projections()
>>> # retrieve fitted pca model(s)
>>> pca_model = pc.get_pca_model()
>>> # compute projections on new waveforms
>>> proj_new = pc.project_new(new_waveforms)
>>> # run for all spikes in the SortingExtractor
>>> pc.run_for_all_spikes(file_path="all_pca_projections.npy")
spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_spike_amplitudes(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, peak_sign='neg', return_scaled=True, outputs='concatenated', **job_kwargs)

Computes the spike amplitudes from a WaveformExtractor.

  1. The waveform extractor is used to determine the max channel per unit.

  2. Then a “peak_shift” is estimated because for some sorters the spike index is not always at the peak.

  3. Amplitudes are extracted in chunks (parallel or not)

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor object

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed spike amplitudes, if they already exist.

peak_sign: str
The sign to compute maximum channel:
  • ‘neg’

  • ‘pos’

  • ‘both’

return_scaled: bool

If True and recording has gain_to_uV/offset_to_uV properties, amplitudes are converted to uV.

outputs: str
How the output should be returned:
  • ‘concatenated’

  • ‘by_unit’

amplitudes: np.array or list of dict
The spike amplitudes.
  • If ‘concatenated’ all amplitudes for all spikes and all units are concatenated

  • If ‘by_unit’, amplitudes are returned as a list (for segments) of dictionaries (for units)

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_unit_locations(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, method='center_of_mass', outputs='numpy', **method_kwargs)

Localize units in 2D or 3D with several methods given the template.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

A waveform extractor object.

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed unit locations, if they already exist.

method: str

‘center_of_mass’ / ‘monopolar_triangulation’ / ‘grid_convolution’

outputs: str

‘numpy’ (default) / ‘by_unit’


Other kwargs depending on the method.

unit_locations: np.array

unit location with shape (num_unit, 2) or (num_unit, 3) or (num_unit, 3) (with alpha)

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_spike_locations(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, ms_before=0.5, ms_after=0.5, method='center_of_mass', method_kwargs={}, outputs='concatenated', **job_kwargs)

Localize spikes in 2D or 3D with several methods given the template.


A waveform extractor object.

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed spike locations, if they already exist.


The left window, before a peak, in milliseconds.


The right window, after a peak, in milliseconds.


‘center_of_mass’ / ‘monopolar_triangulation’ / ‘grid_convolution’


Other kwargs depending on the method.


‘concatenated’ (default) / ‘by_unit’

spike_locations: np.array or list of dict
The spike locations.
  • If ‘concatenated’ all locations for all spikes and all units are concatenated

  • If ‘by_unit’, locations are returned as a list (for segments) of dictionaries (for units)

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_template_similarity(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, method='cosine_similarity', waveform_extractor_other=None)

Compute similarity between templates with several methods.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

A waveform extractor object

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed similarity, if is already exists.

method: str

Method name (‘cosine_similarity’)

waveform_extractor_other: WaveformExtractor, optional

A second waveform extractor object

similarity: np.array

The similarity matrix

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_correlograms(waveform_or_sorting_extractor, load_if_exists=False, window_ms: float = 100.0, bin_ms: float = 5.0, method: str = 'auto')

Compute auto and cross correlograms.

waveform_or_sorting_extractorWaveformExtractor or BaseSorting

If WaveformExtractor, the correlograms are saved as WaveformExtensions.

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed crosscorrelograms, if they already exist.

window_msfloat, optional

The window in ms, by default 100.0.

bin_msfloat, optional

The bin size in ms, by default 5.0.

methodstr, optional

“auto” | “numpy” | “numba”. If _auto” and numba is installed, numba is used, by default “auto”


Correlograms with shape (num_units, num_units, num_bins) The diagonal of ccgs is the auto correlogram. ccgs[A, B, :] is the symetrie of ccgs[B, A, :] ccgs[A, B, :] have to be read as the histogram of spiketimesA - spiketimesB


The bin edges in ms

spikeinterface.postprocessing.compute_isi_histograms(waveform_or_sorting_extractor, load_if_exists=False, window_ms: float = 50.0, bin_ms: float = 1.0, method: str = 'auto')

Compute ISI histograms.

waveform_or_sorting_extractorWaveformExtractor or BaseSorting

If WaveformExtractor, the ISI histograms are saved as WaveformExtensions.

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed crosscorrelograms, if they already exist.

window_msfloat, optional

The window in ms, by default 50.0.

bin_msfloat, optional

The bin size in ms, by default 1.0.

methodstr, optional

“auto” | “numpy” | “numba”. If _auto” and numba is installed, numba is used, by default “auto”


IDI_histograms with shape (num_units, num_bins)


The bin edges in ms

spikeinterface.postprocessing.align_sorting(sorting, unit_peak_shifts)

Class to shift a unit (generally to align the template on the peak) given the shifts for each unit.

sorting: BaseSorting

The sorting to align.

unit_peak_shifts: dict

Dictionary mapping the unit_id to the unit’s shift (in number of samples). A positive shift means the spike train is shifted back in time, while a negative shift means the spike train is shifted forward.

aligned_sorting: AlignSortingExtractor

The aligned sorting.


spikeinterface.qualitymetrics.compute_quality_metrics(waveform_extractor, load_if_exists=False, metric_names=None, qm_params=None, peak_sign=None, seed=None, sparsity=None, skip_pc_metrics=False, verbose=False, **job_kwargs)

Compute quality metrics on waveform extractor.

waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor to compute metrics on.

load_if_existsbool, default: False

Whether to load precomputed quality metrics, if they already exist.

metric_nameslist or None

List of quality metrics to compute.

qm_paramsdict or None

Dictionary with parameters for quality metrics calculation. Default parameters can be obtained with: si.qualitymetrics.get_default_qm_params()

sparsitydict or None

If given, the sparse channel_ids for each unit in PCA metrics computation. This is used also to identify neighbor units and speed up computations. If None (default) all channels and all units are used for each unit.


If True, PC metrics computation is skipped.


Number of jobs (used for PCA metrics)


If True, output is verbose.


If True, progress bar is shown.

metrics: pandas.DataFrame

Data frame with the computed metrics


Get a list of the available quality metrics.


Get a list of the available PCA-based quality metrics.


Return default dictionary of quality metrics parameters.


Default qm parameters with metric name as key and parameter dictionary as values.


Low level



Legacy widgets

These widgets are only available with the “matplotlib” backend



class spikeinterface.curation.CurationSorting(parent_sorting, make_graph=False, properties_policy='keep')

Class that handles curation of a Sorting object.

parent_sorting: Recording

The recording object

properties_policy: str

Policy used to propagate properties after split and merge operation. If ‘keep’ the properties will be passed to the new units (if the original units have the same value). If ‘remove’ the new units will have an empty value for all the properties. Default: ‘keep’

make_graph: bool

True to keep a Networkx graph instance with the curation history

sorting: Sorting

Sorting object with the selected units merged

class spikeinterface.curation.MergeUnitsSorting(parent_sorting, units_to_merge, new_unit_ids=None, properties_policy='keep', delta_time_ms=0.4)

Class that handles several merges of units from a Sorting object based on a list of lists of unit_ids.

parent_sorting: Recording

The sorting object

units_to_merge: list of lists

A list of lists for every merge group. Each element needs to have at least two elements (two units to merge), but it can also have more (merge multiple units at once).

new_unit_ids: None or list

A new unit_ids for merged units. If given, it needs to have the same length as units_to_merge

properties_policy: str (‘keep’, ‘remove’)
Policy used to propagate properties. If ‘keep’ the properties will be passed to the new units

(if the units_to_merge have the same value). If ‘remove’ the new units will have an empty value for all the properties of the new unit. Default: ‘keep’

delta_time_ms: float or None

Number of ms to consider for duplicated spikes. None won’t check for duplications

sorting: Sorting

Sorting object with the selected units merged

class spikeinterface.curation.SplitUnitSorting(parent_sorting, split_unit_id, indices_list, new_unit_ids=None, properties_policy='keep')

Class that handles spliting of a unit. It creates a new Sorting object linked to parent_sorting.

parent_sorting: Recording

The recording object

parent_unit_id: int

Unit id of the unit to split

indices_list: list

A list of index arrays selecting the spikes to split in each segment. Each array can contain more than 2 indices (e.g. for splitting in 3 or more units) and it should be the same length as the spike train (for each segment)

new_unit_ids: int

Unit ids of the new units to be created.

properties_policy: str
Policy used to propagate properties. If ‘keep’ the properties will be passed to the new units

(if the units_to_merge have the same value). If ‘remove’ the new units will have an empty value for all the properties of the new unit. Default: ‘keep’

sorting: Sorting

Sorting object with the selected units split

spikeinterface.curation.get_potential_auto_merge(waveform_extractor, minimum_spikes=1000, maximum_distance_um=150.0, peak_sign='neg', bin_ms=0.25, window_ms=100.0, corr_diff_thresh=0.16, template_diff_thresh=0.25, censored_period_ms=0.3, refractory_period_ms=1.0, sigma_smooth_ms=0.6, contamination_threshold=0.2, adaptative_window_threshold=0.5, censor_correlograms_ms: float = 0.15, num_channels=5, num_shift=5, firing_contamination_balance=1.5, extra_outputs=False, steps=None)

Algorithm to find and check potential merges between units.

This is taken from lussac version 1 done by Aurelien Wyngaard and Victor Llobet. https://github.com/BarbourLab/lussac/blob/v1.0.0/postprocessing/merge_units.py

The merges are proposed when the following criteria are met:

  • STEP 1: enough spikes are found in each units for computing the correlogram (minimum_spikes)

  • STEP 2: each unit is not contaminated (by checking auto-correlogram - contamination_threshold)

  • STEP 3: estimated unit locations are close enough (maximum_distance_um)

  • STEP 4: the cross-correlograms of the two units are similar to each auto-corrleogram (corr_diff_thresh)

  • STEP 5: the templates of the two units are similar (template_diff_thresh)

  • STEP 6: the unit “quality score” is increased after the merge.

The “quality score” factors in the increase in firing rate (f) due to the merge and a possible increase in contamination (C), wheighted by a factor k (firing_contamination_balance).

\[Q = f(1 - (k + 1)C)\]
waveform_extractor: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

minimum_spikes: int

Minimum number of spikes for each unit to consider a potential merge. Enough spikes are needed to estimate the correlogram, by default 1000

maximum_distance_um: float

Minimum distance between units for considering a merge, by default 150

peak_sign: “neg”/”pos”/”both”

Peak sign used to estimate the maximum channel of a template, by default “neg”

bin_ms: float

Bin size in ms used for computing the correlogram, by default 0.25

window_ms: float

Window size in ms used for computing the correlogram, by default 100

corr_diff_thresh: float

The threshold on the “correlogram distance metric” for considering a merge. It needs to be between 0 and 1, by default 0.16

template_diff_thresh: float

The threshold on the “template distance metric” for considering a merge. It needs to be between 0 and 1, by default 0.25

censored_period_ms: float

Used to compute the refractory period violations aka “contamination”, by default 0

refractory_period_ms: float

Used to compute the refractory period violations aka “contamination”, by default 1

sigma_smooth_ms: float

Parameters to smooth the correlogram estimation, by default 0.6

contamination_threshold: float

Threshold for not taking in account a unit when it is too contaminated, by default 0.2

adaptative_window_threshold:: float

Parameter to detect the window size in correlogram estimation, by default 0.5

censor_correlograms_ms: float

The period to censor on the auto and cross-correlograms, by default 0.15 ms

num_channels: int

Number of channel to use for template similarity computation, by default 5

num_shift: int

Number of shifts in samles to be explored for template similarity computation, by default 5

firing_contamination_balance: float

Parameter to control the balance between firing rate and contamination in computing unit “quality score”, by default 1.5

extra_outputs: bool

If True, an additional dictionary (outs) with processed data is returned, by default False

steps: None or list of str

which steps to run (gives flexibility to running just some steps) If None all steps are done. Pontential steps: ‘min_spikes’, ‘remove_contaminated’, ‘unit_positions’, ‘correlogram’, ‘template_similarity’, ‘check_increase_score’. Please check steps explanations above!


A list of tuples of 2 elements. List of pairs that could be merged.


Returned only when extra_outputs=True A dictionary that contains data for debugging and plotting.

spikeinterface.curation.find_redundant_units(sorting, delta_time: float = 0.4, agreement_threshold=0.2, duplicate_threshold=0.8)

Finds redundant or duplicate units by comparing the sorting output with itself.


The input sorting object

delta_timefloat, optional

The time in ms to consider matching spikes, by default 0.4

agreement_thresholdfloat, optional

Threshold on the agreement scores to flag possible redundant/duplicate units, by default 0.2

duplicate_thresholdfloat, optional

Final threshold on the portion of coincident events over the number of spikes above which the unit is flagged as duplicate/redundant, by default 0.8


The list of duplicate units

list of 2-element lists

The list of duplicate pairs

spikeinterface.curation.remove_redundant_units(sorting_or_waveform_extractor, align=True, unit_peak_shifts=None, delta_time=0.4, agreement_threshold=0.2, duplicate_threshold=0.8, remove_strategy='minimum_shift', peak_sign='neg', extra_outputs=False)

Removes redundant or duplicate units by comparing the sorting output with itself.

When a redundant pair is found, there are several strategies to choose which unit is the best:

  • ‘minimum_shift’

  • ‘highest_amplitude’

  • ‘max_spikes’

sorting_or_waveform_extractorBaseSorting or WaveformExtractor

If WaveformExtractor, the spike trains can be optionally realigned using the peak shift in the template to improve the matching procedure. If BaseSorting, the spike trains are not aligned.

alignbool, optional

If True, spike trains are aligned (if a WaveformExtractor is used), by default False

delta_timefloat, optional

The time in ms to consider matching spikes, by default 0.4

agreement_thresholdfloat, optional

Threshold on the agreement scores to flag possible redundant/duplicate units, by default 0.2

duplicate_thresholdfloat, optional

Final threshold on the portion of coincident events over the number of spikes above which the unit is removed, by default 0.8

remove_strategy: str

Which strategy to remove one of the two duplicated units:

  • ‘minimum_shift’: keep the unit with best peak alignment (minimum shift)

    If shifts are equal then the ‘highest_amplitude’ is used

  • ‘highest_amplitude’: keep the unit with the best amplitude on unshifted max.

  • ‘max_spikes’: keep the unit with more spikes

peak_sign: str (‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’)

Used when remove_strategy=’highest_amplitude’

extra_outputs: bool

If True, will return the redundant pairs.


Sorting object without redundant units

spikeinterface.curation.remove_duplicated_spikes(sorting: BaseSorting, censored_period_ms: float = 0.3, method: str = 'keep_first') None

Class to remove duplicated spikes from the spike trains. Spikes are considered duplicated if they are less than x ms apart where x is the censored period.

sorting: BaseSorting

The parent sorting.

censored_period_ms: float

The censored period to consider 2 spikes to be duplicated (in ms).

method: str in (“keep_first”, “keep_last”, “keep_first_iterative’, ‘keep_last_iterative”, random”)

Method used to remove the duplicated spikes. If method = “random”, will randomly choose to remove the first or last spike. If method = “keep_first”, for each ISI violation, will remove the second spike. If method = “keep_last”, for each ISI violation, will remove the first spike. If method = “keep_first_iterative”, will iteratively keep the first spike and remove the following violations. If method = “keep_last_iterative”, does the same as “keep_first_iterative” but starting from the end. In the iterative methods, if there is a triplet A, B, C where (A, B) and (B, C) are in the censored period (but not (A, C)), then only B is removed. In the non iterative methods however, only one spike remains.

sorting_without_duplicated_spikes: Remove_DuplicatedSpikesSorting

The sorting without any duplicated spikes.

spikeinterface.curation.remove_excess_spikes(sorting, recording)

Remove excess spikes from the spike trains. Excess spikes are the ones exceeding a recording number of samples, for each segment.

sorting: BaseSorting

The parent sorting.

recording: BaseRecording

The recording to use to get the number of samples.

sorting_without_excess_spikes: Sorting

The sorting without any excess spikes.

spikeinterface.curation.apply_sortingview_curation(sorting, uri_or_json, exclude_labels=None, include_labels=None, skip_merge=False, verbose=False)

Apply curation from SortingView manual curation. First, merges (if present) are applied. Then labels are loaded and units are optionally filtered based on exclude_labels and include_labels.


The sorting object to be curated

uri_or_jsonstr or Path

The URI curation link from SortingView or the path to the curation json file

exclude_labelslist, optional

Optional list of labels to exclude (e.g. [“reject”, “noise”]). Mutually exclusive with include_labels, by default None

include_labelslist, optional

Optional list of labels to include (e.g. [“accept”]). Mutually exclusive with exclude_labels, by default None

skip_mergebool, optional

If True, merges are not applied (only labels), by default False

verbosebool, optional

If True, output is verbose, by default False


The curated sorting


Peak Localization

Sorting components: peak localization.

spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.peak_localization.localize_peaks(recording, peaks, method='center_of_mass', ms_before=0.5, ms_after=0.5, **kwargs)

Localize peak (spike) in 2D or 3D depending the method.

When a probe is 2D then:
  • X is axis 0 of the probe

  • Y is axis 1 of the probe

  • Z is orthogonal to the plane of the probe

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor object.

peaks: array

Peaks array, as returned by detect_peaks() in “compact_numpy” way.

method: ‘center_of_mass’, ‘monopolar_triangulation’, ‘grid_convolution’

Method to use.

arguments for method=’center_of_mass’
local_radius_um: float

Radius in um for channel sparsity.

feature: str [‘ptp’, ‘mean’, ‘energy’, ‘peak_voltage’]

Feature to consider for computation. Default is ‘ptp’

arguments for method=’monopolar_triangulation’
local_radius_um: float

For channel sparsity.

max_distance_um: float, default: 1000

Boundary for distance estimation.

enforce_decreasebool (default True)

Enforce spatial decreasingness for PTP vectors

feature: string in [‘ptp’, ‘energy’, ‘peak_voltage’]

The available features to consider for estimating the position via monopolar triangulation are peak-to-peak amplitudes (ptp, default), energy (‘energy’, as L2 norm) or voltages at the center of the waveform (peak_voltage)

arguments for method=’grid_convolution’
local_radius_um: float

Radius in um for channel sparsity.

upsampling_um: float

Upsampling resolution for the grid of templates

sigma_um: np.array

Spatial decays of the fake templates

sigma_ms: float

The temporal decay of the fake templates

margin_um: float

The margin for the grid of fake templates

prototype: np.array

Fake waveforms for the templates. If None, generated as Gaussian

percentile: float (default 10)

The percentage in [0, 100] of the best scalar products kept to estimate the position

sparsity_threshold: float (default 0.1)

The sparsity threshold (in 0-1) below which weights should be considered as 0.

**job_kwargs: keyword arguments for parallel processing:
  • chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
    • chunk_size: int

      Number of samples per chunk

    • chunk_memory: str

      Memory usage for each job (e.g. ‘100M’, ‘1G’)

    • total_memory: str

      Total memory usage (e.g. ‘500M’, ‘2G’)

    • chunk_durationstr or float or None

      Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

  • n_jobs: int

    Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores

  • progress_bar: bool

    If True, a progress bar is printed

  • mp_context: str or None

    Context for multiprocessing. It can be None (default), “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only available on UNIX systems

peak_locations: ndarray

Array with estimated location for each spike. The dtype depends on the method. (‘x’, ‘y’) or (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘alpha’).

Peak Detection

Sorting components: peak detection.

spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.peak_detection.detect_peaks(recording, method='by_channel', pipeline_nodes=None, gather_mode='memory', folder=None, names=None, **kwargs)

Peak detection based on threshold crossing in term of k x MAD.

In ‘by_channel’ : peak are detected in each channel independently In ‘locally_exclusive’ : a single best peak is taken from a set of neighboring channels

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor object.

pipeline_nodes: None or list[PipelineNode]

Optional additional PipelineNode need to computed just after detection time. This avoid reading the recording multiple times.

gather_mode: str

How to gather the results:

  • “memory”: results are returned as in-memory numpy arrays

  • “npy”: results are stored to .npy files in folder

folder: str or Path

If gather_mode is “npy”, the folder where the files are created.

names: list

List of strings with file stems associated with returns.

method: ‘by_channel’, ‘locally_exclusive’, ‘locally_exclusive_cl’, ‘by_channel_torch’, ‘locally_exclusive_torch’

Method to use.

arguments for method=’by_channel’
peak_sign: ‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’

Sign of the peak.

detect_threshold: float

Threshold, in median absolute deviations (MAD), to use to detect peaks.

exclude_sweep_ms: float or None

Time, in ms, during which the peak is isolated. Exclusive param with exclude_sweep_size For example, if exclude_sweep_ms is 0.1, a peak is detected if a sample crosses the threshold, and no larger peaks are located during the 0.1ms preceding and following the peak.

noise_levels: array, optional

Estimated noise levels to use, if already computed. If not provide then it is estimated from a random snippet of the data.

random_chunk_kwargs: dict, optional

A dict that contain option to randomize chunk for get_noise_levels(). Only used if noise_levels is None.

arguments for method=’locally_exclusive’
peak_sign: ‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’

Sign of the peak.

detect_threshold: float

Threshold, in median absolute deviations (MAD), to use to detect peaks.

exclude_sweep_ms: float or None

Time, in ms, during which the peak is isolated. Exclusive param with exclude_sweep_size For example, if exclude_sweep_ms is 0.1, a peak is detected if a sample crosses the threshold, and no larger peaks are located during the 0.1ms preceding and following the peak.

noise_levels: array, optional

Estimated noise levels to use, if already computed. If not provide then it is estimated from a random snippet of the data.

random_chunk_kwargs: dict, optional

A dict that contain option to randomize chunk for get_noise_levels(). Only used if noise_levels is None.

local_radius_um: float

The radius to use to select neighbour channels for locally exclusive detection.

arguments for method=’locally_exclusive_cl’
peak_sign: ‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’

Sign of the peak.

detect_threshold: float

Threshold, in median absolute deviations (MAD), to use to detect peaks.

exclude_sweep_ms: float or None

Time, in ms, during which the peak is isolated. Exclusive param with exclude_sweep_size For example, if exclude_sweep_ms is 0.1, a peak is detected if a sample crosses the threshold, and no larger peaks are located during the 0.1ms preceding and following the peak.

noise_levels: array, optional

Estimated noise levels to use, if already computed. If not provide then it is estimated from a random snippet of the data.

random_chunk_kwargs: dict, optional

A dict that contain option to randomize chunk for get_noise_levels(). Only used if noise_levels is None.

local_radius_um: float

The radius to use to select neighbour channels for locally exclusive detection.

opencl_context_kwargs: None or dict

kwargs to create the opencl context

arguments for method=’by_channel_torch’
peak_sign: ‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’

Sign of the peak.

detect_threshold: float

Threshold, in median absolute deviations (MAD), to use to detect peaks.

exclude_sweep_ms: float or None

Time, in ms, during which the peak is isolated. Exclusive param with exclude_sweep_size For example, if exclude_sweep_ms is 0.1, a peak is detected if a sample crosses the threshold, and no larger peaks are located during the 0.1ms preceding and following the peak.

noise_levels: array, optional

Estimated noise levels to use, if already computed. If not provide then it is estimated from a random snippet of the data.

devicestr, optional

“cpu”, “cuda”, or None. If None and cuda is available, “cuda” is selected, by default None

return_tensorbool, optional

If True, the output is returned as a tensor, otherwise as a numpy array, by default False

random_chunk_kwargs: dict, optional

A dict that contain option to randomize chunk for get_noise_levels(). Only used if noise_levels is None.

arguments for method=’locally_exclusive_torch’
peak_sign: ‘neg’, ‘pos’, ‘both’

Sign of the peak.

detect_threshold: float

Threshold, in median absolute deviations (MAD), to use to detect peaks.

exclude_sweep_ms: float or None

Time, in ms, during which the peak is isolated. Exclusive param with exclude_sweep_size For example, if exclude_sweep_ms is 0.1, a peak is detected if a sample crosses the threshold, and no larger peaks are located during the 0.1ms preceding and following the peak.

noise_levels: array, optional

Estimated noise levels to use, if already computed. If not provide then it is estimated from a random snippet of the data.

random_chunk_kwargs: dict, optional

A dict that contain option to randomize chunk for get_noise_levels(). Only used if noise_levels is None.

local_radius_um: float

The radius to use to select neighbour channels for locally exclusive detection.

**job_kwargs: keyword arguments for parallel processing:
  • chunk_duration or chunk_size or chunk_memory or total_memory
    • chunk_size: int

      Number of samples per chunk

    • chunk_memory: str

      Memory usage for each job (e.g. ‘100M’, ‘1G’)

    • total_memory: str

      Total memory usage (e.g. ‘500M’, ‘2G’)

    • chunk_durationstr or float or None

      Chunk duration in s if float or with units if str (e.g. ‘1s’, ‘500ms’)

  • n_jobs: int

    Number of jobs to use. With -1 the number of jobs is the same as number of cores

  • progress_bar: bool

    If True, a progress bar is printed

  • mp_context: str or None

    Context for multiprocessing. It can be None (default), “fork” or “spawn”. Note that “fork” is only available on UNIX systems

peaks: array

Detected peaks.

This peak detection ported from tridesclous into spikeinterface.

Motion Correction

class spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.motion_interpolation.InterpolateMotionRecording(recording, motion, temporal_bins, spatial_bins, direction=1, border_mode='remove_channels', spatial_interpolation_method='kriging', sigma_um=20.0, p=1, num_closest=3)

Recording that corrects motion on-the-fly given a motion vector estimation (rigid or non-rigid). This internally applies a spatial interpolation on the original traces after reversing the motion. estimate_motion() must be called before this to estimate the motion vector.

recording: Recording

The parent recording.

motion: np.array 2D

The motion signal obtained with estimate_motion() motion.shape[0] must correspond to temporal_bins.shape[0] motion.shape[1] is 1 when “rigid” motion and spatial_bins.shape[0] when “non-rigid”

temporal_bins: np.array

Temporal bins in second.

spatial_bins: None or np.array

Bins for non-rigid motion. If None, rigid motion is used

direction: int (0, 1, 2)

Dimension along which channel_locations are shifted (0 - x, 1 - y, 2 - z), by default 1

spatial_interpolation_method: str

‘kriging’ or ‘idw’ or ‘nearest’. See spikeinterface.preprocessing.get_spatial_interpolation_kernel() for more details. Choice of the method:

  • ‘kriging’ : the same one used in kilosort

  • ‘idw’ : inverse distance weighted

  • ‘nearest’ : use nereast channel

sigma_um: float (default 20.)

Used in the ‘kriging’ formula

p: int (default 1)

Used in the ‘kriging’ formula

num_closest: int (default 3)

Number of closest channels used by ‘idw’ method for interpolation.

border_mode: str

Control how channels are handled on border:

  • ‘remove_channels’: remove channels on the border, the recording has less channels

  • ‘force_extrapolate’: keep all channel and force extrapolation (can lead to strange signal)

  • ‘force_zeros’: keep all channel but set zeros when outside (force_extrapolate=False)

corrected_recording: InterpolateMotionRecording

Recording after motion correction


spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.clustering.find_cluster_from_peaks(recording, peaks, method='stupid', method_kwargs={}, extra_outputs=False, **job_kwargs)

Find cluster from peaks.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor object

peaks: WaveformExtractor

The waveform extractor

method: str

Which method to use (‘stupid’ | ‘XXXX’)

method_kwargs: dict, optional

Keyword arguments for the chosen method

extra_outputs: bool

If True then debug is also return

labels: ndarray of int

possible clusters list

peak_labels: array of int

peak_labels.shape[0] == peaks.shape[0]

Template Matching

spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.matching.find_spikes_from_templates(recording, method='naive', method_kwargs={}, extra_outputs=False, **job_kwargs)

Find spike from a recording from given templates.

recording: RecordingExtractor

The recording extractor object

method: str

Which method to use (‘naive’ | ‘tridesclous’ | ‘circus’ | ‘circus-omp’ | ‘wobble’)

method_kwargs: dict, optional

Keyword arguments for the chosen method

extra_outputs: bool

If True then method_kwargs is also returned

job_kwargs: dict

Parameters for ChunkRecordingExecutor

spikes: ndarray

Spikes found from templates.


Optionaly returns for debug purpose.


For all methods except ‘wobble’, templates are represented as a WaveformExtractor in method_kwargs so statistics can be extracted. For ‘wobble’ templates are represented as a numpy.ndarray.